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    Tuesday, July 14, 2020

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

    Check out pins within the Class Discords (Retail) or the Class Discords (Classic) for good, vetted information.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I've been digging that Voodoo since Vanilla Alpha

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:28 AM PDT

    Titan Azeroth by Aredheel Art

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:41 PM PDT


    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    What is your 'most useless BfA feature' ?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:17 AM PDT

    Blizzard is desperately asking for feedback about Covenant abilities. Let's give it to them

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    With the Livestreams and interviews that have come out the last week, it seems that blizzard has established that they are going to continue with the focus on 'player choice' in Shadowlands with covenants, soulbinds, conduits, and legendaries.

    I know that the community (including myself) largely has concerns over how blizzard can balance these things properly so that you do not regret your choices later.

    In this post, let's focus not on the systems overall as it seems those decisions have been made by Blizz and are largely not changing. Instead, let's focus in depth on each covenant ability to start. Below I will list all covenant abilities by class as well as the overall covenant abilities. Write your feedback and general ideas about each in line below the comment.

    Let us give them the feedback they so badly crave. Threads for Soulbinds and Conduits will be made later.


    FOUR MONTHS, FOUR MONTHS! Azerite traits and essences were released on bfa beta 2 weeks before release - no wonder they were unbalanced! If you doubt Blizzard's ability to properly balance a system like covenants, here is your chance to potentially have your voice heard.

    A thread with nearly 900 comments and FOUR MONTHS of development time before release. Blizzard is reaching out, it's time to give meaningful and organized community feedback to them.

    As Beta starts, let's not lose sight of this. Keep this kind of discussion up. I will be creating threads like this for talents, soulbinds, legendaries, conduits, and potentially even classes themselves as more people are invited to experience the Shadowlands. Let's make the most out of this system that blizzard has decided on and make sure we can be happy to play the game we love for the next few years.

    submitted by /u/CounterLogicGagging
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    Upcoming Nerfs to Leaden Foot & Split Personality

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:06 PM PDT

    *with the weekly reset:

    The Leaden Foot slow effect is now capped at 50% of movement speed (was 90%).

    Split Personality clones are now spawned for 5 seconds (was 6 seconds), and its disorient effect now lasts 2 seconds (was 4 seconds).


    submitted by /u/Endonyx
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    I like this bus thing in Silverpine Forest, it's faster than lvl 20 mount, which is useful since you get to Silverpine Forest early, I'd like to have more public transportation (ground) like this, this non instant teleportation traveling feels better, tho it'd be problematic with modern design.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    My local Barnes & Nobles had this out a day early

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:38 PM PDT

    Still a lot of abilities that need to be addressed on the GCD

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:57 PM PDT

    Gonna beat this dead horse raw, yay.

    However, there are still many abilities that have not been given an effect on their button press or still seem to conflict within the game. I can't provide a comprehensive list because I just don't know all the classes that well at the moment, but I'd like to bring up a few I can talk about.

    • Sweeping Strikes - This is like...super similar to Blade Flurry. Yet Blade Flurry now does damage when you activate it and Sweeping does nothing. Fix it.
    • Storm, Earth, and Fire and Serenity - Does nothing when you press it, while many other cooldowns have had resources or damage tied to them.
    • Ascendance - Does nothing for Ele/Enh shamans when you press it.
    • Rallying Cry - Still feels like completely poop on the GCD. Why is this button press and gcd you have to sacrifice to help your raid different from Bloodlust/Heroism? In non-raid content it's often every bit as reactionary as any other defensive. All that aside it still interrupts your normal rotation for no good reason. Please remove from the GCD.
    • Trueshot Aura - This cooldown doesn't feel great in the best of times, but the completely empty dead space upon pressing it feels truly awful. Make it do something.
    • Bestial Wrath and Call of the Wild - This has felt like garbage with how often you press these and then using them together. Neither of them do anything when you press them, you always want to use call in conjunction with wrath. Do something.
    • Recklessness - Yeah it generates rage, can it have enrage added to it as well? The ability literally says go berserk for one lol. Second, being able to benefit from the haste reduction on the gcd plays into the fury theme. Third, it would help the rotation flow better and work with abilities like bladestorm more smoothly instead of doing janky things to try and ensure you are enraged anyway upon pressing it.

    What abilities do you think still need to be addressed on the GCD?

    submitted by /u/Artunias
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    Trogz the Death Knight! [concave-buns]

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 01:11 PM PDT

    What is your favorite World of Warcraft zone?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    Our goals IN WoW are different from Blizzards goals WITH WoW.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:10 PM PDT

    Trying to keep this short but a comment on the preach's video thread regarding player base made me realize something. There is a fundamental difference between what dedicated players want as they adventure in World of Warcraft and what blizzard seeks to do with each World of Warcraft expansion and they will likely never align or at least never be part of blizzards greatest concerns.

