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    Wednesday, February 19, 2020

    World of Warcraft Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    World of Warcraft Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:37 AM PST

    Welcome to Midweek Mending, your weekly thread for everything related to trying to save people who just can't help but stand in the fire. You're the hero we need but don't deserve. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to healing of any kind.

    Check out pins within the Class Discords (Retail) or the Class Discords (Classic) for good, vetted information.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Complete 4th Specs for Every Class in World of Warcraft

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Dark document background: World of Warcraft 4th Spec Google Document

    Light document background: World of Warcraft 4th Spec Google Document Light Edition

    I've written up a detailed look at what 4th specs in WoW could look like, how they could be implemented, and how they would play. Every class is covered, including a feature for Druids. Its been a long and fun project to do, with a ton of research into what has already been suggested for 4th specs and WoW lore, so thanks in advance for looking at it! Suggestions and your own ideas are welcome! =)

    submitted by /u/Thanxalot6
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    This legend at my local Walmart.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:36 PM PST

    Wasn’t quite done with this fella. Scribble-scrobble by me.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:46 PM PST

    The New Giant Deadly Unstoppable Killer Cobra Experience!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:34 PM PST

    All items from Horrific Visions should be corrupted

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 11:55 AM PST

    That way at least we could have one reliable source of corrupted items, and it would make sense because we're obtaining those items form the corrupted versions of our capital cities.

    submitted by /u/SrJuki
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    Warriors hardest boss

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 03:14 PM PST

    With Shadowland's focus on cosmetics, we need the Monk shoulder staff back!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:51 PM PST

    With Shadowland's focus on cosmetics, we need the Monk shoulder staff back!

    In legion, Brewmasters got some pretty sweet animations along with their Artifact Weapon, with it idling on their shoulder when drawn. Unfortunately this hasn't been carried over to any other staves/polearms for Monks. It would be fantastic if we got this as a glyph or something. Clipping might be an issue here and there, but plenty of gear already clips, and quite a few weapons wouldn't be an issue. Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/Tropical_Wendigo
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    So.. either you do or you don't want us playing alts (or running visions) pick one please.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:35 PM PST

    SO this is for an actual conversation. No mocking - no BS, just trying to understand this weird oxymoron logic we have thrown at us right now that someone hasn't gone "We should probably rethink all of that."

    I am going to touch on three parts - each part moves from one to the other, visions, loot drops and alts.

    So. Week of 8.3 drop all the daily's gave a whopping 50 Coalescing Visions each. So much so that people ran the numbers and went that they are going to have to horde their keys just to be able to meet the requirements of this week ( 8 pages ladies and gents).

    Hearing us and considering that we are all going " So.. this is it till Shadowlands?????" they buff it up to 250 (and the peasants rejoice.. for a moment). Now if you are like me, you are throwing keys away to stop from losing the currency - and throwing away is a harsh way because I tank so I use them to help new players needing the first few boss kills. I am sure some feel they throw them away on bad groups too - so balance there?

    I think any of us on since 8.3 dropped now have the currency coming out our ears - this wouldn't be a bad thing. Only... the keys are ALL we can buy with it, and our cap is only 25k - enough to buy two spares. No trinkets. No recipes, no bullshit on use in vision items only. Nothing to help balance a little the amount we are getting served from all the sources.

    Alright - so suck it up buttercup.

    Then there are the Sparks of Unwavering Strength (in my case for my tank). 45. I need 45 to get rank 2 of an essence that dropped on day one. I have my doubts on if that one is BiS for anyone (here is a correct me point) so it may not matter - but 45 to keep us busy chasing our tails in visions that we can only hold 5 keys for and have a 25k cap on the currency for if it was BiS means we would have had to be pushing full clears week one multiple times. Which according to them - their recommendations especially - was not advised.

    With that - what about off spec, or god forbid the confusing topic of alts with them. "Hey here is some catch up gear, but you still need to grind out those now irrelevant raid essences if you want to do more then face plant in visions on them." Little dramatic but so far everyone's new best friend is no longer the previous raids essence maker which took a small feat of patience to do in the first place if you didn't have a steady raid/pug/group run. LFR only drops 1 per wing, you might get lucky and find a group going on normal to take you cause anyone doing heroic or mythic want your first born and a blood test still.

    And for some reason at the very least all prior 8.3 essences on rank 1 should be account wide to help balance the grind you are being forced in to again if you want to try to keep playing by switching to an alt once your main is fleshed in the best.

    I am all for busy work. I am all for even the visions as they make you think a lot more on your feet especially if someone has corruption gear that has them running from that (or struggling to in many cases).

    But damn - what the hell is going on in the numbers crunching and feedback program??

    I mean its bad enough more than 10 people sharing space casting spells seems to cause the server/shard to have a fit of lag (try a bg its a special kind of h*ll for those who need the pvp essences even more now) trying to keep up.

    But I digress - if they were serious about keeping us around, why not make things a little more alt friendly? Why not give us more incentives on running visions? We got our final raid. Much to mixed opinions. And we all got left with a "Well... what now?" feeling.

    Cause its a really long time even until Aug if this is what they expect us to keep jumping through and I don't see people keeping with it.

    My fear is because of this - it becomes "Shadow what?"

    submitted by /u/Teh_Cheshire
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    BatOrc sketch or is it Rexxar? [OC]

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    The burning of Teldrassil by Umbrilow

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:36 AM PST

    I tried to draw Anduin Wrynn.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 05:32 AM PST

    Old Town Trash Skip - Hope this helps some DH's during their visions this week.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:59 AM PST

    My experience with Corruption so far

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 01:18 PM PST

    Most of this post is to say Blizzard needs to make some acquistion systems that make some sense. Legendaries sucked, Azerite sucks, and now Corruptions also suck.

