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    Tuesday, May 12, 2020

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

    Check out pins within the Class Discords (Retail) or the Class Discords (Classic) for good, vetted information.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Made Ysera again, recently. (Yes, it's crochet)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:26 PM PDT

    Odyn never skips leg day

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    After so many characters maxed, today I notice the Ysera-shaped green patch on the Temple of Elune's ground, looting the Tear from sprout growing at Ysera's heart </3

    Posted: 11 May 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    As a new player on my first character.. Pandaria DLC is fucking amazing!!!!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 09:35 PM PDT

    Wow... This is absolutely phenomenal, from how beautiful all the areas are to the perfect soundtrack I'm completely blown away. I can't even tell you what an amazing time I'm having just walking around these towns and zones, it's like I'm in a movie starring my own character.

    This is probably the reason I'll sub to this game for a very long time, my jaw really drops at the scope of this game and how every single place I travel feels completely different than the last. My only regret in my gaming career is not playing this game sooner. Can't wait to hit max level and start collecting gear sets and mounts.

    Everyone I've been in contact with while playing has been very cool as well, the community seems great. Can't wait to experience everything this game has to offer!

    submitted by /u/theonlyxero
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    Fiona is full of SASS

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:12 PM PDT

    Blizzard please extend the Reputation Buff - make it last until Shadowlands pre-patch just like the EXP Buff

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    In memory of my father

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    In memory of my father

    So I am writing this out because I never really had the chance to mourn.

    It's been a while since my dad took his own life and the one thing we were able to really connect was through drawing and world of warcraft. While we didn't play on the same server back in burning crusade, or even the same faction haha, we still connected by sharing each others adventures in the game. He was really big into PVP I was really into dungeoning and questing. He had several troll hunters all of which maxed out in arena gear just barely not getting into top 1%. If we weren't drawing we were playing WoW, and that's how things were back then.

    When my dad took his life we had no idea how deep into depression he was. He had done too many things he regretted and felt like he was a burden on us. We always forgave him and wanted to push forward, but he was just too closed off emotionally. His way of coping was his spot on humor, always knew how to make people laugh and take their minds off their troubles. I honestly wish I could have spent more time with him now. I miss him dearly especially now in my older age. His death brought forth a lot of hard times.

    When Wrath of the lich king came out and battle.net connecting accounts were made a thing, I decided to reclaim my dads old account and attach it to my battle.net. Through this I inherited a lot of things, like achievements and pets and toys that he had collected. One of which was a dragon pet called spirit of competition from 2007 worldwide event. When pet battles came out I decided to name it Charles (which is my fathers name) and since then I keep it out while I am out adventuring.

    So when I am currently adventuring it's like I have my dad with me while I am out fighting the big bads, like N'zoth or if I am in battlegrounds fighting the horde/alliance.

    So every once in a while I like to light up a cigar, do some battlegrounds with the spirit of competition pet and it feels like he is there sharing every moment like he used to.

    I miss him, but I know things are getting better.


    submitted by /u/Wulfsmagic
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    Just got in my custom cling to the enclosure of Nozdormu my leopard gecko. What do you think?

    Posted: 11 May 2020 08:04 PM PDT

    Just did my first ever +10 and feeling great!

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    I'm very proud of myself and a little buzzed, but I had a blast! Me and my pug group pulled off a +10 junkyard with 10 minutes to spare. Looking forward to many more keys!

    Sorry if this doesn't fit in the normal content here.

    submitted by /u/DeadlyDuck121
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    Uldum is beautiful at sunset

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:06 PM PDT

    I made this little Sketch of my character :)

    Posted: 11 May 2020 12:12 PM PDT

    This guy in stormwind today being mood

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:35 AM PDT

    Who remembers this? :D

    Posted: 11 May 2020 03:29 PM PDT

    We need more love for our lazy bois

    Posted: 11 May 2020 05:00 AM PDT

    Same shit

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:25 AM PDT

    SportsCenter’s official Facebook page posted for the 15th anniversary of the Leeroy Jenkins video!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 10:33 PM PDT

    It'd be great if Blizzard came out and said Allied Races would also be getting new customization options in a patch. Frankly, some of them feel half-finished and need some love and additional options for skin, hair, etc.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 07:02 AM PDT

    For example:

    • Void Elves desperately need a few less-corrupted options for their skin tones and hairstyles. I'm guessing they could easily borrow some of the new Blood Elf faces coming in 9.0 as well. They'd look awesome with some makeup options s well, like eye shadow around the eyes.
    • Lightforged Draenei basically look like white ghosts. Their few skin tones and hair colours are so pale and there's very little variety. There might be some symbolism going on there with how the Light washes over everything in the cosmos and makes it all uniform. But they could really use a few options, even if it just comes down to some hair styles and maybe the new rumoured Draenei tails.
    • Nightborne are still subpar to their NPC counterparts when it should be the other way around if anything.

