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    Sunday, May 17, 2020

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    All PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

    Be sure to check out r/worldofpvp and other PvP Discords. If you want to watch PvP Streamers, check out this great list - or RBG Streamers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    The true hero we deserve to be reunited with in Shadowlands

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:43 PM PDT

    Returned to “serious” WoW playing after a ten year break, hit 120 in early April. Finally grinded out BFA Pathfinder and another epic achievement (along with 4 others at the same time) Haven’t felt this satisfied with WoW since raiding ICC in 2010.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Orgrimmar by Stanton Feng

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    So, about these Torghast "torments"...

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:06 PM PDT

    A turtle made it to the water!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    My Unholy DK. Commission by Julien_Black on Fiverr.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:21 PM PDT

    I was just doing the Horde War campaign on my alt and saw that Mekkatorque had a P.L.O.T. Armor all the time

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:51 AM PDT

    Torghast Torments: Ironically, An Utter Waste of Time

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    A day at the beach.

    Posted: 17 May 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Blood Elf by Warmics Mario Vazquez

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:29 AM PDT

    Visuals for (most) Class Covenant Abilities on Alpha

    Posted: 16 May 2020 07:46 PM PDT

    Since I know people enjoy these, here are some of the class covenant abilities I've tested so far on the alpha here. Currently paladin, DK, and rogue aren't testable in Torghast, and I haven't been able to get good ones for Monk.

    Warrior: Necrolord, Night Fae, Kyrian

    Hunter: Necrolord (WIP), Night Fae pt 1 and Night Fae pt 2, Kyrian, Venthyr

    Mage: Necrolord (ignore the acorns), Night Fae, Kyrian, Venthyr

    Priest: Necrolord, Night Fae, Kyrian

    Druid: Night Fae, Kyrian, Venthyr

    Warlock: Necrolord, Night Fae, Kyrian

    Shaman: Night Fae, Venthyr

    Demon Hunter: Necrolord pt 1 and Necrolord pt 2, Night Fae, Venthyr

    submitted by /u/Utigarde
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    Anyone else worried that there is way too much focus on Torghast and not on other forms of gameplay in Shadowlands?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:47 PM PDT

    I've heard practically nothing on raiding, mythic+, pvp etc all I ever hear people talk about or even give feedback on is Torghast. This worries me because as fun as Torghast might eventually be it is not the reason and will not be the reason people play wow or continue to play wow in the future.

    BFA had so many massive issues from class design, class clunk, GCD, PVP being generally horrible, gearing etc. Yet I've heard very little feed back from blizzard about these pvp for example all I've heard is that they are giving people a vendor for gear that will ultimately be worse than mythic + and raid gear. On the other hand I've heard a lot of information about Torghast from Blizzard. At the same time content creators and people who have access to beta only talk about Torghast and never actively talk about or give feed back for other aspects of the game that really need changes or fixes. Either way Torghast is one small part of an expansion that's gonna be around for a few years the entire package should be maintained not just one sliver.

    submitted by /u/lvl1vagabond
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    Vision dailies are the worst thing about wow currently and are completely ANTI-fun

    Posted: 17 May 2020 02:32 AM PDT

    This type of content, thats forced and can take anywhere from 20-60 minutes (looking at you rare minions and chests) is totally backwards with what fun content should be.

    Destiny 2 had this same problem and drove so many people away from the game. You reach end game and in order to do the fun content and progress you need to slog through these daily mission that are REQUIRED. What's fun about flying around searching for rare enemies hoping you dont get ganked by horde, or flying around Vale doing laps trying to find a chest that may or may not be there.

    On top of that if you have more than one character, you need to do this multiple times a day.

    My issue with the dailies is they take way too long for what youre getting. A measly 325 (+25%) visions for spending over half an hour sometimes completely drives me away from wanting to progress with my cape. And if you're doing it on a healer or tank, good luck cutting your time down without a group.

    The content forces people to do BORING missions that make the game feel terrible to play, and is not worth the time sink for what youre getting.

    I really hope Shadowlands doesnt have content similar to this. Running horrific visions is fun and challenging at first but quickly deteriorates into a negative feeling trying to get a small boost each day.

    submitted by /u/leborat
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    Drew my monk cause i love her.

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    I've been reading WoW lore for years, so I finally mustered the guts to make a video!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    The true hero we deserved to be re-united with in the Shadowlands!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 04:52 AM PDT

    The crusade will never die!

    Posted: 16 May 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    Sanuri by @sunkeytail

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    Archaeology as a "core" profession in Shadowlands

    Posted: 16 May 2020 06:54 PM PDT

    I don't mean "core" like a new primary profession, I mean as viable way to spend time. With all of the cool profession changes being made in SL and craftable legendaries, I feel there is serious untapped potential in Archaeology, both thematically and mechanically.

