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    Monday, June 1, 2020

    World of Warcraft Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    World of Warcraft Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
    That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting strangled by a Death Knight.
    Questions can range from what's new in Battle for Azeroth, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
    Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question. Afraid of not getting an answer? Rest assured, we know that at least 90% of questions get answered!

    You may want to look at /r/wownoob (Retail), or /r/AzerothNoob (Classic) as well!

    Here are some handy guides to start your adventure in Battle for Azeroth for the first time or start World of Warcraft as a brand new player or start Classic World of Warcraft as a brand new player.

    Unless you played in the current expansion, pretty much everything has changed. If you're returning after a very long break, check out the WoW Returning Players Guide.

    If you are returning from earlier in Battle for Azeroth, check out the guides for gearing up, unlocking Nazjatar and Mechagon, and flying.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Family WoW time. I got my wife and kids into wow while on lockdown. We have been clearing every dungeon with just our family group. It’s the best way to past the time together!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    This is amazing

    Posted: 31 May 2020 08:58 AM PDT

    Maybe Next Time - Dark Legacy Comics #728

    Posted: 31 May 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    Got stuck in worgen form when i was supposed to be human. (feat. backwards teeth)

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:10 PM PDT

    My Mage from WotLK

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 01:36 AM PDT

    Please don't make bolvar like magni

    Posted: 31 May 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    Bolvar's base personality can't be warped into a wisecracking guy who makes hilariously bad puns like Khadgar, who technically has the mentality of a 40 year old despite being very old. But, I hope they don't make him like magni. Bfa ruined magni for me because of his azerite addiction constant yammering about azerite and the repetitive voicelines that are too annoying to become memes (unlike the tortollan voice lines). If they ruin bolvar, im going to be angry beyond belief because hes a favorite of mine.

    Also please bring Khadgar back. I miss my dad joking mage.

    submitted by /u/CaptDeadeye
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    All that were sleeping... shall be awakened

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Wholesome support

    Posted: 31 May 2020 06:46 AM PDT

    New leveling system in Shadowlands looks too good to be true. I honestly can't believe how amazing it is.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Imfiredup from Limit has cracked the corruption vendor code

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    Why do I hate pvp so much? I avoid it at all costs, even if it costs me lagging behind in terms of DPS.. like the Blood of the Enemy essence.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 12:49 AM PDT

    For some reason, I get super pissed when I lose or die in a BG.. but in PvE it's no big deal, I actually laugh it off a lot of the time. It's like.. I get mad because the other person got the satisfaction of killing me, even though they most likely don't give 2 fucks about killing me, but I get mad at it.

    Is there a way I can learn to like pvp? I hate not doing it because so much of the damn game revolves around it.

    submitted by /u/DramaIncoming
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    The most terrifying realization about the future of Azeroth from the horrific visions...

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:18 AM PDT

    Even though N'zoth is dead and the return of the black empire has been thwarted, there is still an important lesson we learn about the future of Azeroth from the horrific visions. Something that has not been prevented by our actions, and will continue to plague us for years to come.

    The most terrifying thing we learn about the future of Azeroth in the horrific visions is that whoever decided to make scorched feet and split personality corruptions is still on the dev team.

    submitted by /u/grayle27
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    My hunter is nearly as old as I was when I created him back in 2006(I was 15). What are some of your oldest characters?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    Is Blizzard ever going to address the faction imbalance or are they just going to let Alliance PvE die?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 03:27 AM PDT

    Out of the top 100 guilds on wow progress 13 are Alliance, with 3 of them going horde next expansion. I heard rumours about a fourth one also going Horde. Another 3 are from the Oceanic servers where the faction balanced is skewed in favour of Alliance.

    On my server, which was one of the top servers for competitive Alliance players, 7 out of the top 11 guilds went Horde or are going Horde for Shadowlands.

    This faction imbalance also affects m+ where only 7 of the top 100 timed keys were done by Alliance teams.

    At this point I honestly don't see how they'll ever be able to fix the faction imbalance. I don't want them to remove factions, but I really hope they allow us to do cross faction raiding and M+. We already got Mercenary mode for PvP, where factions should matter the most, so why can't we have it for PvE as well?

    submitted by /u/Egyptian-guy
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    Bolvar is building his own Helm of Domination. 115h atm!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 07:21 AM PDT

    Drew a thing

    Posted: 01 Jun 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    Drew a thing

    Never really posted any wow inspired art before on here, but n'zoth-afied kitty cat doodle I did a few weeks ago.


    submitted by /u/cbear214
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    Why are the Worgen starting zone quests so... good?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:59 PM PDT

    Compared to other races I'd argue that it has some of the most compelling quests.

    submitted by /u/MNPassiveAgressive
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    Blizzard please force tanks in dungeon finder into tank spec.