    A few Allied Races are really good, like Dark Iron Dwarves. But a lot of them need serious work.

    submitted by /u/gustavperuses
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    Same Mount!

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    (chuckles) I'm in danger

    Posted: 12 May 2020 02:44 AM PDT

    Drawn from the WOW Artwork book. my me (IG @samdeacon.art)

    Posted: 12 May 2020 12:46 AM PDT

    We need to talk about Priests.

    Posted: 11 May 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Going into Shadowlands, there are a lot of things to look forward to in terms of classes. I am particularly excited about the changes to Ret, as I feel like it is getting some baseline tools that really make the spec feel more "complete." This is the case for a lot of specs going into shadowlands, and for a lot of other classes, not so much. The worst offender for this (as they have been for the past 2 expansions as well) is Priest.

    Between actual numbers tuning /balance, rotation/gameplay design, and meta representation comparatively to other healing specs/dps specs/ classes as a whole, we have watched for virtually the entire expansion as priests were bottom of the barrel, with the exception of a small window of success for priests early in the expansion, and the strength of shadow-priests balance wise at the end of 8.2 (although I believe this was more to the class's detriment as a whole)

    This information was pointed out to me by my own experience playing Priest and other classes, and the incredibly dedicated u/OtherwiseUniversity7 over on r/CompetitiveWoW with his data collection of the metagame from legion 7.2 to the current patch. I had no hand at all in the creation or collection of any of this information, I just happened upon it while browsing the subreddit All of the information in this post in my own opinion, and is intended to generate discussion about the state of priests both in the meta, and in terms of development love from blizzard from the community perspective.



    For anyone who plays Shadow, or is familiar with its place in the meta, you already know where this is going. Shadow is notorious for LOW lows and HIGH highs, depending on the current balance of the patch. In the current state of 8.3 Shadow is meme'd as being a dead spec that isn't worth bringing to keys or raid, despite being able to put up respectable numbers. At the end of 8.2, shadow priests started to gain a lot of traction for the strong DPS they could output, and before that, Shadow has been one of the weakest specs in terms of output and utility for the large majority of the expansion.

    This is due to two things: The unique way that Shadow benefits from scaling in gear and stats more than most DPS specs in the game (so the deeper into the expansion, Shadow gains more strength comparative to other DPS specs) and the nature of voidform as a mechanic not lending itself to consistent, competitive DPS across the board. Historically, it's either weak or OP.


    Both balance wise and class design wise, I think Disc is in the best spot of the three specs, but still needs a little "something." Disc Priest has been a strong raid healer this expansion, receiving nerfs in one of the recent balance passes. However, they haven't been absurdly strong to the point of trivializing other raid healers. In M+ and PvP, they have been consistently some of the least represented, weakest healers for many patches.

    The reason is that priests don't really have a lot of strong utility when compared to other healers. As I stated before, priests have never trivialized other healers in raid despite their own strength. However, Resto Druids and Holy Paladins have absolutely trivialized other healers (Priests substantially) in M+ and PvP, specifically arenas. Disc, much like Holy, just lacks the utility to make it competitive with other healers. Disc has had periods of competitive throughput, and is capable of putting out strong DPS, but without ability to compete with the Utility of Paladins and Druids, Disc is reduced to fighting to stay out of last place.


    When you think of what Holy Priest's strength is supposed to be, you think raw throughput. They lack complex mechanics, unique gimmicks, or strong utility or damage, so their strength should lie in simplicity and great raw healing. So why are they consistently on record as having just average, if not slightly above average throughput? Strong throughput alone isn't enough to make a class shine, so why is their one redeeming quality so underwhelming as a strength?