    4 Mythic+ caches:

    • Zero upgrades
    • all ilvl 475 caches
    • 3 pairs of bracers that had leech or avoidance corruptions - One of my only slots to actually have a dps corruption
    • One pair of legs with a tier 1 twilight devastation - can't use at current corruption resists in mythic raid environment

    Other Corruptions acquired:

    • 1 pair of 430 bracers from a horrific vision
    • 1 pair of 465 bracers from M+
    • 1 belt from the heroic raid
    • 1 pair of 445 boots from Emissary
    • 2 weapons from Maut (guaranteed to have corruption) - both cleansed because it's very MEH for dps

    And that's it. I've done M+ every week, I've cleared the raid every week, I've been doing my assaults and visions, I've been using my bonus rolls. I've gotten non-corrupted gear, war resources, or azerite.

    It's freaking ridiculous that this is a thing. Like maybe if I actually had some other corruptions I might be able to use the legs I finally got today at least. But I only have 3 dps corruptions at all on my boots, bracers, and belt. And then the other corruptions, even if not dps, HAVE ALL BEEN DAMN BRACERS. They need to work on their acquisition systems and reducing the ability of the game to completely screw you over.

    For maybe the first time ever I have amazing items, but of course it doesn't matter because all my corruptions are garbage and I have no choices to work with either.

    submitted by /u/Artunias
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    There's something I'd really like to see "Unpruned" in Shadowlands

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:08 PM PST

    The legendary questlines from Mists of Pandaria and Warlords of Draenor.

    I think Shadowlands, especially with the leveling revamp potentially allowing players to spend a lot more time in MoP/WoD content, would be a great time to bring back the Legendary Cloak and Legendary Ring questlines.

    Even if the developers still don't want to let new players actually acquire those legendaries, fine. (though I personally think they should, you can still get Shadowmourne, Sulfuras, and plenty of others) These questlines have so much great lore content in them, and lots of relevant story details that new players can just flat-out never experience.

    The Engine of Nalak-sha, that was used in 8.3? Explained in detail in the legendary cloak questline. The cutscene where Gul'dan takes over the Iron Horde and brings the Legion to Draenor? How Cordana Felsong turned traitor? Only in the ring quests.

    Even the details of how Garrosh made it to Draenor and set up the entire expansion of WoD are, unless you read the book, only ever shown to us in the legendary quests which have now been removed from the game entirely.

    submitted by /u/GentleDementia
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    No idea why but my ui defaulted to buying up all these gems on the ah :)

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:45 AM PST

    I fucking love leveling so fucking much!!!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:59 PM PST

    This post is about how much I love leveling alts.

    I love leveling so much. I love the progression, the immersion, and the adventure of leveling. I love optimizing routes and executing a gameplan to maximize my exp/hr.

    I love rescuing Keeshan in Redridge. I love solving the Stalvan curse in Duskwood. I love completing Nesingwary's guide in Stranglethorn. I love defending against the forsaken in the Western Plaguelands. I love Fiona and her caravan in the Eastern Plaguelands.

    I love Lakeshire. I love Darkshire. I love Hearthglen and Andorhal. I love Light's Hope. I love Booty Bay, too! And who could forget Goldshire. Good ol' Goldshire.

    I didn't forget about Northrend either. Boreal Tundra and Grizzly Hills have their charm. Dragonblight is humongous and epic! Sholazar and Wintergrasp, too, and their familiar characters! It's a damn shame the exp in these areas is so fucked because going through them recently with nearly 100% bonus exp was actually pretty enjoyable. I'm most excited about leveling here post-Shadowlands when the scaling may be fixed.

    Pandaria and Draenor have their moments but I'm there so briefly I don't have much of an opinion. Legion, though, I did when the expac was fresh and I still love it to this day. Such amazing areas! I love the Legion, helping the drakes, trying to navigate the gorgeous Highmountain. Cenarius in Val'Sharah!

    I could literally level a million, billion alts solely for the sake of the adventure. I can't wait for Shadowlands to drop and give me a brand new experience!!!!!!

    submitted by /u/Tiam_Kara
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    Wildstar inspired UI

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 04:27 PM PST

    Wildstar inspired UI

    I've been working on a wildstar ui for a bit now, and wanted some opinions on what I should do with my bags/character bar now. Any thoughts?

    Credits to this amazing guy, working on alpha wildstar for the longest.



    submitted by /u/noeltheweeb
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    Here's a new one. I got 1 shotted by fall damage in Horrific Vision of Stormwind just now.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    I rode my mount into a pack of 2 pustules and an eye worm. They were sitting near one of the bridges between the corrupted areas. As soon as I swung, my character went from 100% HP to dead and it wasted my Horrific Vision resurrection to 500 sanity.

    I looked back through Details! and the game apparently thought that I fell for maximum damage. You can't even fly in Horrific Visions, so falling for that much damage is literally impossible.

    What? Is this their fix for people getting disconnected when riding full speed into combat? Just kill the player instead of disconnecting them?

    Screenshot of Details! below:


    submitted by /u/lucio-ballin
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    Troll by RemarkWatson

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 02:22 PM PST

    [Opinion] Any profession crafting materials that were soulbound/BoP should become BOE/Tradable upon the launch of a new expansion. Blood of Sargeras, I'm looking at you.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 01:31 AM PST

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