• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    World of Warcraft Blizzard CS EU: Multiple realms are currently experiencing issues, and we are investigating the cause.

    World of Warcraft Blizzard CS EU: Multiple realms are currently experiencing issues, and we are investigating the cause.

    Blizzard CS EU: Multiple realms are currently experiencing issues, and we are investigating the cause.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    A tribute to Yogg Saron

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Should the Double XP Buff Be Extended?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:20 AM PDT

    Night elf Druid art by me

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:15 PM PDT

    I got bored so I made this.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:05 PM PDT

    They've been recruiting

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    Drew a meme of my struggle rerolling to Warlock as a healer main for 8 years

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:01 PM PDT

    My boyfriend and I live in NYC. We can’t see each other cause of COVID so we play WOW every night now. I ride around on his back and he teaches me how to play.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:03 AM PDT

    Blizzard, can we finally get account-wide reputations? At least once we hit exalted on one character.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:18 PM PDT

    Best thing would be for them to kind of split the reputations. We would need 2 reputation bars. One account wide and one personal. The reason being the paragons. Account wide paragons would only end up being problematic, so by making a personal reputation bar and making paragons personal-only it solves the problem.
    For example: On character A I hit exalted with The Klaxxi, opening the quartermaster account wide and counting towards the achievement "Pandaren Ambassador" account wide. Now, it shows on my reputation bar on character B as exalted(account wide) and friendly(personal).

    submitted by /u/CorthX
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    Beard customization option for trolls?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:06 PM PDT

    Blizzard: Please remove Voidform/Insanity moving into Shadowlands.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    When Voidform was introduced in Legion, it was awesome. The gameplay had its flaws, but its highs were so good that, for me, they were made up for. Shadow in Legion was the first class I've ever been able to actually main for close to the entire expansion, and I've been playing since TBC (definitely an altoholic), because it was just so damn fun.

    However, moving into BfA and now continuing into Shadowlands, the very fast paced, fluid nature of Shadow as I came to love it has been neutered. We've gone from hitting 40-60 stacks on every Voidform to being lucky to hit 25. This is made to feel even worse by the fact that there are now no real reasons to stay in Voidform for a long time.

    I think that it is apparent that Voidform as an idea is nigh impossible to balance. It will always feel like absolute garbage without gear, and then scale so hard that it inevitably has to be nerfed multiple times once it has gear. It really is a shame, because thematically Voidform is one of the coolest abilities available in the game. I feel that it's time to admit defeat on this one, though.

    Please don't waste your time trying to get Voidform right across this entire testing cycle, and please instead focus on either coming up with a new class mechanic, or reverting back to a shadow orb system. I think that I speak for a lot of fellow shadow priests when I say that while Voidform was a super cool idea, it just doesn't quite fit into how WoW is played.

    Edit: After reading all the replies, I have even more of an idea of why Voidform in the alpha and for the majority of BfA has just not been fun compared to Legion Voidform, or MoP/WoD orb system. The fundamental issue with Voidform is that it has so much potential to be absurdly powerful that every aspect of the spec becomes focused on just Voidform. Why is this a problem? Because, when everything is about Voidform then none of the other abilities really matter. It doesn't feel good to press Void Bolt. It doesn't feel good to press Mind Blast. There are no moments where you're pressing a button and you're like, "Oh boy this ability is going to hit super hard its gonna be sick." It's much more a case of just watching the DPS meter while you spam out low damage abilities to keep that Insanity flowing.

    This was also the case in Legion, but in Legion the pace of the spec was so fast that you didn't even have time to look at damage numbers or care how much your Mind Blast was hitting for, so it was fine. With the orb system, especially in WoD with CoP, every Mind Blast felt meaty. I remember getting excited because my Mind Blast would crit and it would do huge damage. Spending orbs on DP and really feeling how strong that short duration but hard hitting DoT was. I see a few people saying that Shadow with orbs is just playing affliction lock, but I disagree. One of the reasons I've always enjoyed shadow is because they incorporate so many types of damage into their kit. Whereas affliction is almost entirely just DoTs, with a spender that uses an ability based on those DoTs (talking about shadowlands aff here), Shadow used to have the DoTs but then also some nice chunky nuke kind of spells. It's stood out to me as a great middle ground between the playstyle of mages and warlocks.