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    I was leveling an alt this past week and I've noticed a really crappy trend as of late with Demon Hunters that are queuing in dungeon finder as tanks but switch to Havoc spec when they get in. It's leading to a very poor experience for the rest of the group especially as a healer because their health yoyos, they can't hold aggro, and they're racing around the dungeon pulling non stop leaving everyone behind.

    I know the game already switches a player's spec when they get into a dungeon based on the role but please make it so that when in the dungeon - specifically only when using the dungeon finder tool - everyone's spec is hard locked to their role. Maybe have a short circuit that if a tank leaves and another player in the dungeon has a tank spec they can switch specs but for the rest their stuck. Now if a group goes into a dungeon without the dungeon finder tool that's fine, let them go in with silly specs I don't care everyone's in on it.

    I've had at least 4 dungeon runs now at this point where this has happened and it's freaking annoying and not fun. One of the runs one of the DPS was getting murdered because the DH wasn't holding aggro and complained but the rest of the group vote kicked the DPS instead of the tank!

    submitted by /u/rainbowliquor
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    Stormsong Mood

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    Hey Ion, is it time to talk about realm merges yet?

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    During Blizzcon, Ion said he'd look into merging some of the lower population servers. That was in November. I know a lot of stuff happens at Blizzcon, so it's fair to wait before reminding people, but I've probably waited long enough.

    As a resident of BronzeDragonflight on EU, even though we're already connected to another realm, It'd be really cool if we could have a bigger community. I'm sure there's a lot of other people out there like me on low pop realms that wanna meet other people on low pop realms too. It'd be cool if we could.

    submitted by /u/TheCyberTronn
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    A possible solution for ability cosmetics using a new Glyph system, including racial-themed abilities

    Posted: 31 May 2020 05:39 PM PDT

    With the increased focus on character customization in 9.0, we now have powerful tools for changing our characters' visual appearances both in their actual looks as well as the gear they wear. One area where we do not have strong customization is in the visuals of our abilities. This despite numerous attempts by Blizzard to allow for some customization, most notably with glyphs. I have been kicking around some ideas for how to solve this in a few ways, and felt like writing a followup to this thread.

    First, a recap of what's already in the game.

    Race-based visuals

    Different effects based on race have been in the game since Vanilla. Druids, being one racial option per faction, made it a small development cost to make separate cat/druid/moonkin forms for tauren and night elves. In BC, this also included flight forms. Every druid race added since has had their own shapeshift forms, one of the signature aspects of the class.

    In BC we also had racial aspects added to paladins and shaman. Paladins started seeing their mounts have different variants and for shaman, different totems. With the exception of lightforged draenei, every paladin race in 8.3 has their own mount and every shaman race has their own totem design.

    The unique thing about druids, paladins, and shaman is these classes used to have very specific racial (or faction) identities, which justified their initial differences between races. Whereas common classes like hunter, warrior, death knight, and mage operate pretty much universally. A human mage is going to use the exact same spells as a blood elf mage. Note that in lore, almost all races tend to have unique identities/organizations for each class, but this usually manifests in the type of weaponry and gear they use.

    The big notable except to all of this is the priest class. The priest class is a hugely race-based class because it's based on faith. In lore, priests worship or revere a wide variety of different gods, entities, or other concepts, but in-game this is boiled down to being either "light" or "shadow". And even different races have different ideas about these two aspects. One common point I see raised is why night elf priests use the same yellow light spells as those who worship the Holy Light. The obvious solution is to recolor holy spells for night elves to a silver, Elune-based theme.

    (Also, the matter of undead holy priests, void elf holy priests, and lightforged shadow priests is a different matter altogether that probably can't be solved by cosmetics.)

    Alternate themes for abilities

    The most famous example of an entirely new theme for a class/spec is warlock green fire. It's basically a recolor of most visual effects produced by the warlock. We can also throw most glyphs into this category. And glyphs are kind of the core problem here.

    History of glyphs

    Glyphs were introduced with inscription with WOTLK as a kind of proto-trait system. Basically it was a layer of customization on top of the existing talent trees but entirely reliant on a profession. There were major glyphs (analogous to artifact/azerite traits) and minor glyphs (cosmetic changes or enhancements). In Cataclysm Prime glyphs were featured that were even more powerful traits.

    In order for these glyphs to be used you had to buy them from a scribe that made them. To ensure a healthy demand for them they were one-time use. You had a special UI to apply them. In addition to glyphs, scribes have also at various times had the ability to create staves, off-hands, trinkets, shoulder enchants, vantus runes, and other miscellaneous items.

