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    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

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    General DPS Questions

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    Thought this was clever

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:13 PM PST

    Valve Co-Founder Gabe Newell playing WoW (ca. 2008)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:25 AM PST

    [AddOn] Quest Cinematic

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:07 PM PST

    Nathanos was a horrible, horrible mistake

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:26 PM PST

    Nathanos has been at the core of so much of this expansion's shit story telling following the Teldrassil/Undercity war (which was shit on its own)

    From a horde view, he's just a grey human twat that yells at u for everything and belittles you because you don't know Sylvanas' real plans like he does. Whilst taking up screen time from our actual warchief who could be directing us to do these things just fine on her own.

    From an ally view, he's just a grey twat with a bow who seems to outsmart and outfight your leaders at every chance for no reason (he doesn't even have the cool death magic that his waifu uses) and Sylvanas just randomly takes his place to do the cinematics before u go back to dealing with Nathanos.

    We have been essentially funnelled this already shaky story through a character that no-one can root for and is just infuriating at every turn. There's 2 main examples of this:

    I played through the night warrior line for the first time recently, I've been horde all BFA and got a demon hunter Nelf to max on ally recently. Holy shit it's such an infuriating quest line. The final fight of Nathanos v Tyrande/Malf on horde side is bad, but holy shit is it 500x worse on ally side.

    You go through this whole quest line of just finding corpses and destroyed towns, u watch Tyrande literally kill an entire base in 1 attack, which was badass btw. Then, you get the big confrontation where... she auto attacks Nathanos, starts to lose, makes the world dark and spooky, Malfurion attacks and then they literally go 'lol let's split our dps, I'll go deal with the afk Val'kyr' ???????

    The whole quest line up to it just feels cheap and pointless, in the end she just got a glyph to make her spells dark blue instead of light blue and some contact lenses. Not to mention, now that BFA is almost over, why the fuck did Nathanos even have to survive that fight for the story? This is something I'll come back to in a bit.

    The next large story push for both sides that we get through Nathanos is the Nazjatar boat race. Here, ally send their entire fleet to chase his boat because apparently a spooky ghost boi on a boat is worse than stepping on a Lego. I did rush the ally part of this so maybe he gets more build-up, but I didn't see any. Then on horde side, we just get on a boat with him and don't question him holding the literal dagger we just freed some powerful being from and sent to Sylvanas. Then someone pulls the plug out of the bath and we all fall down into Nazjatar where after this plan all unfolds Nathanos decides to... walk into the water somehow and apparently go have a tea date with Ashvane+Azshara.

    I focused only on the big times when horde and ally both have their story told through him, but there's tons others that are too unimportant overall to go into detail on. But the main point is, what did Nathanos actually do for the story of BFA, except for piss people off? He could have easily just been a right hand to Sylvanas who died at Darkshore without being so heavily involved in the story.

    Any time he stood on Sylvanas' god damn boat with us and told us what Sylvanas wanted us to do, Sylvanas could have done it, we could have fleshed out her lore and dialogue to make her actually seem 'morally grey.' Sylvanas leading a ship on open waters is infinitely more believable to be a target of the entire Alliance fleet than some random bow guy with a dagger.

    Heck, even him knowing Sylvanas' real plans means NOTHING because Sylvanas is revealing her plans without him!

    Why ruin this massive moment for Tyrande to show her new power if the character u ruined it for isn't even going to do anything except be grumpy? If Tyrande killed Nathanos at that beach I would've cheered when I played it thru as horde because fuck Nathanos, and I would've felt amazing when I played it thru as ally because holy shit yes we have a warrior god, and we would have opened up so much room for interesting story around the horde's new warchief actually being present in the expansion.

    I'm a Sylvanas loyalist (still am) but holy shit Nathanos soured so much of this expansion's story for me and I wanted to vent because the night warrior quest line reminded me how shit he is.

    Sorry this post got kinda long and ranty but yeah.


    Nathanos should've never been as prominent as he was, he should've died at Darkshore, and Sylvanas should have led horde forces into KT/Z + Nazjatar in his place, whilst being more prominent in both War Campaigns.

    Sylvanas' loyalists took orders from Nathanos more than they did from fucking Sylvanas, for no reason at all.

