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    Friday, February 28, 2020

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

    Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

    General DPS Questions

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    Account Wide Memes

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:14 PM PST

    They actually did it. A portal opens after you defeat the Vale assault boss, straight to Lorewalker Cho.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    Since they allowed more characters per server, I find the character selection screen a bit clunky. I made some changes to be able to see more characters without having to scroll down. What do you think?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:25 PM PST

    Instead of power progression, Legion had cosmetics as incentives to participate in a variety of content. That’s the model that we should return to in Shadowlands.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:03 PM PST

    Running content you don't normally do to unlock a cosmetic reward can be fun. If you don't do it the most you miss out on is cosmetic, not relevant character progression. Also, assuming it's not a timed thing like the mage tower, it's something you can come back to and work on in future expansions.

    Who is going to go back to BfA to farm essences...?

    Essences should have been a system you grind currency to spend on. That way players could focus on the type of gameplay they enjoy the most and it would have been far less frustrating.

    The artifact appearances were so much fun to work towards. I hope we get to see that kind of thing again in Shadowlands.

    submitted by /u/PristineResolution
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    IRL equivalent of the Penny Pouch

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:13 PM PST

    Hey! Yes, I promised cats, but something went wrong and now it’s a dogs! Dogs faction leaders :D I drew three on each side, because I don’t even know who the leaders now and what’s going on with horde side D: Cats will still be later! Art by me.

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Every item should be like this

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:07 PM PST

    I got this today! Primal Stalker - My favorite Artifact Appearance

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:32 PM PST

    First, during Legion, they were the bane of our existence in the Eye of Azshara. Now, they have pledged themselves to a new master. The seagulls serve The Corruptor now, and they will stop at nothing to see our civilization eradicated.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:07 PM PST

    After more than 80 hours of camping with minimal sleep and a very unhealthy diet, Aeonaxx finally appeared!

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:58 PM PST

    Whats the most Embarrassing/Noob thing you did on WoW that took you ages to realise was wrong?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 03:28 AM PST

    I kept Auto-Attack on my Hotbar all the way to max level (1-80) and for about 5 months after because I thought if I didn't press it I wouldn't auto-attack.

    It was only after my IRL friend came over and saw it I found out that I only needed to right-click.

    submitted by /u/M3thlor
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    Dain-App is detected as a false-positive and gets you suspended for 6 months

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Update 1: I have gotten a reply from a CS representative in my post in the Classic WoW subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/classicwow/comments/fag09e/dainapp_is_detected_as_a_falsepositive_and_gets/ They will hopefully have an update for me later today!


    TL;DR I was suspended for 6 months by using the "Dain-App" a media animation software, I managed to forcibly ban 3 more accounts by running just this software, recorded a ban that happened after only 24 minutes, while I was online. So far I have only received copy-paste replies from Blizzard and I'm slowly getting out of options


    https://grisk.itch.io/dain-app (Version 0.31 is what I used) (Used this software to convert a couple of .Gifs, it does not touch WoW in any way)

    "Dain-App is a free app that let you take any form of media like movies, stop-motion, anime, cartoons, sprites, etc and interpolate new frames, generating a bigger frame-rate from the original file"


    Thursday, February 13, 2020 I was banned on my WoW main account.

    (Offense: Use of Bots or Third-Party Automation Software)

    I assumed I was caught in a massive ban wave that just had occurred. I went and made an appeal but it was of course denied. However, in the email I read this

    "The game client may monitor your computer's RAM and/or CPU processes for unauthorized third party programs running concurrently with the game."


    Then I thought, what if "Dain-App", the software I downloaded recently was the reason I got banned? It is extremely process and memory heavy and should most likely be detected by Blizzard's monitoring system.

    So I went ahead and logged onto my WoW2 account, started Dain-App and let it run in the background, and my WoW2 account was banned the following day.

    I wrote another appeal explaining everything and why it might have happened, but all I got was this.

    "This penalty has already been upheld. Any further requests on this topic will not be reviewed."

    At this point I knew all I would get from Blizzard was copy-pasted replies.

    I ran the software one more time on my fresh WoW3 account and let it run for around 2 hours, then I was banned yet again the next day.


    Then I tried to get another account banned, this is where the best ban happened. I recorded myself getting another account, logging into it then making a character. I ran to Stormwind then went AFK for a while. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7PfurUIKp0U (Sped up)

    After 24 minutes I got automatically banned, and the only non-essential processes I am running is WoW and the Dain-App. I even recorded my PC's list of running processes (not like it will matter for Blizzard anyway because I assume they already have an overview of all my processes that was running at the time of the detection)

    I have also tried playing WoW on another account WITHOUT the software running and so far after several hours of /played and several days of waiting I have not yet been banned.

    At this point I had managed to forcibly ban 3 accounts and had a total of 4 accounts banned for using a harmless media animation software.


