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    Monday, December 9, 2019

    World of Warcraft Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    World of Warcraft Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    Murloc Monday - ask your questions here!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle! RwlRwlRwlRwl!
    That's murloc for "Welcome to Murloc Mondays" - where people can ask any type of question about WoW without getting strangled by a Death Knight.
    Questions can range from what's new in Battle for Azeroth, what class is OP, and how many Demons will it take to down Thrall?
    Questions can come from brand new players, players returning, or veteran players who never got a chance to ask the right question. Afraid of not getting an answer? Rest assured, we know that at least 90% of questions get answered!

    You may want to look at /r/wownoob (Retail), or /r/AzerothNoob (Classic) as well!

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    A lot of you liked my recent Zangarmarsh piece, so it thought I'd share my Bolvar illustration!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:01 PM PST

    For the first time in my 14 years of WoW, I did a raid run with the guild I've recently joined. I was always playing alone. Now it's fixed and I'm seeing WoW from a different angle. A better angle. Wipe Res Rebuff from EU Draenor - I love these guys.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:39 AM PST

    Getting asked to remove someone from a group happens too often.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 10:19 PM PST

    I've also been on the opposite end of the stick. I have been removed from a group just because someone wanted their friend to join. If you want to join with friends, group up. I heal most times, and tanks ask more often than I'd like to admit, to remove a DPS that has already been invited because they want someone else. Then use the excuse "Find another tank/You lose your tank then" as if it's ammo. Please stop this kind of behavior.


    A replacement tank took all of two minutes. What is the reasoning behind this? It makes players of this game come across as very toxic.

    submitted by /u/cbabbx
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    If we're gonna be working on customization quality, can we maybe find a way to make hairstyles be cut off by certain collars so this sort of clippage doesn't happen?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:43 AM PST

    Herald of Shadows, Venthyr

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:46 PM PST

    Worgen Warrior, by me

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:12 AM PST

    Medivh doesn't like visitors.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:36 AM PST

    "A Classic Journey - Alliance - Part V: The People's Militia" by Valdihr

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 07:27 AM PST

    In case you guys were wondering what new Teebu's looks like with the Wraithchill Illusion, I found a way to apply it!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:10 PM PST

    MogIt is one of my Favorite Addons

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:35 PM PST

    I spiffed Ragnaros up for Christmas!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:34 PM PST

    The Ambassador is my friend. We go on adventures together

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 01:15 PM PST

    Black "Night Warrior" Eyes don't work for Death Knights anymore on PTR.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:28 AM PST

    Sometimes, being a sheep in a pack of wolves isn't so bad...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 02:49 PM PST

    Can someone explain how did this get in my quest log? I'm Horde btw.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:55 PM PST

    Shadowlands is an Old God expansion - we've been feeding souls to the Void inside the Maw all along. The Hour of Twilight approaches!

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

    First of all, this post might get quite lengthy, so here's a TL;DR. Please read the entire thing before making up your mind though.


    • The Maw inside the Shadowlands isn't just some prison for wicked souls on Azeroth. It's the feast of all feasts. It literally contains every soul from Azeroth (soon, anyway), and the Void will feast on it.
    • There is no "God of Light", "God of Death", or true deity of any other cosmic force as we've been speculating lately. There are forces, and then there are their manifestations or harbingers. The Void Lords are the ultimate representations of the Shadow (or Void as we often call it), as the Titans are for Order, the Naaru for the Light, the Wild Gods for Life, and so on.
    • With that in mind, the Shadowlands isn't an evil place. Like the Emerald Dream, it's merely one reflection of reality. It exists, and it's there. It has its purpose, to tend to souls and act as a machine of death and rebirth in the cosmos. The so-called Cycle. But it's not evil. It's not out to get anybody.
    • What's going on inside the Shadowlands right now however, is the preparations for the literal end of the world. The Hour of Twilight. What I am convinced of is the fact that an entity representing the Shadow (Void) is about to feast on souls. But then it gets a bit murky.
      • Scenaro 1: Yogg-Saron is the 'God of Death' who is about to feast on the souls of the dead and consume all of Azeroth. N'Zoth opposes him because he wants to be the most powerful so that he may consume the world for himself. There is a war between Shadow and 'Death' going on because of it. He may be what the trolls call Mueh'zala.
      • Scenario 2: C'thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'shaarj and Xal'atath have all had their physical forms killed, and N'Zoth is the only one remaining. He has triumphed over his brethren and is about to consume all of Azeroth. He may have picked up their powers along the way, forming a sort of amalgam of Old Gods.
      • Scenario 3: There is a Void Lord, possibly by the name of Mueh'zala, who feasts on souls within the Maw in order to be able to manifest fully in the physical realm. N'Zoth may be working with or against him.