    Fuck the human larper who has grey skin and a bow.

    submitted by /u/Hahkil
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    Star'thuzad — just another JoJo reference.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:55 AM PST

    Was watching if WOW won Golden Joystick (Classic WOW won PC Game of the Year), and then this happen

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 12:09 AM PST

    The War of Thorns and Burning of Teldrassil drastically changed the tone of WoW's story, and despite Blizzard's efforts to make us forget them, they really need to be properly addressed.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:42 AM PST

    So, the War of thorns and Burning of Teldrassil aren't in-game anymore!
    So, the whole thing was blamed on Sylvanas alone, and Saurfang got to die a hero's death like he always wanted, getting forgiven for all his atrocities, with Anduin helping carry his corpse into Orgrimmar and giving a very nice eulogy at his funeral!
    We're moving on to Shadowlands, where the faction war will be absent, since developers confirmed that everyone would have the same quests (so it also means that whoever remained loyal to Sylvanas will still have to fight and kill her)!
    So, Jaina, who should be chanting "I told you the Horde couldn't be trusted!" is back to her peace-seeking self!
    Anduin is happy to help the Honourable™ Horde redeem itself again, without asking anything of them in return since now they promised they'll be good again!
    Genn, who should be likewise cheering that he was right all along, has calmed down, and now only wants to kill sylvanas, at worst just saying 'we should be careful'.
    Saurfang, despite his role in the War of Thorns, his responsibility in it, the fact he planned the entire war based on "but they might attack us in a century", that he cleaved Night Elves in half, threw an axe at Malfurion's back, etc... got the warrior's death he wanted, and was still presented as an Honourable™ guy throughout.

    So, it's pretty clear to me that Blizzard probably wants to move on from the whole "launched an unprovoked war of extermination against the Alliance" thing, and wants us to get over it like they told the Alliance to get over Theramore.

    Except that what happened is not Theramore, it's a thousand times worse.

    The bombing of Theramore happened off-screen, and was ultimately 'only' a city.
    The war of thorns and burning of Teldrassil were explicitly called a genocide in "Elegy" (and I think "a Good war" too, but I'm not sure).
    I feel the need to repeat it, but they were explicitly called a GENOCIDE.

    Blizzard knows, like nearly everyone does, how loaded of a word it is, how explicitly referring to an event as such, using the G-word, is a big deal.
    They still used that word.

    Then, it's something that actually happened in-game too. there were quests about it, quests showing the Alliance arriving too late to save civilians in Astranaar/Ashenvale, quests about trying to stop the Horde and failing, quests showing the devastation they inflicted on the land, on the people.
    Then, there was the burning itself, where the Alliance got to play through the amazing (from a narrative/gameplay standpoint) quest about saving an impossible number of civilians in far too short of a time. A quest making you feel the despair and horror of the situation, how horrible it all was.
    And then... Teldrassil wasn't addressed again.

    The most it got was a warfront and the lead-up to it, which showed that the Alliance continued to fail again, since even tyrande's super-duper-uber-powerful powerup wasn't enough to stop nathanos from achieving all his goals, how the raised Night Elves immediately turned against their former countrymen, their people, and started killing them (there was enough complaining about why these supposed "free willed" undead would do that and serve the one responsible for everything horrible that happened to them and agree to inflict the atrocities they were victims off onto their former people, i won't go into it for now).

    Then... it wasn't adressed.
    The most it got was a one-liner from Shaw during 8.2, where he's like "what about teldrassil" only to be told to shut up by Jaina, because the alliance needs to play nice with the Horde.
    Then, it got only throwaway referrences again, like Saurfang briefly going "what you did to teldrassil" to Sylvanas during hsi final cinematic (not that he says 'what you did', not 'what we did' or 'what you made the Horde do', since the narrative is that sylvanas was the only person to blame for the war starting).

    Except, ti fails.
    It fails at addressing the genocide, the World Tree-sized elephant in the room.

    The entire Horde was complicit in the *GENOCIDE** of an Alliance race*.

    "A Good War" itself shows that most of the Horde was happy to go kill Night Elves for little reason again, with only Saurfang having some doubts about it.
    And even then, these doubts didn't prevent him from planning and taking part in the genocide, with him cleaving Night Elves in half, leading the army, conquering Darkshore and Ashenvale, stationing the demolishers on the shore, and so on.
    Putting the entire blame on Sylvanas also misses that, the last time I checked, she did not have the gift of ubiquity that would allow her to occupy Darkshore by herself.
    She wasn't the one who fired the catapults, or who used magic to make sure the tree burned. she wasn't the one fighting on the Warfront, or personally plaguing the lands and murdering civilians, or raising the Sentinels she killed.
    Then again, she might have developed these powers offscreen, considering her power level has grown to ridiculous levels offscreen.

