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    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:22 PM PDT

    Why does it say the text is optional if it's not

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    Demonic gateway I made

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:07 PM PDT

    Sylvanas Windrunner cosplay inspired by her Classic game model

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:32 PM PDT

    Afterlives: Maldraxxus

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    I knew the guards looked familiar

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 02:05 PM PDT

    Design Concept - Un-boring Archaeology! What do you think?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    There's no justice in the afterlife

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:05 AM PDT

    Who is this guy?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:18 PM PDT

    Christie Golden on how Blizzard collaborates. [Twitter]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:45 AM PDT

    Lich: World Of Warcraft x Ghost Crossover Album art by Bextron for me :D

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    Horrific Visions turned out to be something special for me

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Here's a little something that I've been wanting to share with you all. Long post, TLDR at bottom.

    To give you a bit of context, I've played on and off (more on than off, if I'm being honest) since BC, right through to the end of MOP, then took a break til I eventually resubbed in early BFA. I'm far from the world's best player, but I'd like to think that over the years I've managed to get a pretty good handle on the game: I use stuns and interrupts, I don't stand in the fire - all that good stuff, you know. Now, I've always maintained this belief that there's no point playing xyz content if I'm not enjoying it - I'm not driven by trying to be the best in competitive PvP nor do I have any interest in being a cutting edge raider. Just, whatever content I happen to be finding fun at the moment. From leveling new characters, to Quel'Danas/Argent Tournament/Tol Barad/Isle of Thunder dailies, tanking/healing heroic dungeons (way back when those were the hardest dungeons!) and Mythic+, battlegrounds, pugging my way to 10/12 HC Eternal Palace as a healer, even arena for a season or two, or just hanging out and exploring the world with friends... over the years, I've done a lot and seen a lot, but no matter what I'm always following the fun wherever it leads. You can probably see where I'm going with this... The fun led me into Horrific Visions.

    But I realised something the other day. Horrific Visions are so much more than just my "favourite flavour" activity right now.

    1. They have actively pushed me to become a better, more strategic, observant, and competent player.

    2. They pushed me, typically an altoholic, to focus on a main and gear it far beyond anything I've done in the past.

    3. They got me to do something that I'm notoriously bad at: Setting and achieving personal goals.

    I wanna focus on that last one first, because I think it's the most interesting. When 8.3 came out, I had just maxed my new paladin and was in the early stages of gearing and getting essences. I was enjoying prot gameplay, tanking a few dungeons, doing the Uldum/Vale assaults, and maybe one or two Horrific Vision runs a week. I definitely wasn't going hard out trying to max my cloak or anything. I thought the Visions were a neat idea, they seemed fairly fun I guess, but I wasn't exactly in a position to get very far with them. Still, every run that I did felt like I was making progress - I mean, it's not surprising, they're clearly designed to push you a little bit further each time, even the quests make sure of that. And yeah, I had a couple of dud runs here and there, usually terrible luck with corruptions proccing at the worst moments, or getting caught off guard by one of those boss mechanics which wrecks your sanity pool. But in general, I was making progress. Every run I was seeing a little more of the vision, discovering a few more secrets, learning some better strategies.

    When my cloak was about rank 8 (at which time many people had long since reached rank 15), I did something nigh unheard-of for me - I set myself a personal goal. I saw people completing the Mad World achievement, getting the Faceless One title and mount, and I decided that by the end of the expansion, I wanted to be one of those people. I've had little goals before, of course, usually things like "I want this bit of gear for my transmog", but never something quite like this. It felt... significant. Probably really difficult, but not outside the realm of possibility. And so I started working towards that goal. Each week I was getting a bit further. Getting better at hunting down potions, chests, Odd Crystals, and those named mobs which give you buffs. Eventually I managed to complete a full clear, and honestly I was so stoked. I got my first mask. I got my second mask. I completed a 1 mask run. I completed a 2 mask run. Every run felt like I was pushing the boundaries of what I was capable of, and in doing so I was also learning, getting better, forming better strategies, using my cooldowns more, learning which enemy casts are worth interrupting or if I should save my interrupt for something really crucial. With every victory, my goal seemed a little nearer, a little more attainable.

    I completed a 3 mask run. I completed a 4 mask run. But now I was in trouble. The 5th mask would of course be the worst. The one that halves your sanity. That's gotta make it twice as hard, right? Even more, if you consider the extra 25% enemy HP and damage that comes with adding another mask. I'd been doing most of my runs as prot, since I was most comfortable playing defensively and had an extra interrupt with Avenger's Shield, etc. But my damage output was becoming noticeably lacking, 4-mask runs were very slow and I was having sanity problems especially against Alleria. I had done a few 2-3 mask runs as ret and it felt veeeery squishy compared to prot, but it seemed like the added DPS could make all the difference. I just had to git gud.

    Over the next couple of weeks I did some more 3 and 4 mask runs as ret. A lot of small things that I could ignore as prot became much more punishing as ret. Getting stunned by one of those Informant mobs' Touch of the Abyss, or allowing those shadow priesty casters in the Mage Quarter to chain Mind Flay me, were basically death sentences. I found myself constantly strategizing, deciding when I should pop my offensive and/or defensive cooldowns, stuns, interrupts, etc. Really thinking about what I could possibly do to survive a group with TWO of those damned Mind Flay casters plus a voidwalker with a stacking damage attack. Figuring out the ideal times to drop my sanity restoration orbs. Learning how best to avoid my Burned Bridge void zones, while dealing with multiple madnesses. Really learning the boss fights inside and out. And outside of visions, I had also been really putting effort into gearing, doing Mythic+ and saving up all the Titan Residuum that I could to afford a 475 piece.

