• Breaking News

    Monday, December 2, 2019

    World of Warcraft (NA/EU) Gallywix Community Christmas Giveaway (Brutosaur, M+, Raids, Leveling & More!)

    World of Warcraft (NA/EU) Gallywix Community Christmas Giveaway (Brutosaur, M+, Raids, Leveling & More!)

    (NA/EU) Gallywix Community Christmas Giveaway (Brutosaur, M+, Raids, Leveling & More!)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:12 AM PST

    Hello /r/wow!

    We're the Gallywix Community, a huge community of WoW Players all over the world who arrange boost runs for all kinds of things that WoW has to offer! Over Christmas, we are arranging a giveaway of various things we do.

    We're back with another Christmas Giveaway! Some of you might remember our EU Giveaway from last year.

    Since then we've expanded and brought our services to NA, and this includes our giveaways and their prizes!

    What is Gallywix?

    Besides being the name of everyone's favourite Trade Prince, Gallywix is a Boosting/Sales Community - that means that we provide in-game carries and similar services for GOLD only. We take our legitimacy and clean record very seriously so it cannot be emphasized enough that everything we do is strictly gold only.

    Gallywix' players are all from the very top-end of WoW in their respective areas. They do runs and carries for us because they enjoy playing the game, and because they enjoy making gold - which they definitely need to tackle some of the toughest content in WoW! Regardless of where the gold comes from, we ensure that all of our members get paid in GOLD ONLY on the server that they want.

    3 Separate Giveaways

    We are arranging 3 separate giveaways this Christmas. One of them is on here on Reddit, and the two others are on Gleam.io and our Discord Server. You can find information on entering all 3 giveaways below!

    Gleam Giveaway Prizes

    Note: Everything here is for both Alliance and Horde, unless it is specifically noted as Horde only.

    • 1x Blizzard Store Mount or Pet, up to a value of $25/€25!
    • A Black Market Auction House-exclusive Toy up to a value of 500K Gold! (Flag of Ownership, Foam Sword Rack, Goblin Weather Machine & much more).
    • Freehold 110-120 Boost (<2 hours!)
    • 5x Mythic+10 Dungeon Runs
    • The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur! (Value: 5 MILLION Gold!)

    (Discord) Advent Calendar Prizes

    On top of the prizes above, every day up to December 25th we will reveal a new prize! These daily prizes range from Mythic+10-20, to pets, to TCG Mounts, Store Mounts & MUCH MORE! You can get access to this calendar on our Discord at the bottom of this post. Be sure to check back every day to see the new prizes, there will be 24 in total!

    Reddit Giveaway Prize

    A Mystery/Rare TCG Mount worth millions of gold!

    Wait, what's boosting all about?

    Boosting is simple - it allows you to reach milestones, rewards and content in the game that is not accessible to many players due to time and life constraints. It allows you to get the rewards of playing for many hours a day, but with much less time and effort than it would take to do it on your own.

    Even if these are boost runs, you will still be participating in the runs if you want to! In these runs you get to play alongside - not beneath - some of the best players in the world at what they do. You get to go toe-to-toe on the DPS meters with players from some of the best guilds and Mythic+ Teams in the world, including World First Guild <Method> and NA #1/World Second Guild <Complexity Limit>!

    How do I enter?

    To enter the Reddit giveaway:

    • Leave a top level comment 1 in this thread before Wednesday December 25th at Midnight EST
    • Your account must be at least 30 days old.
    • Your account must have positive karma in /r/wow and overall on reddit.
    • You must have some activity within the last 6 months in /r/wow.
    • You will need an active subscription on either European or North American Servers.

    To enter the Advent Calendar giveaways, join our Gallywix Community Discord Server, select your region (NA or EU) and you will be able to see the Xmas Giveaway Channel. Here, you will be able to see the Advent Calendar where new prizes will be announced each day leading up to Christmas.

    The prizes we listed above can be won through our Gleam Giveaway here!

    Our Twitter

    You can visit our Twitter here.

    submitted by /u/Azortharionz
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    Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
    That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting strangled by a Death Knight.
    Questions can range from what's new in Battle for Azeroth, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
    Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question. Afraid of not getting an answer? Rest assured, we know that at least 90% of questions get answered!