    I'm not saying orbs are necessarily the way to go. But I do hope that any future Shadow reworks bring back some of the weight behind some of our spells. With Voidform working like it does, Mind Blast, Void Bolt, Mind Flay, nothing has any weight behind it other than the Insanity they generate.

    Just my two cents.

    submitted by /u/hyperion602
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    We want a Swolekin glyph in Shadowlands!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    Demo Warlock by me [Xephondp]

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Tip: If you tmog your off-hand to a barely visible fist weapon then your dual wielding class will look like it's using one 2H Weapon

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Even though I'm healin, you know I keep that mf thang on me

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    All these new character customization options are great, but how come dude orcs are still not getting piercings when plenty of official art depicts them with piercings?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    Can we get the MoP reputation system back?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    I really liked the MoP reputation system. Basically once you hit revered with a faction you get a token that is BoA and increased reputation gains with that faction by 100%. It is the best way I've seen reputation grinding implemented in the game so far.

    submitted by /u/lnclincoln
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    Titan Translocator is crooked. And now you'll never be able to unsee it.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:10 PM PDT

    My calculation on the approximate in-lore size of Azeroth

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 11:11 PM PDT

    My calculation on the approximate in-lore size of Azeroth

    I have posted this last night, yet I believe because of a slight post formatting error it got no attention. I was suggested to repost, so here it is again:

    The in-game size of Azeroth has already been calculated to some success by various people, however, at least from what I understand, the actual in-lore size of the planet hasn't been calculated. Thus, with this post, I shall try to change this. Here are my goals:

    1. Determine the scale between the in-game and the in-lore world of Azeroth.

    2. Use this knowledge to attempt to determine the size of the entire planet as best as I can.

    3. Use all that I have learned to present some interesting facts about the geography of Azeroth.

    So, with that set out, how do we actually begin determining the scale? Well, we need to find an in-lore description of distances that could be easily compared with their in-game equivalents. So, is there such example in lore? Well, there is. How many of you have heard of a Sunwalker named Dezco? In MoP, there was an entire novel about him called Bleeding Sun, which I quite recommend. In an offhand note, this is mentioned about his travel from Shrine of Two Moons to the Gate of the August Celestials:

    Dezco, who shall help us find the scale

    „The tauren made good time through the morning hours. He stayed off the main roads, working his way through the northern foothills. He estimated that before nightfall he would reach the Gate of the August Celestials, which led out of the vale. "

    My best guess as to how Dezco's path would have looked

    Thus, we have our distance, as presented in pic above. Now we can calculate the in-game distance of this journey. Our /walk is 2.5yd/s. Converting it out from the barbaric imperial units, this means about 2.2m/s. The time it took for me to complete the in-game path that Dezco took about 275s, meaning it is around 628.65m journey in-game. Now, to find how long it would have taken Dezco. First off, what do we got? We know that this would be about a day journey on foot. Thus, I took the time as being 26640s, based on the average daily sunlight time of Beijing (as it was easy to find and I believe would translate pretty alright to the in-lore daytime in Pandaria judging by its geographic similarities to China). Now, we hit the trick part. We don't really know Dezco's speed. The average speed of an IRL human walking is 2.5m/s, however, Dezco is a tauren, possibly quite a bit faster. Yet we also know he is carrying two of his babies, as well as his supplies, and takes at least one stop for food. Also, he is moving through foothills, and his path probably isn't as straight forward as the one we took while testing in-game. Thus, this I choose to do this with three separate speeds: 3, 2.5 and 2 m/s. This is quite an important choice, as this will impact the accuracy quite a lot. Anyway, now knowing time and speed, we can find the approximate in-lore distance. Depending on our taken speed, these would be the results: 79.92km, 66.6km or 53.28, so +/-20% if we take 66.6 as our average (this really isn't that scientific, but we can't really be super exact here). Now, since we got both the in-lore and in-game distances, we can get our size scale, which ends up being about 1:106. Well, that's pretty cool, now we can measure the entirety of Azeroth in-game and find out just how big it should be in-lore.