    I completed a 5 mask run of Orgrimmar. The Most Horrific Vision, indeed. It was intense. Nerve-wracking. But I did it - and boy, I was so proud of myself. I knew at that moment, that I could really, definitely do this. Mad World wasn't just simply within my ability as a player, but truly within reach - I could have it as soon as next week, even! Yes, the only thing that stood in my way now was Stormwind. Alleria. The week ticked over and I tried a 5 mask run of Stormwind. I failed. It was close, really close; after 30 painstaking minutes I had survived the four districts and burned Alleria down to about 1/4 HP before she ran me all out of sanity. It was a mix of bad luck and avoidable mistakes. It was disheartening, but I didn't give up - if I'd gotten that close, I could definitely beat her. Dammit, I had gitten gud, and I wasn't about to let one bad run stop me! So I tried again. I did it. It had taken me months longer than others, but I had finally joined the ranks of the faceless ones in this very, very Mad World.

    Anyway, it got me thinking about all of this. About how it had so often and so consistently managed to push me up to and just beyond my limits. How GOOD that progression felt, from exploring deeper into the visions, to then tackling these ever-harder and more elaborate challenges, refining my own skill and strategies... and always at my own pace.

    It was honestly great. I hope Shadowlands has got something that resonates with me as perfectly as Horrific Visions did.

    TLDR - Horrific Visions have actively made me a better player; convinced me to set, work toward, and achieve personal goals; and are just a lot of fun in general.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/eldorno
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    I drew the Anub'arak!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    Previous wallpapers were positively received, so here are Afterlives: Maldraxxus (Draka) 4k wallpapers

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:15 PM PDT

    Just realized while in midway of making a ring that ICC is just a big socket for a gem.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 05:11 AM PDT

    I drew my favourite mount Squeakers, mostly while waiting for rare mobs to spawn.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Crunchy Spider Surprise! From the WOW Cookbook!

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    This is my world of Warcraft night elf druid inspired by an artist called Shadow priest. My very first 100% crafted cosplay. [Self]

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:33 AM PDT

    Current PTR build lets you mog the conjured offhands from Doomhammer to both hands

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 06:43 PM PDT

    When female orcs started look hot?

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 10:15 AM PDT

    It is an honour to serve

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 01:11 AM PDT

    By day I am just post office cashier and shelf stocker but by night and early mornings I am world of warcraft healer extraordinaire.

    I feel I am a servant in life but in-game as a healer, it is an honour my pleasure to serve, I have rules that I constantly remind myself of when playing a standard that I like to keep to.

    Professional, in everything I do it should be as a professional. The things you say and your attitude in-game matter and it is portrayed through your gameplay and reflects onto those you are playing with, influence is real.

    Make sure the boss dies, keep everyone alive. This is something I say to myself every 20 minutes or so. Sometimes as a healer especially in PvP you have to make game changing decisions. They make me nervous just thinking about them sometimes it is very difficult to literally watch your whole team wipe when you could have saved them.

    Sometimes you might find yourself playing with someone whom you know in real life but do not like and so this could influence how you heal them, will you give them CDs if they are dying? I have in the past fallen victim to this type of selfish healing but it was a very long time ago I have come a long way since then and if I could share with you a quick story from just last night..

    I que and enter a battleground already in progress, I have a rule for this - no matter what the circumstances try and turn the game around try and win. Most of the time it is surprisingly doable with fresh players comes fresh motivation different tactics the enemy team doesn't expect.

    This particular BG I entered there was a pre made on my team with a healer, a good healer, just stubborn. We used to be friends, we fell out, we sometimes now see each other in the BGs. This BG she was losing something that is rare but I have my rules, I quickly analyze the BG and move to her team fight, several people are very low hp so I use some CDs top everyone up, I realize we are going to lose by 20 points or so unless something happens fast, I move to go cap a base.

    Near the end me and this healer are healing within range of each other, I drop to 1% and in hindsight probably because I am simply not being healed. This is where the moral of the story comes into play I use a CD on myself which halts my hp for 6 seconds and in those 6 seconds I can see which heals I receive and from where this other healer had spent a good 15 minutes in this BG with over 30M healing, a healer who rarely loses they had been trying to win players had left and I had joined, in that last team fight where I halted my hp at 1% I was able to see in those split seconds that I was purposely not being healed, I died and the game was lost.

    That healer threw their whole teams game over a pety relationship with another player on their team a relationship that was years ago.

    Would you give someone a CD if they were dying if you did not like them in real life?

    I rushed and risked to save her team in that BG and by the end it was clear they would not have done the same for me. I want to say it doesn't matter but it does.

    I am just disappointed that such a good healer could display such a.. Selfish act. I have done the same once but that was a long time ago and I have made rules since then.

    Be a professional in everything you do, there is a rule I say if I enter a game and there is someone I do not like, for the next 20 minutes you are a team.

    The game matters your personal relationship with that player does not, kill the boss - keep everyone alive.

    It is an honour to serve.

    submitted by /u/Sesindra
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    Gotta love how Lantresor wields a pickaxe in the Mag'har intro scenario. We have scarred him for life.

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    Quest MOB followed me into a dungeon.

    Posted: 04 Sep 2020 12:15 AM PDT

    State of Survival Hunters on Shadowlands

    Posted: 03 Sep 2020 04:39 AM PDT

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