• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    As always, all PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    December Artists of the Month: Sturmbart and Ruslana Volichenko!

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:03 AM PST

    Welcome to our December Artist of the Month feature!

    We're very excited to have Sturmbart and Ruslana Volichenko contributing this month, and we hope you'll take a moment to check out what they've submitted! Their work will also be visible on the sidebar and on our Featured Artists wiki page throughout the month.

    Sturmbart - Zandalari troll druid

    Ruslana Volichenko - Elf

    A special thanks to a featured artist alumnus, MagicMarcy for producing this year's christmas banner for /r/wow. You can find her on Instagram and deviantART.

    Thanks to everyone who's made this feature a success during 2019. We'll be making an announcement about the future of this feature soon (tm).

    submitted by /u/Vusys
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    Honk honk at our local Target

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:43 AM PST

    the sky over shadowmoon valley (draenor) is so gorgeous

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:21 PM PST

    Blizzard pushing that furry agenda since WOD

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:14 PM PST

    Grizzly Hills music on the original instrument, the swedish nyckelharpa

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:37 AM PST

    Gallywix and his henchmen are burning documents while OG is sieged by Horde and Alliance

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 12:44 PM PST

    World of Warcraft - Fury of the Sunwell Remastered (WoW Cinematic)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:30 AM PST

    The adventures of a lonely Pepe

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Elephant in the 8.3 room: account wide essence unlocking (or lack thereof)

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 07:36 AM PST

    This seems like such a glaring issue, that I'm a little puzzled why Blizzard hasn't addressed this at all for 8.3 (beyond them going on record and saying that there will not be account wide essence unlocks).

    Most of the people I've recently talked to have stopped playing, or play less as a direct result of the essence grind and time-gating to even be remotely competitive on 120 alts. All of this in an expansion with a key feature being alts (allied races).

    How do you people feel about the grind on alts, if you've already done it on one char?
    Should it be turned account wide, or at least sped up / simplified on the next?

    submitted by /u/iamShorteh
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    My little human druid

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:04 PM PST

    My little human druid

    Today my human druid(never got bitten) Mithru hit level 100. I'm very happy atm and I'm posing next to prince Liam. I miss him. I hope that I can continue my adventure to level 120 without any DCs(since any DC or Logout at the wrong location can ruin my human druid run)

    Just wanted to share, hope everyone has a good time in World of Warcraft too. :D

    Edit: Wow this blew up over night! I'll try to answer your questions.

    So here's how I did it: When you first create your Worgen and log in, don't accept any quests and use your hearthstone once. DON'T throw it away as in the escape from Gilneas run. Release yourself next to the two carts in this area. You'll get teleported to the cathedral graveyard, resurrect at the Spirit Healer. There on you have two options, forever stay in Gilneas or use the standard route to escape it.

    If you decide to "flee": Never log out outside of the starting zone, use your hearthstone to get back. A single disconnect can however ruin that run and it replaces your hearthstone - and you are a Worgen then, even on level 1. If you are outside of Gilneas you can level like normal in the zones you like, for example in Northshire. The only thing you are restricted of are dungeons and battlegrounds, you will never be able to attend those via the dungeon- or battleground browser. As I said, if you want to log out, teleport back first! As a druid you have it more convenient at level 14, there you can just teleport to Moonglade and don't have to swim across the ocean every single time.

    If you decide to stay: You can log out anywhere in the starting zone, don't worry. You can level via killing NPCs that scale up to level 21. On the northern part of Gilneas there are deers that scale, on the southern part spiders, turtles and Crocolisks. In the southern town there are also some neutral Worgen NPCs to kill but those don't scale and stay at level 7 (Fun fact: They use the old Worgen model).

    Another fun fact: You can't fly in this zone.

    Happy twinking everyone! \o/

    For Gilneas!

    submitted by /u/Schattenfang
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    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 03:58 AM PST

    Nice screenshot I grabbed while flying around doing dailies

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:08 PM PST

    On Sunday, Dec 1, the Pilgrim's Bounty and Darkmoon Faire buffs will overlap for one day for a potential +35% to rep gains.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 01:11 PM PST

    If you're looking to squeeze out some extra rep for a character, whether it's from emissaries or older tokens or whatever, you can get an extra +35% rep on Sunday from Pilgrim's Bounty + DMF + the 15th anniversary buff.