    I know not every player is the same. This is actually a fundamental part of the discussion. Without getting to specific so people don't fight over details, I think it is fair to say dedicated wow players want engaging content, freedom of choice, balance and rewarding progression as they take their characters through the WoW. I also believe blizzard would love for all of these qualities to be met. The problem is there is a vast amount of casual players (nothing wrong with being a casual player at all by the way) that each expansion sub for a couple months because of the hyped up shiny new content and systems that at first glance seem very cool and intriguing. There is also nothing wrong with that as a player. These players seem to be the players they target. They want as many people each expansion reveal who's thought process is "that seems cool or badass. I'll definitely resub". The players who immediately start worrying about how the new systems will affect which class, spec, race, faction they play seem to be a minority. This causes concern for balance, how systems affect freedom of choice etc. to be put on the back burner.

    I think it's fairly obvious when blizzard released legion, they hit the goldmine in how to easily target these casual players while appeasing or retaining dedicated ones and simultaneously fix having to worry about progressing through expansions and power creep. They come up with cool sounding (regardless of actual implementation) new systems and content each expansion that can be easily voided and replaced with more super totally awesome newer content and systems the next expansion. This brings in the big new expansion numbers while making it much easier to rinse and repeat over and over. Then after everyone resubs they figure out the little things like ya know..balance and how these systems might affect actual gameplay. Blizzard gets to see a influx of new subs while dedicated players are appeased with "we've decided to fix issues we created and you all knew about" patches over the course of the early expansion then announce another expansion which restarts the hype train system over again.

    Legion- legendaries, artifact weapons and power, class halls etc

    Bfa- azerite power, gear and traits, corruption etc

    Shadowlands- even more SYSTEMS that won't matter next expansion

    I see so many genuine comments and posts about possible issues with incoming content and systems and I feel bad for those who take their time to bash their head against the wall over and over as they repeat the same thing in hopes it will be addressed.

    It's not that blizzard can't understand or does not care about dedicated players concerns. They just care more about bringing as many players (subs) as possible each expansion with cool sounding systems they can efficiently replace next time. After this is done, then they worry about the details.

    submitted by /u/ElvenPlutoniumLasers
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    I didn't lose every one of these games, but I wouldn't say that any of them were 'fun'. Maybe poor design? Thoughts?

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 12:56 AM PDT

    Describing a server as a server for “new players” is misleading

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 04:28 PM PDT

    I have started playing a few months ago and I'm starting to realize that the server I picked is just a low population server that was described as a new players server. There are just not many players and whenever I do content through the dungeon finder, it's mostly me that's from my server and groups are hard to come by...what else am I missing out on? :/

    submitted by /u/Abqp
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    And people wonder why new tanks are put off in M+

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:03 PM PDT

    And people wonder why new tanks are put off in M+

    I just finished a run of Junkyard +16 with a couple of friends, pugging the last couple of spots. I never normally have any issues in M+, I'm certainly not a great player but I wouldn't say I was dreadful either. I put a lot of time into planning out my routes and making the group fully aware of the route with the dungeon tools addon.

    In this particular run I had a hunter who thought he was the absolute bees knees. Before the run, he had nothing to say about the route, the group composition or any particular issues. 5 minutes into the run it begins:

    "not that way wtf" "kill this pack" "tank here"

    I'm pretty good at ignoring players like this usually (if you want to do a different route that's cool, but let's chat about it before the run starts). He had particular issue when we pulled some of the patrolling panthers near the last boss area and died. In retrospect I probably would make people aware to avoid that area in future, but if someone pulls them, it's all good - let's just crack on with it.

    The joy came at the end of the run when he realised the ring he wanted dropped for me. At this point I was pretty happy to give it to the other pug member who asked nicely, didn't complain and seemed like a better person. That was when the Hunter unleashed his little tarade before quickly alt+f4'ing.

    If anyone's reading this worried about going into M+ - don't stress about players like this. They're few and far between, and show their true colours soon enough. Considering I'm the worst tank he's ever seen, he was soon applying for the next key we were running. Everyone says it, but find players who you enjoy playing with, add them to friends and run with them again.

    TL;DR: Guy was an asshat for the entire run of a M+ dungeon, pretended to be nice when some loot dropped then quickly became an ass again. People are fickle; learn to develop a thick skin.


    submitted by /u/Kaefera
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    Screen shakes very slight on abilities since Legion (Blue post confirmed this is intended) and it's causing nausea. PLEASE MAKE IT A OPTION IN SHADOWLANDS!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 02:59 PM PDT


    Ever since Legion the screen has been shaking very subtle - It's not noticed until it's noticed really. Since there is no command known to stop this or a option to disable it I decided to create this thread so make it go away.