    So, now towards point 2, how do we determine the actual size of Azeroth? Well, since we got the scale, all we need is the in-game Azeroth's circumference and we are good. Thankfully, other people have already done this. Now, after looking into a few more recent sources on this (don't trust older stuff, as the layout of Azeroth has changed in the maps quite a bit over the years) I believe one specific video by Bellular got it pretty accurately (not lining the video it self, as last time I posted I did, which made the thumbnail of this post into the crappy clickbait thumbnail of that vid). While I won't try to recreate measuring the view from the Vindicar, I did check the claim about what is the in-game size of the continents by stopwatching the time I need to cross Kalimdor across, which after counting out the distance by finding the m/s flying speed, it was basically the same as Bell's result. Thus, in the end I take him for his word that the circumference of Azeroth in-game is around 80000m. So, now with the scale in mind and with the circumference of 80km, we can count the in-lore planet size (80*106) as having a circumference of about 8500km (+/-1700km) and a radius of about 1350km (+/-270km). So what does this mean, and how does Azeroth compare with Earth for instance? Well, this means Azeroth, even in lore, is not that big of a planet. Its circumference is only about a fifth of Earth. Its surface would be about 23mil square kilometres, merely about 5% of what Earth's is. The Solar planetoids who best resemble Azeroth would be Europa, Triton and Pluto. I guess all of this leans in to the point 3 of interesting facts. For the point of clarity, the continents them selves would be about the size and shape of Anatolia, with the exception being the rounder Pandaria and the smaller islands. Also, I do believe these calculations should also prove that the idea of all of the current map being above the equator is probably wrong, as in that case the size of Azeroth would seriously inflate to almost the territory of being gas-giant size.

    For IRL comparison, see Europa

    So, to sum this all up, Azeroth isn't too small, but it isn't that big either. Also, most of what we see in game most likely is scaled down about a hundred times than it is in-lore, possible exception being smaller areas like expedition areas, raids, cities (these are definitely scaled down, yet unlikely that it would be a 106 times, more like 10 if I had to guess), certain monuments and natural landmarks.

    submitted by /u/Ganas_33
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    Winds of wisdom made WOW better and I cannot wait for Shadowlands leveling

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:29 PM PDT

    I started playing in Draenor, and as a new player i really enjoyed the storyline, leveling up my character with friends. I stopped playing mostly because I felt that the older zones were not as "nice" looking as the standard WoD set for me. I really had a hard time questing alone in areas that felt unpopulated and dull (in comparison).

    When me and my friend got bored we decided to pick up BFA, no other friends play anymore sadly so it was me and him. I really loved playing through the amazing Zandalari storyline and the beautiful jungles. Nazmir is amazing and i like Voldun too. When I hit 120 we grinded world quests to get better gear, but we sort of realized that being 2 dudes with no more active friends it was pointless somehow to gear the character beyond some point.

    So I actually started an Alt. Demon hunter, seemed cool i guess. I played through entire Legion (except argus) just because I loved the areas and the story. Even when I hit 110 I stayed there doing the Suramar questline.

    I realized how much fun a new class was and since then I got 4 more alts. Class halls and the later expansions keep me coming back.

    What I don't like is certain old areas to level in until I reach pandaria. I avoid them because they feel, less alive I guess?

    So with winds of wisdom I've been playing like never before,! It is a pain until I hit 80 but after that, I feel like the fun begins. I am really looking forward to be able to level an Alt through Pandaria and quest there properly somehow without feeling the need to leave too early.

    In a perfect world, I too would appreciate the older areas as so many others do (like my friend).

    Man I'm gonna miss this XP buff.

    submitted by /u/Tiskate
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    I, for one, welcome our blue human overlords. Playable kyrians when?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 08:38 PM PDT

    This dudes fucking mog and name ������

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:28 PM PDT

    It turns out if you transmog fusion hacker with blade of wizardry, it turns the blade rainbow

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Just wondering am new to wow! Lockdown got me hooked. If I was to chose one over the other will I get the opportunity to do the other area at a later date? Or is it chose one and lose the opportunity to do the other? Thanks people

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    (Oc) I really like Bwonsamdis house

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 03:13 AM PDT

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