    Despite this, they are just incredibly weak everywhere else. Low damage, low mobility, low Tank CD capability, and virtually non-existent utility outside of Life Grip and Mass Dispel. This goes beyond tuning, and dips into poor class design that Holy Priests seem to not exist for any other reason than to serve as a "beginner" healing spec that should be forgotten once a player becomes more comfortable with healing. Which takes me into my next point.



    Voidform is inherently flawed as a class mechanic. As I said earlier, just due to the nature of the mechanic, Priests either have insane damage, or insanely weak damage. This issue seems like it is going to be getting worse going into shadowlands, as Shadow is losing Whispers of the Damn and Chorus of Insanity, two azurite traits that are holding the Shadow Priest together to even function. Shadow relies heavily on consistent, nonstop pulls more than any other spec to keep their damage up in M+, and going too slow is needlessly devastating.

    More so in shadowlands than ever before, there just isn't enough incentive to stay in Void Form as long as possible. In Legion, you could pull off crazy high voidform stacks, and your GCDs were spinning like crazy. While the mechanic was still inherently flawed, atleast It provided satisfying class mechanics and meaningful incentive to prolong your voidforms as long as possible. With crucial traits and essences (memory of lucid dreams) leaving with seemingly no replacement, Shadow is looking clunkier and less rewarding than it has in years in Shadowlands.


    Again, I think Disc is the best off of the 3 specs, but not necessarily in an ideal spot. Disc's gimmick as the "Damage Healer" (alongside Holy Paladin) is fun. Applying atonement to your allies and challenging yourself to pump DPS to keep the group alive is unique and engaging as a class design, no issues there.

    Where the issue arises is the rest of the class. Disc seems to rely too much on it's DPS gimmick to separate itself as a unique option to take into content. With Paladins filling the same DPS healer role (and fistweaving making a recent return to viability) Disc lacks little else in terms of actual design to remain appealing. They lack the supplementing utility mobility to encourage bringing them. As other healers rise to match the DPS capabilities of Disc, I just don't see Disc rising to the other categories to match other healers in return.


    Its difficult for me to personally speak towards Disc's class design, because it seems that it is intentionally basic. While I don't think this is an issue on the surface, I think that Holy suffers from the same issues as Disc in that it lacks appealing tools and abilities to compete with utility from other healers. I think the basic idea of Holy Words CD reduction from ability use is great, but that is more or less it for spec depth when it comes to Holy.

    The issue isn't the simplicity of Holy, it's the lack of potential depth that would encourage someone to "main" holy as an appealing, engaging option.


    More than anything else, the Shadowlands changes have just reinforced the already existing feeling that Priests just feel like the most "forgotten" class in the game. A lot of the criticisms I've listed here can also be applied to Shamans, as they have also been in a rough spot for a lot of the expansion (although Shaman DPS can pump right now, people are sleeping on it.) However in Shadowlands, Shamans are receiving some awesome looking changes that really shake up the class, and provide them with a lot of options for utility, off healing, entirely new gameplay, etc.

    Priests are receiving Power Infusion back, which is a step in the right direction, but I am hesitant to stay that will be enough to end the tyranny of Resto Druids and Holy Paladins as the defacto healers for virtually all content.

    For shadow specifically, I really am quite worried about them in Shadowlands. I personally think moving away from Voidform would be the right call, as it's just inherently difficult to balance, and the current direction just removes a lot of engaging gameplay and depth from the class.

    More than anything, I think Priests feels more like an afterthought than any other class.. A fresh coat of paint for Priest would really invigorate the class and motivate more people to play it, and I think it's a shame that the only class in the game with two healing specs can so consistently be one of the least desired healing classes in the game, and Shadow has easily been one of the most inconsistent specs in the entire game in terms of both balance and design ever since the move towards the Voidform mechanic back in legion.

    TL;DR: Voidform is a flawed mechanic and both healing specs lack strong utility or mobility to make them viable or engaging.

    What do you guys think? Am I ignoring some strengths of Priest? Are you happy with the gameplay design choices of all 3 specs in Shadowlands?

    Getting alot of comments stressing the strength of Disc to me, particularly in raids. I did a poor job of portraying it in my post, but I do not deny Disc strength in raids. Disc is in the best spot of the three specs for sure. I primarily want this post to talk about the state of priests as a whole, with a large emphasis on Shadow. I wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to point out the weaknesses that Disc does have.

    submitted by /u/Aesyric
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    Ghoul - W3 Fanart by Kent2D

    Posted: 11 May 2020 06:41 PM PDT

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