    Me and others have nausea while playing games and this does give me nausea unfortunately even if it its subtle, its noticable. I've tried writing on forums and i've seen others write as well, I've put in a ticket, [B]no action cam or addons has been tested[/B] and sent in a bug report, but nothing since Legion.

    I want this to be an option in Shadowlands - it causes me not to play certain classes/specs.

    Forum posts:

    Bluepost: I can confirm that this is intended. It was changed in legion with some of the new camera functions we added then. Happens on my melee classes as well. You'll want to go to the #guides:ui-macro forums to see if anybody knows if a console variable or LUA script can disable them, otherwise you can leave feedback in #community:general-discussion. ([url]https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/screen-shaking-on-certain-abilities/542509/3[/url])

    Screen shake on certain abilites: [url]https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/screen-shake-on-melee-abilites/135570/17[/url] Video on Rampage (Notice the left torch wiggle): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waCmIQBrlNg[/video]

    Sub Rogue/Ambush & other melee attacks: [url]https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/anyway-to-disable-screen-shaking-on-melee-abilities/55143[/url] DH Chaos Strike: [url]https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/screen-shaking-on-certain-abilities/388532[/url] Video on Chaos Strike: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM7wGqOOr78[/video]

    Nausea on "BIG" attacks: [url]https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/screen-shake-on-big-melee-attacks/145616[/url]

    And more here: [url]https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/search?q=screen%20shake[/url] [url]https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/search?q=screen%20shake[/url]

    Other abilites causing this: Crusader's Strike, Templar's Verdict, Mortal Strike, Slam, Flame shock (for some reason), Earth shock, melee crit, Rock Biter, Lava Lash, Stormstrike, Devastate and much more.


    Please guys, I need your support on this. Edit: Thanks for the support!!

    submitted by /u/euroguy
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    What is Meaningful Choice and Why Ion is wrong

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    So everyone has been talking about covenants and meaningful choices for the last few days and I've noticed a strange theme coming through. Meaningful and enjoyable choice, is where you struggle to make a decision between multiple options because they are all appealing, and there is limited to no ability to backtrack on your decision. Good meaningful choice should mean picking something where you like all of it, not just some of it. What am I getting at? The way covenants work is there is so much loaded into a single choice that that choice is now not enjoyable or even really "meaningful", Ion wants people to carefully consider who they want to swear allegiance to and covenants are a thematically awesome system. Choosing the zone you focus on and improve, the people you work with to do it, the weekly activity, the soul bind and bonus passive effects you get, where you spend most of your time, the story line you pursue at max level, is already a big choice, and is already a meaningful choice as it affects a massive portion of your max level experience and the eyes through which you experience the max level.

    You might have noticed that list of covenant choice didn't include abilities, its already a meaningful choice, throwing abilities on top doesn't make it even more meaningful, it makes it paralysing because all of the other stuff is largely cosmetic and flavour and fun, and now you put a throughput ability on top and now you are making a 2 pronged decision:

    "Do I do what the devs want and pick the covenant i think is the coolest thematically, or do I pick the ability that is going to give me the best numbers in the content I care most about, OR if possible do i try split the middle of both these options."

    I cannot make this clear enough, NO MATTER what decision you make, it will NEVER feel good, why? because you are being forced to pick 2 completely different things at the same time. Its like if every restaurant had a menu where your Starter, Main course and Desert are all linked and you HAVE to pick one group. Maybe the stars align and you find a starter, main, desert clump that works but the chances are pretty slim. You will almost always pick the set where the main course is best, and the starter and desert aren't offensive to you. For most players main course is their DPS. OR better yet you will just pick the restaurant/class where the stars do align for you. I currently have 4 classes I am interested in, as the system stands regardless of which is the MOST enjoyable I will be picking the class that has the ability I want with the covenant I want for that class.

    IF blizz still wants the choice to be MORE meaningful than flavour and soulbinds, then meet us halfway keep the covenant signature abilities (the utility ones) tied to the covenant choice and make the class abilities a new row of talents (sorta) like this post below shows: https://imgur.com/a/9vqWkbL It also happens to be the case that most classes have 1 ability in the new set that just blows and blizz needs to put serious work into it, this would fix that by just letting them scrap 1 ability from every class, the only thing it would do would be increase the art teams work load, but we all know they can manage that

    submitted by /u/Lonebarren
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    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 10:37 PM PDT

    Let's stop with this "Us vs Them"

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    With Preach's stance on covenants becoming a hot-topic, there's a familiar sight that has been a massive pet peeve of mine for years now which I'm simply going to title "Us vs Them".