    You may want to look at /r/wownoob (Retail), or /r/AzerothNoob (Classic) as well!

    New to WoW? Start here! | Returning Player Guide | PvP with us! | Guide to Pet Battles | FAQ | Classic FAQ

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    TFW you return to BfA after a long time and this abomination is the first thing you see

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:22 PM PST

    Murloc (air dry clay) by me

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:04 PM PST

    Weigh in the Balance - Dark Legacy Comics #705

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:59 PM PST

    "B.O.B. do something!!" (art by Sparehorn)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 07:32 AM PST

    [ADD-ON] Queso (Retail & Classic)

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:26 AM PST

    Sally Whitemane and Aexstrasza Cosplay at DreamhackSE

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:19 PM PST

    A little story about robin williams.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 04:49 PM PST

    So I wont pretend to be a fan of world of warcraft, I didnt grow up with it (or any of it's spinoff and sequel games.) This being said my teacher was (she teaches theatre tech.) Now as many of y'all know, Robin Williams was a huge fan of world of warcraft, and Blizzard was a huge fan of him (I believe there are numerous tributes to him throughout the franchise.) My teacher was working at a pretty boring (I forget but it was either IBM or a retail store.) Anyway, her passtime after work was playing world of warcraft with an incredibly funny and kind man. She claims she mostly played with just him, but occasionally there would be a third member of their little crew. My teacher loved playing with the man so much that the two decided to start communicating over voice with oneanother. She would remark that he sounded familiar and he would respond with: "you have no idea how much I get that." They had been playing off and on for a few months, my teacher liked playing with the man so much that she would wait for him to get back from his long "work trips." The two became extremely close and would frequently share life secrets with one another, and talk with one another about many aspects of life. After a while of playing together the man said that he would no longer be playing the game due to some reason that I forgot. He askef her if he could send her a video for her to watch after their last game. She obviously said of course to the person she considered her close friend. After playing for another hour they finally said their goodbyes.

    Fastforward to my teacher recieving the video. It was robin williams sitting in front of the camera with a huge smile. His cheeks were puffed high and he had a massive grin on his face. He then said "yep. Its me." And thanked her for being such a good friend and refered to her by her username and her in person name.

    My teacher said she has never met someone kinder and funnier than he. And the story warms my heart. Just thought id share.

    submitted by /u/BlynntopianDescent
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    Now's the time to spam Blizzard with suggestions to make Essences account-bound.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:56 PM PST

    This isn't a novel suggestion, it has been extensively discussed in the community, but I think we shouldn't let up until 8.3 is out there, because now is the chance to make Blizz listen.

    8.3 is in the works, and will likely come out in January. Shadowlands has been announced and they have extensively talked about making the game more alt-friendly. Now's the time to take them up on their word and convince them to start with that not in 9.0, but in 8.3.

    The grind to 65 HoA is bearable, gear catchup is in place and with a guild you can skip many gear requirements anyway, but without Essences, you're essentially playing half a class, and you need the right essences to be remotely competitive.

    Essences are unlocked through scavenger-hunt type activities, as well as extensive rep or achievements usually time-gated to multiple weeks. Unlocking them once and leveling them up is actually kind of fun, especially once you have the core essences for your spec and you're just going for other specs. Doing it again on alts is a chore, when you just wanna get into the content you're doing on your main. This causes people to completely skip out on alts, probably more than those who are dedicated enough to grind on their alts.

    This could easily be fixed by making Essences account-bound. Add a vendor that sells the item that awards the essence once you've unlocked them initially, then you can send that item to your alts via mail. There, problem solved. It'd encourage people to grind out all the Essences they wouldn't normally use on their main and go for completion, and additionally make alts fun again, encouraging more activity out of players. And we know Blizz is all about that "player retention".

    The best we can do as the players is make Blizzard hear us, as many of us as possible. Whether they do anything about it is up in the air, but it doesn't hurt to try. If enough people do it, they might get the message.