    Pilgrim's Bounty ends Monday morning, so get your buffs while it lasts!

    submitted by /u/Slugggo
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    Throwback to the Legion launch event

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:20 PM PST

    Fresh 120 gear guide

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 05:00 AM PST

    I saw a lot of people posting about how to gear their new 120s so here ya go. This post will cover how a fresh 120 can acquire gear. Before I start, with the coming of 8.3 there will be catch up gear that starts at ilvl 400 so some of these will be irrelevant soon. There are shortcuts depending on how much gold, time and if you have a group of friends.

    This is free solo content. All world quest / emissary quests scale as your ilvl goes up.

    1. Open up world quests – The non azerite gear will scale to 390 and can titanforge to 420. The azerite pieces stop at 400 I think.
    2. Emissary quests – These are the 4 you do in a particular zone once a day. The azerite armor can scale up to 415 with caches for other pieces up to 420 including weapons.
    3. Invasions- These happen every 11 hours and stay for 6. A timer can be found https://wow.gameinfo.io/bfa-invasions . Do these in warmode for conquest points. First conquest bar fill is a 410 WEAPON.
    4. Open up Naz / Mechagon – The gear you get from the pearls you farm from dailies, mobs, bosses etc, can be traded in for every piece but weapons that can be upgraded till 425. Some Naz pieces can proc gem slots and some are actually BIS for raiding EP. Mobs / dailies have a chance to drop the base line gear 385. I would suggest obtaining the Azerite pieces first and upgrading them to 400. Azerite gear and weapons will be your biggest damage / tanking / healing upgrades.
    5. RaidFinder – I think you need 370 to que for the lowest raid. Join all of them, kindly WHISPER people for gear if it looks like they don't need it. Kind whispers go along way .
    6. Warfronts – They happen on a two week rotation-ish and last for a week. There is normal / heroic Stromgarde (400/430 reward) and normal darkshore (400 reward). If Stromgarde is up you can do the Darkshore world boss that drops 400 ilvl gear.
    7. PvP - The very first conquest bar fill is a 410 WEAPON. You can do normal bg ques. 1600 arena rating gives you a 430 piece of gear in your pvp chest on reset. Filling the bar will then give you 415 gear for about 11 bar fills then move up to a 430 weapon and 430 pieces.
    8. Weeklies – you can pick up weekly quests in your dungeon journal. PvP and PvE content cycles per week. They usually give 400 – 430 gear on completion depending on the week.
    9. Brawls – I think bi-weekly rotating pvp maps that you can que for in group finder. Give out 400 ilvl items on completion. Journal will also have these quests.

    This section requires friends / guildmates / or gold. If your class can Tank / Heal I would suggest trying the specs because you can get into groups easier and faster. Making all of the grinds exponentially quicker. DPS ques for raidfinder are upwards of an hour or two. Tank and healer ques are almost instant.

    1. Auction House - Obviously duh but you can buy 370 gear. Making everything above a little easier. I wouldn't buy any of the higher ilvl ( 440+ ) stuff unless you have tons of money or its cheap. Most of that gear will be replaced in the coming month.
    2. Mythics – Start at what ever level you feel comfortable. Mythic 0s drop 400 gear and can titanforge up to 430. Azerite pieces from M0 are a solid 400 and can't titanforge.
    3. Buy or get a Mythic 10 done. 430 gear drops end of dungeon chest and 440+ on reset. The higher the mythic you do at the end of the week the more Titanium Residuum you get on Tuesday reset. Residuum is used to buy Azerite pieces. If you get a 10 done, on reset you'll have enough residuum to get 2 heroic level pieces from the vendor. Residuum guide https://www.wowhead.com/guides/azerite-armor-guide
    4. Do a Normal Eternal Palace and politely whisper people for drops.
    5. Do a Heroic Eternal Palace. If you are straight dps your chances of getting in with low ilvl are small. Bring a friend or roll swap. You can buy 2 reroll tokens a week. I would horde them until you can run content that drops a baseline of 430 gear for cost efficiency.
    6. PvP- Going to repost this here as well. 1600 arena rating is very easy to acquire and can be done in 2's ques. 1600 is another heroic piece, residuum and essences. You need to have filled one entire conquest bar ( 500 points ) that week and done at least one arena match to acquire gear from the pvp chest. Conquest is acquired through most pvp with bonuses on first wins for every type of pvp match. You can also acquire conquest from doing invasion quests with war mode on and chests that drop from the sky on random timers through out every BFA zone.