    The outcome would be transforming Azeroth into a Dark Titan which is to destroy the universe.

    Whoa, right? Next, I'll present you with a ton of quotes, in-game texts, and snippets of lore, followed by my own interpretations of them. Disclaimer: I've chosen not to include sources and my interpretations may be wrong. Feel free to copy-paste any of these texts and look them up on Google to make up your own mind. Without further ado, here's the story...

    The Cosmic War

    There is a war beyond our comprehension raging within the universe. Six cosmic forces clash against one another in an eternal struggle of supremacy over the universe. Light, Shadow, Life, Death, Order and Disorder.

    Six seats at the high table. Six mouths that hunger. One will consume all others.

    It predates everything we know. It raged across Azeroth as well, even before the Titans arrived.

    This conflict is but a shadow of an ancient war that predated the meddling of the titans. Infinite armies clashed in ceaseless battle. But I'm sure your little war is impressive... in its own way.

    Oh! You've gathered quite the group of followers. It is fortunate they are focused on this incursion and not the true war. The scope of it might destroy your minds.

    This war affects everything on Azeroth, and we're all involved. A Mage might use the power of Arcane magic (Order) and a Warlock might seek the forbidden Fel magic (Disorder) for their own benefit. Some even seek to use powers of a force against it, fighting fire with fire like Demon Hunters and Void Elves do.

    The cunning ones kneel before six masters, but serve only one.

    Sometimes these forces join up and strike deals when their intentions align. Light, Life, and Order usually get along well since they all want there to be something in existence, even if they sometimes disagree on what form it should take. But sometimes, these agreements take the form of unholy alliances between near-opposites.

    The Light has struck a bargain with the enemy of all.

    These forces also differ in terms of their qualities. Some, like the Light, are more rigid and ordered, while others, such as the Shadow, see many paths.

    The Light would have your kind remain obedient and stagnant. I offer the gifts of freedom and strength.

    What we do know is that the Shadow, through the Old Gods, has been on a quest for several millennia to conquer and consume Azeroth, turning it into a Dark Titan that will end the universe.

    The Hour of Twilight

    What is perhaps the most iconic and permeating narrative thread throughout Azeroth's history, is the prophesied Hour of Twilight–the moment when the Old Gods' plans will come to fruition and they will end everything, leaving nothing but the Void.

    When the Titans left Azeroth, they created the Dragon Aspects by imbuing five Proto-dragons with their powers through the Keepers. Odyn disagreed with his brothers and sisters about this course of action, but it proceeded regardless. Their primary objective was to protect Azeroth and prevent the Hour of Twilight in the Titans' absence. This duty was fulfilled in Cataclysm, when they used the Dragon Soul to defeat Deathwing.

    But some say the prophecy is about more than that, suggesting it's actually when a Void Lord will consume the entire universe. So the Hour of Twilight was never really stopped, merely pushed back.

    The sun has set on this mortal world, fools. Make peace with your end, for the Hour of Twilight falls!

    Not so fast, Son of Durotan. You and your allies have certainly set us back. But, the Hour of Twilight cannot be averted! The Twilight Prophet knows that you, and you alone, are our final obstacle. He sent me to remove you from the game.


    Ragnaros, Deathwing, Fandral Staghelm, Cho'gall The Twilight's Hammer cult and the list goes on. Many are those who have sought to bring about the Hour of Twilight over the years.

    Notably, Ragnaros attempted to destroy Nordrassil, the World Tree atop Mount Hyjal during the Cataclysm, as Deathwing and the cult wrought havoc across the world.

    Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.

    During Legion, we used the five Pillars of Creation to close the demonic gateway inside the Tomb of Sargeras. In sealing away Sargeras and the Pantheon, we indirectly opened the way for the Old Gods.

    The five torches could be interpreted in two ways.

    Either, they are the World Trees of Azeroth. These great trees are anchored to the Emerald Dream and their roots dig deep into the earth. Yogg-Saron has directly or indirectly destroyed or corrupted at least three of these trees, but probably four, with several attempts at the fifth.