    Currently, archaeology is a bare-bones profession that's soul purpose is giving players some extra lore, transmogs, toys and mounts. Maybe a unique trinket for early game profession like in BFA. This is a real shame, because on a base level, archaeology is actually really good mechanically speaking.

    Firstly, The surveying system itself is more engaging than sitting around in the crafting district of a city, or mindlessly pathing through spawn routes. It rewards familiarity with its system by allowing players to accelerate their farming speed by predicting the next node's location. The varied farm locations and hidden collection nodes cripple both botting and multiboxing, meaning it is something that any player can do to its fullest level.

    Secondly, it's a really compelling profession thematically. This expansion in particular has an extraordinarily strong themes of mystery, exploring new lands, and quite literally meeting Azeroth's past through some of its most notable characters. Not to mention the mystery of what we're missing out on back home on Azeroth.

    In-order to make it "fit" with the rest of Shadowlands, it may need to be re-skinned as digging up lingering memories left from the dead, but that's not so far of a stretch.

    So, having established with Archaeology is good and why it should be supported in Shadowland, here are my proposals to make it relevant and interesting.

    • An alternative, supplement, or catch-up to Torghast legendary crafting.

    Common items (the junk lore items) that can now turned in via a daily/weekly quest for some extra legendary crafting mats. Perhaps some players just really don't like Torghast at all, need to play catch-up, or just want to casually farm some alternatives for off-specs or things they want to play around with.

    • Unique crafting material

    The uncommon stuff. Very simply; archaeology can grant optional crafting materials that adds unique effects to any crafted item. Maybe they make the item indestructible, or gives it a special visual effect. Maybe you turn into an octopus when you enter the water, increasing swim speed and granting underwater breathing. An automatic slow-fall. A secondary hearthstone. Exploding on death into pastries. Flight while dead. Funny things and useful things!

    • Legendary visual customization.

    The super rare stuff. We still don't know much about how the Legendary items will appear visually, or even if their visuals can be customized. But, what if we can find the scattered memories of some of Azeroth's fallen heroes to gain unique appearances for our legendary items and/or effects? Alternatively, instead of just unlocking the appearance, what if archaeology can uncover unique base-legendary items to build up instead? Or consumable crafting materials for legendary to give them the unique appearance?

    If its the legendary of someone we know, or someone from the past that we don't, we could have a quest where we dive into the item's history all through-out Azeroth and beyond. How cool would it be, if we could actually reforge Frostmourne from Arthas's own memories? Or better yet, from before it ever even fell into the hands of Ner'zhul?

    • A way to catch glimpses as to what's happening in Azeroth while we're stuck in Shadowlands.

    Things are happening on Azeroth. So, what if when it is lore-friendly, we start finding the memories of those who have died, as an insight to what's going on?

    The idea is simple: special Archaeology events that tie into the actual events that are happening inside of Azeroth. Imagine if suddenly a bunch of Blood Elves started cropping up in the Shadowlands, and now we have to dive into their memories to figure out what happened on the other side? Maybe have it culminate in a game-wide event where everyone contributes their findings to form a sort of "echo of the past" scenario where we have to act-out the events in a warfront/invasion style game-play.

    I just really hope Blizzard doesn't skim over Archaeology as they look at the other professions.

    submitted by /u/Niroc
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    When Twilight Dev Procs from your Mind Controlled tank on Mythic Nzoth

    Posted: 16 May 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    Arthas Menethil by 月亮脸

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    What glyph do you miss the most?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 03:33 PM PDT

    I really miss Glyph of Lock Picking. Instantly unlock any lock and with no wait was amazing.

    I miss useful minor glyphs that were not game breaking, but just time savers or useful.

    Honestly I don't even bother with glyphs at all on alts and I miss how they promised tons of cosmetic and fun glyphs.

    submitted by /u/Yanrogue
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    Why all the hate towards m+?

    Posted: 17 May 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    I see a lot of complaining tied to the fact that m+ are timed events. Isn't that kind of the point? I run timed instances to see how i've progressed in comparisom to last week and it feels competitive.

    Isn't gearing towards bis gear supposes to feel competitive? Not just "oh yeah, lets casually do this +15 for free 475's". Earning high gear is supposed to be intense and nerve breaking, not a casual stroll through wipeville.

    submitted by /u/Tarachiu
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    All covenant signature abilities in Shadowlands

    Posted: 16 May 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Do you think you could find a more respectful spot to play with your pets?

    Posted: 16 May 2020 10:17 AM PDT

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