    Essences, Azerite, other helpful sites.

    1. Azerite is passive drops from pretty much any activity in the game. This affects your necklace. The higher your neck the more Essences you can put into them stacking to 1 major essence and 3 minor. The best in slot essences and what they do can be found on the list below. The higher your azerite level the more slots you can unlock on your azerite gear. Essences are small character buffs obtained from every aspect of the game that you upload to your neck.

    2. https://bloodmallet.com/ - List sims for your classes theoretical best in slot. Its not the word of god but it will give you something to work towards.

    3. https://banishsoul.com/ - Lists popular traits, essences, builds for pvp and pve.

    4. https://www.askmrrobot.com/ - can help you determine what pieces of gear are better for your toon at the moment. You do need an addon in game that can be found at https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/askmrrobot Not the word of god but gives you and idea. Residuum can be gathered from Tuesday reset pve and pvp chests and can be obtained via disenchanting or scrapping azerite armor pieces and island maps.

    5. Islands - HUGE source of Azerite. After filling the azerite bar you will get a special quest at your "garrison" table that can proc gold / ap / mog items / residuum / pets.

    Edit Edit: I thought it might be helpful to add a list of what I would do in the first week of a fresh toon.

    Under the assumption I have little to no gold, playing solo, no alts etc I would do the following

    1. Fill my conquest bar for the 410 weapon in pug bg ques.
    2. Do world quests / invasions in warmode while waiting.
    3. Open Naz and farm everything there for pearls and gear.
    4. Do normal EP.
    5. A week of this and you'll be sitting around 420 +. This will help scale your world / emissary quests. Run mythics and keep advancing my gear via mythics till i can get accepted into heroic EP.
    6. Fill in with warfronts, invasions, random pvp drops, conquest bar drops, world boss drops.
    submitted by /u/jackthedogo
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    Uhh what...?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:37 PM PST

    Not very motivated to save them...

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:07 PM PST

    [ART] Lilyana - by me!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 10:53 AM PST

    Returning player - questions about Legion and BfA

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:13 AM PST

    Returning player here, I created a DH and I'm having such a blast with it that I want to experience Legion to the fullest. However, it seems that some quest rewards are greyed (and sell for 50g?). I've also heard something about artifacts being not able to progress anymore. Hence my questions:

    1) What can and what can't be done atm in Legion?

    2) What's the best way to experience Legion now with a DH? Any tips or suggestion?

    3) BfA question: I boosted my former main to 120 with the SL preorder (to get the anniversary mount in time) , but I'm completely lost about where I am in the storyline, not having played BfA before. Where should I start? Is there anything story wise already completed for me? Any suggestions to enjoy the storyline?

    Any insight will be very valued, thanks!

    submitted by /u/Lithrac
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    Lady Jaina [JCTheDawn]

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:13 AM PST

    Is there any resource for data on transmogs? Particularly how many people hide shoulders?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 03:10 AM PST

    An age old question.....for the Alliance? Or for the Horde!!

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 02:01 PM PST

    Karazhan chess event loot bugged

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 08:54 PM PST

    I've ran karazhan on 6 toons now, and haven't been able to loot the chest from the chess event every single time. It's a bit frustrating considering it's the only encounter I still need xmogs from in the entire raid. Anyone know why it does this?

    submitted by /u/master_chef_24
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    First time getting to level 120, are there anyways to get enough gold for a token right after hitting 120? Retail

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 02:16 AM PST

    This is my first time getting to level 120 so I'd like to know if there are anyways to get enough gold for a token now, I get that if there are any I'll have to grind it out but that shouldn't be a problem.

    submitted by /u/YeziiiHO
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