    WoW1 WoW2 WoW3 WoW4 WoW5 WoW6
    Banned Banned Banned Not Banned Not Banned Banned
    Dain Dain Dain Dain No dain Dain
    1 Hour+ 2 Hours+ 2 Hours+ 5 Minutes 4 Hours+ 24 Minutes

    Here is an overview of my accounts, WoW1 was the account that got banned first, then I used all of the others as test dummies for my Dain theory. The numbers at the bottom is my time spent online on those accounts, and whether or not I used the Dain app on those accounts.

    Most of these accounts were banned after between 10-18 hours, except WoW6 which was banned after only 24 minutes, while I was online too. And WoW4 which did not get banned after I used Dain while being online for 5 minutes. WoW5 never used Dain and has the most /played out of all the other test accounts and did not get banned.


    I have sent Blizzard 5 tickets and tried their live chat twice. I actually met a CS representative via the live chat that seemed caring and told me to contact Blizzard's Hack team so that they could look into the software, but so far I haven't gotten a reply after waiting for more than a week.

    At this point I think it is safe to assume that all my requests of investigation into exactly what triggered my bans are being brushed off. The reviews team most likely checks if my account(s) really were flagged by the Warden, and if they were, they simply give me the copy paste reply and tell me that the ban is correct and will not be overturned without doing further and more advanced investigation.

    1 false-positive among 10000 positive detections is a sacrifice they are willing to make, and actually helping me would be a waste of already limited resources.

    I feel helpless, again and again I am greeted with copy-pasted replies from Blizzard, getting in touch with an actual human being who is able to help me seems impossible, and all my pleas for help fall on deaf ears.

    Also, I guess you're wondering why I've bothered to post this wall of text on a subreddit that is run by volunteers that has no connection to Blizzard. Well, I'm simply out of options, I might as well tell my story here as I am unable to do so on the official forums because the ban also silenced my account. I hope this way I might be able to get the attention of a CS representative from Blizzard that might be able to help me.

    Thank you for reading!


    submitted by /u/jackety
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    What irrelevant little thing do you like about your main class? As DK I like the fact that char selection screen changes to cold blue ��

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:19 AM PST

    What do you like about yours?

    submitted by /u/Wicir
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    What addon is this? that shows the cooldown of skills above the opposite players?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:08 PM PST

    Letting my coworkers know I’m only here to get paid

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:57 AM PST

    Checkout my first attempt at digitally painting Medivh. Any feedback welcomed.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Loading into LFR be like...

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:59 AM PST

    PvP gear system is a total shiet

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 11:18 PM PST

    This is a rant post indeed, but its not even about the rng drops and in general the bad pvp itemization system.

    Its about the fact that ilvl is not anyhow proportional to mythic+ and raiding which forces pvp players to fully gear from those sources and only take weekly chest for arena.

    Like for 3 weeks i am ilvl 468 from pve only and at 1.8 rating at both brackets. Now I am already not using any PvP gear and I plan to reach around 2100 this season.

    Judging how it goes, reaching duelist, which ofc is not r1 or anything, will not award me almost anything for playing whole season. On the other hand this will not be able to replace my gearing for just 3-4 weeks of mythic +10 or 12.

    Like you make the game that way that everything I do is for some reward, same time I do want to do only 1 thing (arena) and it does not feel rewarding at all.

    submitted by /u/albundy242
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    You know what would make Inscription amazingly useful?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 05:22 PM PST

    If Blizzard would create essentially what amounts to a transmog system for spells. Most any spell that has any kind of colored lighting effect should essentially be able to alpha shift it's RGB pretty easily into different colors. They would be a great candidate for making new, personalized glyphs. An inscriptionist would be able to make a glyph for a chosen spell to match it to a selectable color from a basic color wheel + alpha channel. Bake in some limits (ex. to prevent invisible spells), and you have what would amount to an endless number of cosmetic glyph possibilities.

    This sounds eerily similar to what people have been asking for with outfit transmog since inception. The problem there is the texture colors are caked in, so without a major rework, you'd only be able to alter the entier piece's RGB channels at best. This would look terrible on like 90% of outfits, which makes it not worth the time for Blizz to implement without a rework to do it properly. But it's much easier with spells/ability effects, since they tend to consistent of one or two colors, of which tend to be of a similar color shade. So simply altering the RGB channel of those would create a much nicer and cohesive effect. That's essentially what we're seeing with the Destruction warlock's green fire.

    Could also make weapon enchantments follow the same logic to do the same thing for Enchanting, really. Imagine Wraithchill, but being as a tmog enchant set to whatever RGB color you have the maker match.

    Adding some examples ( here ) of what I'm talking about when I say hue shifting. All these were done with some rudimentary photoshop selection and Hue Shift over about 40 minutes, so they aren't great. But they should at least help show that even simple color balancing can look good for spells where it might not for tmog sets. They would obviously look a lot better if the effects themselves where hue shifted within game.

    submitted by /u/brakndawnt
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    One of many charity events happening in April

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 12:41 PM PST

    If u complete a greater invasion with a full inventory u just dont get any vessel, apparently this is intended?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 10:34 AM PST

    But why...

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 12:20 AM PST

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