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    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    World of Warcraft Holiday Giveaway threads Roundup

    World of Warcraft Holiday Giveaway threads Roundup

    Holiday Giveaway threads Roundup

    Posted: 18 Dec 2019 11:00 AM PST

    Edit: If you're looking for the 12/23 Murloc Monday, find it here

    Tis the season for giveaways!

    In this post we'll round up the currently approved giveaways as several are on the go at once and we just can't sticky them all at once.

    (NA/EU) Gallywix Community Christmas Giveaway (Brutosaur, M+, Raids, Leveling & More!): The Gallywix boosting community are operating 3 separate giveaways including including a TCG mount and a Brutosaur on top of daily prizes. Some giveaways are daily via their discord, some are via posting in the thread, check it out for all the details.

    Holiday Season Giveaways | The Pro Boosting Community: The Pro Boosting community are doing doing giveaways via their Discord, including M+ carries, raid clears and mounts.

    Pieces Christmas Giveaway Multiple giveaways done by top guild Pieces in the EU, including a full Mythic EP carry with loot, a Jaina Mount and a giveaway to be announced on Christmas.

    Complexity Limit X Perky Pugs X Extra Life FREE Heroic Azshara Carries for Charity!: Complexity Limit are doing AOTC carries via twitch streams as well as raising money for the Extra Life Charity on December 13th and 14th. The carries are done, as well as some of the giveaways, but they do have more Gamestop Giftcard Giveaways to do via their Twitter and you can still donate to Extra Life via the links in the thread.

    If you are a community or organization looking to do a giveaway, please reach out via modmail. As noted in the rules, giveaways by individuals are not permitted.

    submitted by /u/Coan_Arcanius
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    Blood Elf Heritage Armor Color Variations - by me

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:09 PM PST

    Anduin and Sylvanas' Get Along Shirt - Art By Bex @formbextron

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:48 PM PST

    Woke up to this pleasant surprise :)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:31 AM PST

    I've been playing casually since BC but this is the first time I have ever got a character from level 1 to max :D just wanted to share cos I'm super proud of myself rn :D

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 12:33 AM PST

    I made a crochet baby Murloc for my boyfriend!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Designed a Winter's veil Attire for my Warlock.(Art done by me.)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:35 PM PST

    Light be with you

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 04:24 PM PST

    Make reputations account-wide, and add weekly/daily caps

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 01:11 AM PST

    This is one thing that SWTOR does which makes the game incredibly alt friendly. The reputations you earn on one character are shared amongst all of them, but there is a weekly cap to how much you can grind on your alts. Usually to hit the weekly cap, you can do a bunch of dailies, each day on 1 character, or you can do them all in one day if you have enough alts. Either way, both types of players can hit the weekly caps.

    In addition, it makes it so that if you're the type of player who can only do stuff on weekends, you can knock out all your rep farming in the time you have available, and aren't forced to log-in every day if you want to keep up.

    In this day and age of 2020 MMOs, it's mind-boggling why t his hasn't been added to WoW yet.

    submitted by /u/LukeTheExpat
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    Hey Blizz, I hope this isn't the final pass on the Mail Helm, it looks pretty bad on non-human races.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:55 PM PST

    Looks like quite a few people are getting broken server blade cases. Come on blizz you can do better packaging.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:53 AM PST

    When Grom Hellscream drinks Mannoroth's blood in WC3.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:26 AM PST

    Reminder to buy the corgi goggles before they go away they make everything better!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:27 PM PST

    My early Christmas gift, hopefully I don’t get sued!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:09 PM PST

    My server blade arrived! - Does anyone else's have missing pieces?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    On Tyrande

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:53 PM PST

    I'm not sure if I particularly care for the direction Blizz has been taking with Tyrande.

    Ever since she has become a more prominent character in WoW I feel like they keep taking her in the same circle of something happening that involves her and her taking the least logical and most emotionally driven decision as a result, this seems to have been a pattern since at least Pandaria, and Tides of Vengeance seems to be the most egregious example so far.

    Don't get me wrong she is obviously justified in how she feels about what happened but demanding Anduin immediately launch an invasion and then potentially breaking off with the Alliance when he asked for patience since pretty much all of his forces are either tied up in Arathi or are dealing with the Kul Tiras/Zandalar situation was an epic fail on her part.

    Anduin made the right call and it's unfair to him to act like he abandoned the Night Elves given the no-win situation that Tyrande was presenting him. It's unfortunate but the moment the Horde started forging an alliance with Zandalar Darkshore became a sideshow and Anduin had to worry about overall victory and not just what happens in Darkshore. It's all well and good that Tyrande actually managed to regain ground in Darkshore but if the Alliance had lost the overall war her progress would have very easily been undone.

    I think it's also fair to say that most of the older Alliance leaders can relate to what Tyrande is feeling. Stormwind was burned down when Blackhand's Horde invaded, the Dwarves fought a three way civil war that fractured their race until very recently, the Gnomes lost Gnomergon and the Gilneans lost their kingdom, but every one of them reacted better than how Tyrande is acting right now and they all regained what they lost because they threw in with the Alliance and understood that their was other shit going on that was more important overall, but with their long term goals being towards recovering their homes and identities.

