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    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    World of Warcraft Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    World of Warcraft Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    Midweek Mending - Your Weekly Healing Thread

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Weekly healing thread.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    meanwhile on run number 1683 in ICC...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 03:59 PM PST

    Who's ready to play some Ratchet & Clank next patch?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:18 AM PST

    Walking through Stormwind the other day

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:16 PM PST

    Horde/druid tattoo I got

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:17 PM PST

    Hey Blizz I would love some good Paladin Shields, Art by Yekaterina Bourykina

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:26 PM PST

    6 years ago today I got my first rare mount, since this moment I knew I wanted to get as many as I can.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 01:23 AM PST

    These Havenshire horses sure are strong

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:18 PM PST

    Thank you so much for the positivity on my post a few days back. It inspired me to try to make a full body shot of my Ret Pally "Iluvator."

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:30 AM PST

    Would be super cool if the Kul Tiran female armor didn't fit like a tight shirt ...

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 06:24 PM PST

    Preach: 8.3's Biggest Problem... is 8.2??

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 12:46 PM PST

    What will happen when Death Knights use Wraith Walk inside Shadowlands?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    some things just never age . . . literally !

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:17 PM PST

    Has any of my fellow Worgens messed around in mogit lately? Its Nightmare fuel.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 01:57 PM PST

    Death knight screenshot same pose of Legion Acherus art

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 08:11 AM PST

    I just got Invincible and have noone to share it with

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:46 AM PST

    fk icc. No longer having to run it. 2nd run this week and its finally mine. Now lets see how long i have to try for the firelands and dragonsoul mounts :(

    submitted by /u/Vulpera_is_coming
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    Why are the Plate "Recruit's Boots" not made transmogrifiable? It's a crime!

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:48 PM PST

    Annual Guild meet up crossed paths with Micky Neilson, author of Ashbringer (2008) <Shiver> Mal'Ganis

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:50 AM PST

    After getting my weekly chest I can one say one thing. "Nice".

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:59 AM PST

    The first Lightforged Mag'har reaching Stormwind ready to pillage Stromwind for the 3000th time in the name of high exarch Yrel and the Light Mother. (Circa 2022)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:37 AM PST

    Just made a troll for the first time in years and this legend’s ending is still as heartbreaking as ever! Love this guy.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:05 AM PST

    Time to kill in pvp too long?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 10:44 PM PST

    Does anyone else think that the time it takes to kill another player is too high? I'm just returning after awhile, but a lot of the time it barely seems like my spells are doing anything to enemy players and 1v1s seem super drawn out and long.

    Is this a player hp is too high issue, or so all classes have so many survival tools now it's tough, or is this just a non-issue I'm seeing from my small sample size.

    I like seeing them big juicy crits and chunking life bars lol

    submitted by /u/Chirpotk
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    Cheers, It's Tuesday (OC)

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 11:07 AM PST

    Nasty way of trolling with afk alliance AV korrak xp farmers as a mage.

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 09:17 AM PST

    All the AV games I have entered as alliance have had 85% of the team just running around at the spawn location waiting for horde to win so they can get their xp chunk and it pisses me off. Most of them dont even look where they are clicking as long as they keep moving around and with all the 30+ afkers shooting fireworks and whatever its really hard to see. So what I did was put a nice portal to Exodar right in the middle of it. What happens if you accidentally click it? Well, you get portaled out of the BG and get the deserter debuff.

    I usually get about 5-10 afkers booted within a minute or two.

    *Edit* Actually just figured that you can put up multiple portals all over the place ^^

    submitted by /u/daxia3
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