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    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I know that papa Metzen is the heart of Warcraft voice acting, but we should really give credit to the guy who gave voice to Warcraft's most iconic villains + Uther (Michael McConnohie)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:17 PM PST

    For the love of baby Jesus, bring back dungeon rep tabards

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:36 AM PST

    I love this game but man the rep grinding is burning me out. I really enjoyed the Cataclysm model where you can buy a tabard at friendly or honored and grind out the rest of the rep in dungeons. It created fast ques in heroics and new characters geared up fast since the vets carried them through the dungeons.... Please bring it back

    Added** Everyone has some great ideas below on why this won't work or something that will. I'm not an expert but man there has got to be another way to address the ever increasing rep grinds and timegating concept.

    submitted by /u/raysupfan
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    Honestly Blizzard if you won't budge on account wide essences, can you budge on alternate ways to earn essences, ones that are more relevant?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:54 PM PST

    I'm thinking in 8.3 Corrupted Mementos you earn from Visions of N'Zoth are a great way to piggyback Essence and Rank Essence acquisition. It means you don't have to go to patch old content like Nazjatar and Mechagon reps while everyone is enjoying the latest 8.3 stuff. It also creates an alternate grind that lets people have options in case their essences are too grindy or just in content that isn't fun. They can also make say, killing N'Zoth give some Corrupted Mementos or killing N'Zoth week by week another shot at getting an essence.

    Keeping your players in the same patch is a pretty good goal.

    submitted by /u/cmentis
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    Behold! My Void Elf Monk by Eliz0r

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    When AV lasts long enough to get 1000 honorable kills in one game.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:20 PM PST

    Progress on my wife’s and my character! Now onto the details...

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:15 AM PST

    Goldshire is a strange place

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:41 AM PST

    I think this Alliance NPC finally figured out the Stromgarde Warfront was a neverending struggle and he was doomed to fight the Horde for eternity in this pocket Arathi universe where could be no final victory or peace. He refused to fight even when engaged by Horde NPCs.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    A perfect day

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 11:34 AM PST

    The True Lich King

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 10:16 PM PST

    My wife got my old challenge mode team commissioned for Christmas! I'm in the middle, the other two are my brothers.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:13 PM PST

    Strange box under Silvermoon?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:23 AM PST

    Every day I almost screw myself

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    Can we please get an "advertisement" chat channel?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 08:50 PM PST

    Can we please get an "advertisement" chat channel?

    As the title says, can we please get an "advertisement" channel in addition to "trade"? Trade chat has become the worst it has ever been. It's nothing but "WTS keys" "WTS raid carries" spam at a disgusting level. I cant even post a simple wts x item because of the constant key/raid spam paragraphs. (see below)

    What I am suggesting is adding a "advertisement" channel and then make WTS key/raid adds banned from trade. Make it so the person can be banned from trade channel if they continue to post in trade. I am beyond sick and tired of these ads. These people spam 24/7


    submitted by /u/jmaleksiewicz
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    [Speculation] Careful about having two accounts and deleting your data under GDPR.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:56 PM PST

    tl;dr: If you have multiple accounts, you must request data deletion for all of them, EVEN if they're totally unrelated in name / email, also, Blizzard seems to have a mechanism to re-attribute supposedly deleted data to new accounts you create.

    You take this as you want, it is 100% not my goal to slander Blizzard Inc. nor is it my intention to bring any damage to its interests, nor can I 100% say this is the truth, but here's what's happened, as I understand it from my lawyer, since I dealt with this in the past, it is 100% legal and very common for companies to do this:

    I tested and you can do so on your own, provided, it does take a good while. This is absolutely not a case of brute-forcing I had on my first account, nor is this a case of breach of security. The password on the point 1) account was randomly generated and long, it was never re-used.

    1. Make an account with a random name and random email. Login from the desktop client so that Blizzard can collect personal info such as HWID, etc.
    2. Make a secondary account, supposedly your main account where you'll do your activities. Request its deletion under GDPR. The extent of data collection is not known, given WARDEN is somewhat a mystery. Blizzard only says it sends back hashed windows names, but, let's face it, there's absolutely no way they can defeat cheaters so effectively with only that. There's definitely more collected and I wouldn't be surprised if they had a lot of data about you that is supposedly private.
    3. Wait for it to process.
    4. Create a new, completely, totally unrelated account with both email / name. You should now have 2 accounts, this new one and the one created on point 1). Both are different names and / or emails.
    5. You should now, or in a few hours, receive a login attempt on the account you created on point (1) saying that someone had accessed it. No one had accessed it, except the system. It seems that once the system detects that someone has came back to battle.net, it goes ahead and re-instates that person's identity to other emails it has detected that person had in the past.