    So, use the in game suggestion feature, or post in the official forums (if you dare go there). At least until 8.3 comes out. Maybe we'll get somewhere.

    submitted by /u/YameroReddit
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    "Magnificent." | Warbringers: Azshara Pixel Art by Wizardries

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:30 PM PST

    I found these two guys messing around with costumes and one was a human Rogue so I shot him with my turkey gun and spent the last five minutes laughing as the guy with the Yeti costume tried to eat the guy in the turkey costume lol this is also my first post so sorry if I did something wrong

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:43 PM PST

    Can we take a moment to appreciate how nice the tables look nowadays?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:03 AM PST

    The gardeners of Argent Dawn-EU have taken it upon themselves to plant more trees in the park.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:13 AM PST

    World of warcraft wrath of the lich king cinematic Intro 8k (Remastered with Machine Learning AI)

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:41 AM PST

    "The Buried Quest Giver" - MoP launch, 2012 colorized

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 08:45 AM PST

    My crown!!!!!!!!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:17 PM PST

    Questing in Ghostlands is so Old School. I love it!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 10:04 AM PST

    Undead anatomy: Is the bone protruding at an undead's shoulder part of his arm?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 06:55 AM PST

    She made it

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:56 AM PST

    Making and raising and alt - the good, the bad and the woons

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:45 PM PST

    Making and raising and alt - the good, the bad and the woons

    Playing healer/s for a long time. Mistweaver main, bit of Disc in Legion, then vanilla Resto Shaman before Classic but for Classic I rolled a mage for more fun and it was quite fun. But I was curious how retail mage and a DPS class compares to vanilla and like how retail healer experience differs from retail DPS experience. And so a mage was born, finally something to use BfA Boost on ;)

    This will be a short relation of getting a mage from 110 to 120 and then to some decent ilvl and trying to get a decent parse/optimize stuff to see how high the ceiling is.

    100% parse in Classic raid, colorized

    I created a mage, boosted to 110 with BfA old boost, then dumped some stuff from main and storage. I had one "undiscovered" mage legendary, bought another one (although without research only 1 can be equipped). Plus some war resources and benthic tokens - although those have to wait till 120.

    I started the initial quest path in Voldun but quickly moved away from that (I did that already etc...) so I've decided to do what often was used for leveling alts - island expeditions. Few normal ones per level with good queue timers. Also doing war campaign quest lines as they unlock.

    Normal dungeon queue nearly empty, Islands still alive

    At around 118 I could queue for Timewalking dungeons (with weekly quest at 120 -_-) which was a much quicker leveling and with trash gear doing war campaign at 118 wasn't that easy...

    • Normal/HC dungeons could be merged into a scaled timewalking-alike mode which would be good for leveling, catchup gear and getting to know the dungeons (TW gave ilvl 300 at 119 and 395 at 120 which is really nice for the needs). Plus more people in the queue.
    • Display post-fight summaries indicating how well you handled given mechanics and your class etc. Lots of people still don't know BfA dungeons while running M+ keys
    • Don't use hard cut-on M+ key values: +10 for weekly, +7 for essence etc. This makes keys below worthless and very few run them. Even one +10 or +15 is kind of meh. Maybe a bar that gets filled by amount dependent on key level and time? Legion had more AP and legendaries as well as... more fun!
    • Don't drop non-azerite gear for azerite slots in TW dungeons. The stats are wrong and I've seen few low-HP people due to that. 395 TW gear was super-inferior to 385 benthic piece.
    • Move magni neck unlock prior to Nazjatar maybe? As prior to that things like TW necks are way better :P

    ilvl progression day by day, first row - 120 before and after benthic

    World quests and the benthic gear are quite handy for catchup although when you need a trinket then either 5 WQs are up or zero. When you need a weapon you are screwed ;) some more consistency maybe?

    In the first M+ week I was trying to run M+7 in time after having like two lower runs - for the essence. However running M+7 in time was close to impossible - either no groups/no tanks or the groups failed spectacularly. Got an helping hand on the forums though and it was done. First weekly M+ box gave a nice upgrade. Managed to also get into a EP Normal PUG for 6 bosses which also drop few gear pieces, including 450 trinket :) The anniversary raid done before and after reset was also 2-3 pieces.

