• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 11, 2020

    World of Warcraft Official Guild Recruitment Thread

    World of Warcraft Official Guild Recruitment Thread

    Official Guild Recruitment Thread

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Are you looking for more people for your guild? Are you looking for a guild? Put your recruitment posts here! Don't forget about /r/wowguilds in the meanwhile; sometimes you can't wait a couple of weeks to find a guild.

    Please respond to the top level comment that matches the Region and Faction of your guild. If you're neither NA, Oceanic or EU then post under Other.

    Other Guild Recruitment Resources: Here

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
    [link] [comments]

    The most annoying thing

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:22 PM PDT

    Since everyone's getting cool new options and updates - how about Nightborne stop looking like 5minutecraft race? Still only three skin tones, enormous floaty pauldrons, and hair that doesn't look like it's designed for them at all.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Jailer size compared to Four Cheese Ultimate Bacon Whopper

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I drew Asmongold

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    I'm just going to leave this here...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:49 PM PDT

    Double XP feels like the normal speed leveling should take.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Just an observation I made while leveling a new toon. At no point does it feel like a slog anymore.

    submitted by /u/TROPiCALRUBi
    [link] [comments]

    Who would you root for? (Alliance edition)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 08:46 PM PDT

    One example of Blizz getting it right

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Due to the lockdown in Kalimdor the people of Mount Hyjal can finally see the Throne of Four Winds again for the first time since the Sundering

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    Size comparison of jailer and 4 cheese ultimate bacon whopper to mecha kultiran, destroyer of worlds.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:35 PM PDT

    Are you guys getting tired of my self-isolation illustrations yet? Neon Warglaive of Azzinoth

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Boralus would have an excellent football team...those guys are huge! Anyways, I made a logo for if they had one.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    When you are in Quarantine for weeks.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Never have i felt more humiliated...... I just died trying to pick up a flower

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:19 PM PDT

    /range 2 metres

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:06 AM PDT

    And the Longest DoT in Shadowlands Goes to:

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    [Alpha] 10-50 took 12hrs 16 minutes with no heirlooms

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    Blizzard: please consider adding cosmetic options to allied races too

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    I just saw a post about blood elves getting new skin tones and new eye colors and I'm looking at my Nightborne with 3 skin tones and 4 hair colors and get so depressed

    submitted by /u/drflanigan
    [link] [comments]

    New Dwarf Character Customization Options in Shadowlands Including Tattoos

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 02:57 PM PDT

    Seems kinda harsh

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Bastion does look like a nice place so far

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    A gnome sat in front of an Elekk... Or

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    The animation for the Wrathion trinket proc has to be one of the nicest they've made in a long time, agree / disagree?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Some new night elf skin colors from Wowhead.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2020 04:13 PM PDT

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