    Anyway, my point is that Saurfang only rebelled after being complicit in genocide again, for at least the third time of his life. and that even then he was perfectly content going down bravely fighting the Alliance at Lordaeron, and wanted to simply die until given a pep talk from Anduin.
    And that Saurfang was the only one who rebelled.
    The rest of the Horde followed Sylvanas.
    In fact, even when other Horde leaders start to rebel (which, due to unfortunate timing, can still be interpreted as them simply not wanting to lose or being paranoid that Sylvanas will now target them as well, rather than having any actual moral qualms, but that's not the point right now), we're repeatedly told that a majority of the Horde continues to support sylvanas, a point that is emphasized during the "Rescue Baine" scenario, where even Lor'Themar says he has doubt he'll convince his people to rebel against the Warchief. And then "Negociation" and "reckoning", which both notes that a majority of the Horde still support Sylvanas

    In fact, the Horde never really overthrow Sylvanas as much as she gets fed up pretending to care for them and simply says "Fuck you, fuck this job, you've all fell into my trap anyway!" and fucks off.

    Except that it isn't just a Warchief being slightly aggressive and the Horde following them, we're still talking about an actual, honest to god, explicit genocide, perpetrated for little reason, by and with the full support of the Horde.

    To put this into perspective, imagine if, when creating a blood elf, you had to play through Arthas's march on Quel'Thalas, how you'd have quests about fleeing him, slowing him down, about trying to save people unsuccessfully.
    Imagine that it ends with you planning a last defense of the Sunwell, only for the cinematic to show him resurrecting Kel'thuzad here anyway, completely ruining it, leaving you to stand within the ruins of Silvermoon, and how the next quests would be about trying to limit the damage he did, about trying to contain it.
    Hell, imagine a quest where, after fighting under Ranger-general Sylvanas Windrunner defending Silvermoon for a few quests, you'd then have quests about fighting against Dark-ranger Sylvanas Windrunner, who now wants nothing more than to kill every single High/Blood elf left in Quel'Thalas. And you're not told this was mind-control. In fact, you get a brief dialogue about Arthas gloating that she's willingly doing that.

    Because this is exactly what Alliance/Night Elf fans had to deal with when doing the War of Thorns, Burning of Teldrassil and 8.1 Darkshiore quests.

    Now, imagine that, when the time came to fight back against the Scourge and have your vengeance, the one time you manage a semi-successful offense against them ends with your leader saying 'but the Scourge can still be good, we only need to kill the Lich King and then there will be peace, so we would hold back our punches because otherwise we'd be monsters just like them" so you throw the advantage you just gained away.
    Also, imagine that, while fighting the Scourge, you get shown beautiful, fully rendered, full 3D cinematics about Arthas being conflicted about what the Lich King ordered him to do, while beyond their brief appearance during his "Arthas destroys Silvermoon" cinematic, the High/Blood elves never gets any recognition that they suffered beyond a short 'we're gonna have our revenge' animated short that's not even five minutes long.

    Now imagine that it all ends with Arthas being reminded of the Light and of Honour™ and destroying the Helm of Domination, with Lor'Themar hailing him as a hero and proof that the Scourge can be good.

    Because this is basically how the War Campaign ends.

    This is why Teldrassil and the War of Thorns can't just be glossed over and why the Alliance can't just "get over it".

    submitted by /u/cricri3007
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    It passed already 2 weeks since blizzcon but i hope im not too late with cinematic impressions

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:27 AM PST

    Anyone else think that the Horde wyverns need a major overhaul (and/or should be replaced by the newer skin?).

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:24 PM PST

    *sigh* Stop acusing Christe Golden of the poor story in Warcraft.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:25 PM PST


    I see so many people saying everything that is wrong with BfA, Sylvanas etc is all thanks to Golden.

    Give her a break. Its ridiclous. She doesnt' decide if Sylvanas is going to burn the tree. Stop blaming her.

    submitted by /u/Wayyzzz
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    Just a Friendly reminder

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:34 PM PST

    Can we just take a moment to appreciate the hardworking moms?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Instagram vs Reality - Hunter Pet edition :)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:01 PM PST

    Starry night in Drustvar

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:20 PM PST

    Do you remember this guy?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:51 PM PST

    Sylvanas broke the Helm of Domination because it was a Paladin only drop

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:29 AM PST

    Boy did this thread age poorly.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    13 years later, this awful visual glitch is still shining on Silvermoon. The whole Quel'Thalas revamp is already late.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:33 AM PST

    A cake my previous employee made for my wife's birthday today. For the Horde!

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:26 PM PST

    fan art. I paint with watercolor. If you open the link on pc, there's a download button under the pic, if you want to have HD. (:

    Posted: 16 Nov 2019 02:43 AM PST

    My game bugged out and i got the demon hunter eyes without the green glow

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:17 AM PST

    This is 100% Kratos and Atreus

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:30 AM PST

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