    This week being 4 x Dungeon one made PUG M+ way more active so I managed to run most dungeons on M+ somewhere below 10. TD and KR not really as very little keys there. Got into EP HC yesterday, still using 395 Timewalking wand... and managed to coin the sword from the fish!

    Final day by day ilvl progression. Time played on 120 - 2 days 11 hours

    As for DPS rotation/optimization I checked wowhead, icyveins and frosty youtubers and tried get most from what I have. Wowanalyzer for the logs which was very helpful - like shatter when you shatter you noob, cast this after a spike etc.

    Comet storm fun in dungeons and open world, has a bang to it. Blizzard and frostbolt feel weird, like main damage source in Classic mage where as just fillers/rotation proc-generators in retail. I'm still bit off with interrupt efficiency but slowly getting there...

    The results? Green parses at best.

    • 16,6k in Sethralis 9
    • 13,4k in Motherloode 7
    • 20,5k on Gorgonzolla HC
    • 18,4K on Ashvane HC

    Even if I remember and use CDs and stuff more or less acceptably for wowanalyzer there is a lot of things to improve - azerite traits, secondary stats, rotation practice (and stuff like correct distance for time-of-flight DPS). This: http://www.darklegacycomics.com/comics/704.jpg is quite true :D

    So if basics move your DPS somewhere on the edge of green parses then getting to blue/purple really needs a lot of practice and perfect execution. I expected it won't be easy but this highlights it even more. Even when there is 20 DPS queued for a M+ run doesn't mean there is 20 good DPS there but it's not easy to judge which of the 20 is good (and RIO can't really reflect skill/performance).

    When you wonder why your elemental isn't helping you quest...

    Good boy...

    Quite \"good\" summary after 1,5 week of trying to frost stuff...

    Right now not sure what I'll do with the mage. The amount of time and effort to make it work will be quit "high". If my guild comes back for 8.3 and it will actually work (instead of loosing more and more capable players every tier and 1-2 people online right now) then I'll likely do some late normal runs and keep my healer for the progression and M+ (getting that RIO takes time when PUGing everything).

    I put herbalism and mining on the mage so I could farm some stuff for gold making but still not doing that really. Not aiming at 5mil (WTS Riverbud 5 mil). Maybe I could put engi on MW for combat rez (wonder if it will work in Shadowlands too) and/or LW if it will be used in Shadowlands legendary crafting (doubt it but who knows).

    It's kind of odd that the game doesn't give a "place" for alts. There is no true alternative progression/leveling systems, no lowbie M+/farming alts "league" and constant problems like essences. Maybe with shadowlands something could change? We will get covenants but maybe also something more? Some ideas:

    • alternative progression/gearing (like based around faction/WQ gear and improving it; kind of like that banana trinket from WQs)
    • Instead of M+ weekly box allow to choose goals and rewards for a similar box - crafting, recipes, resources, rep.
    • use alts as an optional help in crafting legendaries, in in-game cinematics
    • share some world state with main (leveling quests, zones exploration etc if chosen so)
    • your alt doing something on behalf of your main to then aid him (faction/rep related etc).

    Someone got a trinket that can trigger people...

    43k of \"DPS\" from a healer is fun ;)

    How are your alt-experiences? What you like, would like to change?

    submitted by /u/riklaunim
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    Let us all have a moment to reflect on pieces of content never delivered.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:36 PM PST

    Since you guys liked my last post that explored the possible grittier customization options of playable humans (and alternate nations) for WoW: Shadowlands, here's a 4th pic I did and an exploration of an Alterac (Redemptionist) variant from that set, the "Stormblooded Sons of Humanity".

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:17 PM PST

    To alt or not to alt, that is the question

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:13 AM PST

    I recently started playing for the first time and just after finishing legion with my dk, I figured I'd boost a paladin after getting bfa. Now I'm stuck trying tofigure out what I want to play as. The pala feels new and fun while the dk got kinda boring with all of its specializations. I could just go on with the pally, but I really don't want to leave my main boi behind.

    submitted by /u/radboiiii
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