    I've been in both ranges of working 2 jobs and only playing 1 day a week, to being a completely no life playing 24/7 and being a 10 NA raider. So regardless of what you come at me with, I've been there - I understand.

    The biggest pet peeve I have with this are people speaking for others and making up fake percents. Saying something like "Preach is just hardcore, these issues with covenants won't matter to a majority of the player base." or "It'll be fine for 95% of the player base." Something along those lines. If you act like this, or think like this, you're actively poisoning the well and ruining the game.

    The reality of it is, you don't know the percent of what players play. You don't know how big the pool of mythic raiders are, you don't know the pool of heroic raiders, normal raiders, M+ers, arena players, BG players, levelers, pet battlers etc. No one besides Blizzard knows, and they've never come out and directly said how the player base is divided. So when you water down someone's concern because you think it only effects that many players, you're creating a string of false, impossible to back statics. That honestly is nothing short of toxic for the health of the game, and helping Blizzard understand where they need to improve.

    Another example is a post I made in concerns to balancing in BFA. To anyone who did arenas, BGs, normal raids, heroic raids, mythic raids, again any of the end game content - high end or not, they all felt this imbalance one way or another. When someone who only has one night to queue for a M+ 10 key that week and they get spam declined all night because they're playing an enhancement shaman, or a rogue that gets to the dungeon and kicked because they're sub instead of outlaw (plenty more specs that get this treatment). This is a subject I could dedicate a whole thread too, but I believe there's plenty of people lived through trying to force a spec they liked and being told by Blizzard they weren't allowed to.

    The balancing that happens at the mythic level, is the same balancing that happens at the lowest end. The same thing here. The Azerite gear that the hardcore complain about are the same Azerite pieces casuals have to farm with their limited time, the neck they have grind to use the Azerite pieces is the same Azerite casuals have to grind. So to come full circle - covenants. The concern of an annoying, incredibly imbalance, non negotiable choice you have to make that is going to plague the hardcore is going to do the same thing to those casual PVP/PVE players. It's not about us vs them, it never was about that, we all just want to have a fun. Have a little empathy and understand just because it doesn't effect you, it doesn't mean it doesn't effect a lot of people, regardless of how big you think that percent of players actually is. At the end of the day, Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company. We should be holding them to a higher standard for all players, not acting as free lawyers on the internet for them.

    submitted by /u/Ned_hots
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    Warning: Rogue Orderhall relocated to t̸͇̬̪̹͋ͅḩ̷̩͔̫͇̬̞̣̯̇̒e̶̙̣̘͔͓̻̜̫̣̲̦̲̹͛͗̽͒̄̔̀́ ̷̥͖͒̊̈́͠V̶̬̝̣̣͔̣͍͇͕͒̀́́͆̀ȍ̷̲̙͈̓̊̿̎̋̑̌̆͘i̶̲̗͍̰̳͍̟̞̖̭̽́̔̽̀͐̔͋̿́́͊̄͗d̸̡̫͔͔̞̜̞̺̯̠̓̓͊̀̒̿̊͘̕ͅ.̴̘̱͍̩̙̞̟̻̥̝̏͗̒̊̽͊̽̽́̌͌̀́ ̸̢̼̱͈̠͈͓͚̮̟̭̐̀̄͝

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    Nightborne and Lightforged feel like a scam

    Posted: 14 Jul 2020 02:38 AM PDT

    Nightborne have 3 skin colors to choose from of which two are just horrible. Lightforged get to be white, white or white. 6 hairstyles for both allied races. Tattoos that are hardly ever visible either due to lightning or armor. With shadowlands approaching this is just ridiculous.

    Just to put everything into relation:

    Regular Orcs will have access to 20 different hairstyles.
    Regular Humans will have access to whooping 23 skin tones and 33 hairstyles.
    Nightelves will recieve 27 skin tones in total.

    So the best you can do for lightforged and nigthborne are 3 skin tones and 6 hairstyles? 3 freaking skin tones? Honestly, if I was a new player buying bfa I would feel scammed.

    Just let nightborne and lightforged each share at least some of the hairstyles of their older counterparts. It's not like they have different models/rigs.
    I know that it's the community's least concern right now, hell, I expected to be downvoted to oblivion. But I just wanted to vent.

    submitted by /u/Unrelenting_Optimism
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    I would love for this armor and weapon to become available in Shadowlands - art by Wei Wang

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Peak 2020 WoW experience right here

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 03:08 PM PDT

    Handmade by the wifey awhile back as a gift.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2020 06:07 PM PDT

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