    The only time that has stuck out to me that she chose a logical decision over an emotional one was when she left the chase of Xavius in Legion to stop Ysera from destroying the Temple of Elune and even that was after wasting a lot of time playing Xavius' game.

    I would think that someone who is over 10,000 years old and has gone through any of the shit she has in that time would understand the need to look at the bigger picture once in a while but she hardly ever does. On top of that she might be the easiest racial leader to goad. I get why Blizzard wants to create drama on the Alliance side but come on there has to have been a better way because at this point I just think the Night Elves deserve better leadership.

    Sorry if this was a little rantish, but I have been having trouble putting this into words. I hope it is coherent.

    submitted by /u/dr197
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    Happy Winter's Veil! Have an IRL Winter's Veil Egg Nog recipe (recipe also in comments)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 03:17 PM PST

    Just a 10 Siege but still.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    Server blade arrived damaged

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    So I gotta say I was pretty disappointed in the state my charity server blade was shipped... Was barely any protection in the box it came shipped and the acrylic front has been shattered and cracked in a few places... Really expected more to be honest for such an expensive item. Anyone know who we can reach out to for assistance? Edit: pics https://imgur.com/a/O6rWobh?desktop=1

    submitted by /u/rethilgore-au
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    9.0 New Player Starting Zone

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:22 AM PST

    Since they are already adding this new starting zone I was wondering about a few things.

    As someone who came to WoW VERY late, there were mechanics and player content I didn't understand or get to until very late into my gaming experience. I started playing semi-seriously in Legion and am up to date with guild raids/mythic + etc. in Bfa. So I understand if my opinions and thoughts may not be aligned to seasoned players.

    I was very interested in the new player starting zone that allows players to explore the content of the game on a mini scale. As someone who really wanted to get into the game, I think the following would be great for new players to be exposed to get them excited about future content. I understand the argument could be, well they play an entire expansion to learn these things, but the expansions aren't there to point new players to what they can do, but rather add new content to the already established world.

    Show where rewards come from early on, where to look and show different opportunities to find it, a few examples:

    • Maxing out trial Professions: Maybe have a few trial professions that could be used for the mini Raid/mini Dungeon, such as potions, gems, basic enchantments, etc. They could be really small and nothing too complex or generally too useful. (Reason: I never maxed out or tried professions since it seemed pointless to me until I was an end game in Bfa and was bored, forcing myself to find content. If I knew about the power of professions earlier, I would have engaged with it sooner)
    • Maxing out trial Rep: Maybe have a small faction or simple rep grind to introduce the concept of gaining rewards for playing overtime. (I never knew about this while I was leveling a new character and didn't seem important and rather pointless until I got the rewards for cheaper and better profession skills. Maybe offer an old easy to access mount that is already in the game for maxing out. Rewarding those who stay around.
    • Early PvP: Maybe have a que for the AI PvP to allow players to ease into PvP. I remember how stressed I was playing the first time PVP. What are the objectives? Where do I go? etc. By allowing new players to experience a PvP with AI, may help them ease into understanding the game. Let's be honest, how many people will google how to play a game while playing it? Having a PvP introduction would be great for new players.
    • Show weekly rewards/chests or other late-game mechanics: I don't know how long it takes to finish the trial zone, but maybe introduce late-game mechanics early on, to get the player excited for end game content similar of the current expansion. I never knew what WoW really was while leveling, everything being kept a mystery. I literally thought WoW was just the lvling experience and that was it. As a new player, it took far to long to know/understand what you could be doing or should be potentially excited about.
    • Show how to use the LRF/LRD without the instant que. Maybe have something to show how to use the tool early on, because a lot of the game was hidden from me unaware of how the tool even worked. It wasn't a thing for me until I wanted to do Mythic +, and it made me very nervous not knowing how a lot of these things worked. I understand Guilds can help, but why not introduce some of these things earlier on?

    I have had friends play WoW, only to quit while leveling being bored and not understanding what the game really has to offer. Maybe including more during the Introduction Zone, allowing players to stay for a little bit to complete content before heading to BFA allows them to understand what is awaiting them. I think the game needs to be demystified, and many who have been playing for years, may not understand how this needs to be. Though a power course on all/most of what WoW has to offer in a mini/trial form may spark the interest long enough to play current expansion end-game content.

    I love WoW and I want more people to stick around long enough to see how much fun it really can be.

    (Note: this post has also been posted to the Blizzard Forums: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/90-new-player-starting-zone/395376 )

    submitted by /u/Mere-Thoughts
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    Who is your favorite allied race and why?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:08 PM PST

    I just came back to the game and am wondering what you like about them! I think lightforged are pretty cool with the light explosion on death. Also dark iron dwarfs because of the drill machines and faster movement inside (tho I don't have them yet. Tell us who you like!

    submitted by /u/Stahlwisser
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    Even tho I don't particularly enjoy warfronts. It's still kind of sad that there won't be more than 2 of them.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    They could be such a good feature. I can't understand how is it even possible to dumb it down so much. I bet they had bigger plans for the feature.

    submitted by /u/Papier4
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    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:10 AM PST

    This week is WQ week, meaning extra rep from doing WQ's, which stacks with the anniversary buff (and hooman buff).

    This is the week to push those reps if you need flying.

    This is the way.

    submitted by /u/bobbis91
    [link] [comments]

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