    I deleted my battle.net account following an unjust action and didn't want to have anything to do with Blizzard's CS and this happened.

    If you have 2 accounts, understand that data points transfer to an account that's seemingly related to whoever Blizzard thinks you are.

    Proof: https://prnt.sc/qh0pjo - this is the email you get when someone successfully logs in to your account. This was on the account created at point 1 after I've created the account at point 4. The emails are from Blizzard 100%, they're not phishing.

    I have just checked login attemps for email used for account (1). There is no way to delete login history from hotmail, so, whoever would've logged on that email, I would've known -- there is no one that's logged in. Whoever logged on my account at point (1) has overwritten Blizzard's security mechanisms and successfully logged in without the verification code. As you can see, someone tried logging into my account, got the code, then they successfully logged in without ever putting that code in: https://prnt.sc/qh0t9h (descending order).

    All links, certificates were checked and are 100% of Blizzard's. This is not a scam email campaign.

    submitted by /u/skunkjohn
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    My brother is fighting pancreatic cancer and WoW is the thing keeping him happy and hopeful. He made his first video recently and I wanted to share it with you guys!

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:05 PM PST

    Arena PVP scaling and gear

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:25 AM PST

    hey, so how does the pvp in arena work in BFA, I don't have the slightest clue whether it scales based on my gear or not, haven't done arena since MoP

    submitted by /u/Biju02
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    Is there a website or addon that I can use to help me progress through things I am interested in? I am feeling super overwhelmed with all of the missed content

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 07:17 PM PST

    I have missed two expansion content completely - legion and WoD. Lets say I am interested in the following things in order of most to least importance.

    Modern raiding (e.g. 8.2), unlocking BFA flying, unlocking allied races, unlocking WoD/Legion flying, mounts, and titles.

    Is there a website, or even better an adon, that can let me know exactly what I need to do, where I need to go to get a specific mount, to get a specific title, to get a specific allied race?

    I want to use my time in WoW the most effectively, so if that means paying for Zygor or something like that -- if that will be the most efficient thing I can do with my time then I am down. Otherwise, I feel COMPLETELY overwhelmed from how much content there is and I dont know how much is crucial. As in if theres 50 world quests I have to do, should I do them all? should I only do the relevant ones? What about for gearing too, since I dont want to just be playing past content?

    submitted by /u/tingstodo
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    Blingtron is Bernard Black - Confirmed

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:46 AM PST

    Vulpera Allied Race Requirement Question

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 06:13 PM PST

    Hey dudes can you all answer something for me?

    The requirements for unlocking the Vulpera are exalted and the meta achievement secret of the sands...

    I have the meta achievement unlocked on my hunter but hes only 6k into honored on the reputation side. I have my main character who is 4k from exalted but does not have the meta achievement. Will I be able to unlock vulpera if I just get exalted with the character closest or do I need to unlock the meta achievement a second time as well?

    Thanks to anyone that can answer this!

    submitted by /u/GotADeepVoiceDude
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    Just out of curiosity, why does everyone hate Warlords?

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 12:01 PM PST

    This is long, also I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes in character and place names, I'm typing most of this from memory.

    I never got Draenor flying when I played through it, so I'm going back through it on my 425 DH, which I understand makes me biased because I have the double jump, the glide, and I'm also one-shotting almost everything. That being said, I love most of Draenor, and I loved it when I first played it too (I've played WoW on and off since it came out, but really got invested in it about six months after WoD was released. It's nowhere near as good as Legion, but I like it more than most of the expansions. BfA was a massive letdown for me.