    As the expansions went on, glyphs became less relevant. In 5.0 Prime glyphs were removed, and their effects were made into major glyphs or folded directly into core abilities or talents. 6.0 introduced exclusive categories to help force choice between glyphs. Finally in Legion, with the introduction of Artifacts, major glyphs were no longer needed. Unfortunately, this also meant the Glyph UI was removed as well. It was no longer obvious that glyphs (in pure cosmetic form) were in the game, which impacted the inscription economy. (This was offset by the introduction of vantus runes and contracts.) Finally, not even all minor glyphs survived. Many were converted into purchasable consumables that "taught" you a new or alternate spell, and many glyph effects were removed from the game.

    Note that adding and removing glyphs is a very strange process now. You have to buy/make a glyph, and use it by applying the item to a spell in your Spellbook UI. To remove an effect, you need Vanishing Powder which is then applied to the same spell.

    It should be noted that in 9.0 datamining/alpha, no new glyphs have been added to inscription.

    What is the possible solution?

    There is another customization system in WoW that I believe has done a great job evolving over time and is now a really great experience: transmog. I think we can look to it as a guide as to how abilities can be customized. We can use it as inspiration for how to acquire these cosmetics as well has how to catalog and use them.

    First, I propose that glyphs become an account-wide collection, much like transmog appearances, mounts, pets, toys, and heirlooms. I believe that these ability cosmetics should be "collected". I also believe they should be shared across all eligible characters on your account. Of course, this has immediate issues for the inscription profession, but considering how little the profession is intended to rely on glyphs now, I don't believe this to be an issue. We can also invent new methods for acquiring these "glyphs" which I will describe below.

    By being an account-wide collection, we can also create a better user experience for using glyphs. I think a possible approach would be to have the glyphs tab in the Collections UI, and organized by class just like the heirloom tab. (We could also have an other tab to house effects like the alternate hearthstones.) For each class we could see two types of glyphs: a glyph that changes the theme of the class (like green fire), as well as a list of all abilities used by that class with dropdowns (or something) to select between different options for each ability. It would be a very complex library to browse through so I can definitely see some development and performance concerns here. However, it would make it super easy to learn, browse, and apply glyphs.

    I want to list the different ways we could acquire these glyphs, and the issues with each method.

    • Inscription glyphs - we can continue to use the existing glyphs in game. A player can buy or make a glyph, and learn it by right-clicking (confirm prompt is recommended!). However these glyphs would no longer be one-time use, which means over time as more of the population learns the glyphs, demand will fall. Because glyphs are cheap to make, I do not see this working out long-term, but it also requires little effort to leave these glyphs alone.

    • World/instance drops - we can use the same method for acquiring transmog, pets, toys, and illusions. Illusions and pets were retroactively added to older raid content and must be farmed. There is no cost to the player besides time spent farming them. I think this is a great way to add back discontinued glyphs.

    • Quest rewards / achievements - this is where we can place more prestigious rewards like green fire. However, this has its own set of issues. When you make a reward tied to gameplay, that gameplay may become trivial to the player (like green fire, although not the limited-time achievement from MoP). Blizzard has tried to resolve this using limited time events like Challenge Mode or the Mage Tower, but this is ultimately a bad experience for players that never had an opportunities to participate in those events. There is also the option of the reward being tied to something where your character's power is irrelevant. An example of this is the Singing Sunflower pet rewarded for playing the plants vs zombies minigame.

    • Cash shop - potentially the most controversial option, but also the most feasible. In my option, I think the cash shop is extremely weak. It's fine for a game that largely relies on a subscription fee, but if WoW didn't have one, there would be a lot of potential for cosmetics purchases besides mounts and pets, including more transmog and toys, and premium glyphs. In any case, if "premium glyphs" were sold on the cash shop, they would have to follow some rules. Because items on the cash shop are "eternal" and don't rely on skill to achieve, they should have the kind of slight outlandishness that the store mounts have. We would not want, for example, a glyph changing all night elf holy spells to silver to be sold on the cash shop. We would want something that important to lore to be achieved in-game, much like heritage armor questlines.

    Last thoughts

    I have one final note I want to make about these proposals. Up to now, the cosmetic changes made by glyphs, and even green fire, do not substantially change the appear of spells. You will still recognize a Chaos Bolt in raid or PVP regardless of the color. You will still recognize Thunder Clap or Charge whether there is visible lightning/fire or not. Blizzard does have a responsibility to make sure friendly and enemy abilities are still recognizable. So that may limit what they can do with a greatly expanded glyph system.

    TLDR we can overhaul glyphs by turning them into a collection like other cosmetics, greatly expanding what Blizzard can do for adding cosmetic options to spells and abilities in the game.

    submitted by /u/chilblane
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    What a feelin'

    Posted: 31 May 2020 09:24 PM PDT

    Since I finally got a mail muncher I made some fan art to celebrate!

    Posted: 31 May 2020 11:50 AM PDT

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