    Walking into Draenor for the first time feels a bit like walking into Outland. You've been fighting kobolds, murlocs, various creatures, and enemy soldiers for a while, and now you're transported into a world where every monster is elite, massive, and completely alien to you. On the alliance side you're introduced to the tree elementals (I forget what they're called) and on the horde side the first monsters you see are those huge rylaks, which scared me a little even on my DH, even though I knew I could one-shot them. The first time I set foot in Gorgrond I was in awe of all the gigantic creatures and alien beings walking around the canyon. I didn't love Arak, but I did love the design of the evil Arakoa. When they first introduced allied races I was always hoping we'd get the Arakoa, but I think they did a good job replicating that look with the Zandalari druids. Shadowmoon is beautiful, but as a Horde player I don't think I really got the full experience.

    I love the Garrison system, it's far more interesting than the Order Hall systems in Legion and BFA, and to me it's always seemed kind of a no-brainer to let the player choose what kinds of buildings they'd like in their main city. The lack of an Auction House in Legion and BfA made what could have been a fun experience into a bunch of time where you're just standing around waiting for your hearthstones to cool down. The lumber mill was a very cool idea because it doesn't force you to play the game on a timer: if you're running out of garrison resources, you can just go out and pick up some more. If you have too many resources and you need to get some work done, you can just spend extra resources to instantly complete projects. Missions are typically between 30 minutes and 4 hours. The access to an ore mine and herb farm made crafting fun, and crafting has always been one of my favorite parts of the game. I feel like the expansions we've had since this have butchered this concept by turning it into a game of endless waiting. In BfA, most of my missions take 8-18 hours, so it becomes something to check daily vs something that actually feels like part of the game.

    I like that you can gear yourself to a decently high level (not optimal, but playable) without having to raid or run Mythics. I mostly play WoW for questing, for the story, and for in-world adventures. Raids and Mythics are a nice bonus, but I dislike that in the newer expansions they're absolutely necessary to progress your character, to progress the war campaign, or to craft reasonably effective items. When the Ashzara raid was first released it was speculated that it would take almost half a year of raiding constantly to be able to craft high level items, this has since changed but as someone who doesn't love raiding and I'm not very good at it, it seems like a way to force you to play the game in a way that they want you to play, rather than playing the way you like.

    Now, for the bad, the first thing I can think of is Karabor, which is beautiful but a huge waste of space. That could have been a capital city or a raid. Draenor Pathfinder is a bitch and a half, especially the rep grinding. Instead of grinding rep with all the factions we care about and have been playing alongside for the entire expansion, we're introduced to three new factions toward the end of the expansion, which can only be grinded via dailies and weeklies. To me this just seems like a time waster. That Saberstalkers grind is completely insane, and I can't even imagine how terrible it must have been to play it as a new lvl 100 toon. Lorewise, the story was a mess, and I still don't really understand the whole thing with the demons. We have demons as the big bad in Legion and in BC, and I understand part of the idea behind WoD was reintroducing Gul'Dan (2), but I also don't really get how that plays into the timeline.

    My favorite thing about Warlords (which, to be fair, is done much better in Legion) is the general vibe of what your character is responsible for. You're not just a 'soldier in the king's army', you're the commander of your own city. You're not fighting redshirts and enemy footsoldiers, you're fighting gods, sorcerers, and some of the most powerful orcs the game has ever introduced. This is one of the reasons it was difficult for me to get involved in earlier expansions: up until Pandaria it feels like your character is just a nobody fighting other nobodies while the 'big guys' wage war above your head. The Suramar campaign in Legion is the closest to what I've always wanted WoW to be.

    This was also the reason I couldn't get into BFA. Yes, you do get to fight Ashzara, a few powerful beings, and hopefully N'Zoth, but there's also the knowledge/vibe that after taking down Argus and imprisoning Sargeras, you're fighting witches and footsoldiers. We have allies like Malfurion, Tyrande, Sylvannas, all of whom have world-ending power and scoff at the idea of the void and the Nightmare, but are very freaked out by the idea of witches, blood trolls, and Ghunn. They still call you 'Champion' but you're not really in charge of anything, you're being sent on recon missions and killing factory workers and pirates. It feels like everything I couldn't stand about pre-Pandaria, revisited.

    Anyway, that's my two cents. Why do so many people love to hate Draenor?

    submitted by /u/medicalboy2069
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    Secret Fish Goggles

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:42 AM PST

    I couldnt find any information online or a way in game. Is it possible to get the Secret Fish Goggles on another character in the same account if youve done the achievment on another?

    submitted by /u/z-fly
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