    • Shaladrassil in Val'sharah was corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare, which was his doing.
    • An unnamed tree resides corrupted within the Emerald Nightmare's version of Un'Goro Crater, which, again, is his doing.
    • Vordrassil, or Andrassil as it was originally known, was corrupted by Yogg-Saron as its roots reached his prison.
    • Teldrassil was burned down by Sylvanas, and if my theory is right, then it was at the behest of Yogg-Saron (or other Old Gods) in order to feed souls to the Maw, launch a disastrous war, and take out the World Tree itself.
    • Nordrassil, which sits atop Mount Hyjal, still stands. It was once nearly killed by Archimonde, and then again by Ragnaros who served the Old Gods and was allied to Deathwing, and finally once again by the Burning Legion. An Azerite elemental launched a smaller assault recently, perhaps lending support to the theory that Azerite comes from the Old Gods, not Azeroth. The point is that lots of factions want this tree to go down, whether it is because it gives strength to the Night Elves and the Wild Gods who protect Azeroth, or because the tree itself serves as an anchor to the plane of life, the Emerald Dream.

    The other way to interpret the five torches derives from the following quotes:

    This blade is more than a mere dagger. It is a torch that shall light our path forward.

    Hear me, God of the Deep! I have brought you the Opener... the Bringer of Truths... the Torch That Lights the Way!

    These suggest that Xal'atath, or even the player character are 'torches'. A torch could be an important object, person, or event that marks a pivotal moment of the Hour of Twilight prophecy. Something significant that helps usher the Old Gods forward towards freedom.

    Five lanterns, now darkened. The flame they seek will light the masters' way.

    This quote may refer to the keys and torches again, or it might involve something else. The Dragon Aspects, for example. Their powers were originally spent creating the Dragon Soul to defeat Deathwing and prevent the Hour of Twilight back in Cataclysm. Arguably, some last vestige of their power got spent when Magni and MOTHER empowered the Heart of Azeroth to use against N'Zoth. Truly, they would seem darkened at this point. Wrathion appears to be seeking the Dragon Isles, perhaps in an attempt to rekindle the Dragon Aspects' former power, allowing them to protect Azeroth once more. In doing so, they might be leading the Old Gods somewhere. An important Titan facility, perhaps.

    It could also refer to the five Old Gods: Y'shaarj, C'thun, Yogg-Saron, N'Zoth and Xal'atath. It should be noted that N'Zoth hasn't been defeated yet when Il'gynoth says this, so it might not seem very likely after all.

    Regardless of what you believe, it is clear that a prophecy is playing out before us.

    The Feast of Souls

    These quotes seem to build a picture of the Old Gods who like to devour souls, and this strengthens them. Not only does this remove the necessity for a 'God of Death' from the story of the Shadowlands (because there are already ample candidates for someone who would benefit from filling the Maw with souls), but it also fits well with the Hour of Twilight prophecy as well as our knowledge about Void Lords needing to empower themselves to enter our world.

    It grows hungrier... bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.

    Disaster abounds here. Elf ruins filled with unquiet souls ripe for harvest.

    A servant of the Old Gods. Let us consume it.

    The nearness of the Void here is comforting. I was used in a sacrifice of many creatures in a place like this. Every death brought us closer to the complete corruption of this world.

    So much death here, so much power.

    All places, all things have souls. All souls can be devoured.

    The void sucks at your soul. It is content to feast slowly.

    The tortured spirits of your ancestors cling to you, screaming in silence. Apparently they are quite numerous.

    Even death may die.

    You resist. You cling to your life as if it actually matters. You will learn.

    You will all be alone in the end.

    There is no escape. Not in this life, not in the next.

    He will learn... no king rules forever; only death is eternal!

    Look upon the true face of death, and know that your end comes soon!

    Another tortured soul, long overdue for oblivion. I am more interested in his advisor, though…

    Beneath the shadow of the darkened spire, there is no light, no mercy, only void, and the chaos within.

    So much fury in this soul! It will be a good harvest.

    Another defender of the Titans brought low. Every death makes it easier. Perhaps now his misery will end, though I doubt it.

    Before the last shadow falls, the Father of Sleep shall savor his feast.

    Not yet, Son of Thorne. Not yet. This is not the day. The day comes. It comes. But Mueh'zala will not engage you here or now. Our battle is yet to come, yet to come... But it will come, child. It will come. And if you lose that battle, Mueh'zala feasts on all of Azeroth. All of Azeroth. All of Azeroth. All of Azeroth...

    The Feast of ... Yogg-Saron?

    He might be dead, or he might not.

    They neither live nor die. They exist outside of the cycle.

    It seems like he bears a striking resemblance to what some speculate is a 'God of Death', or Mueh'zala.

    Look upon the true face of death, and know that your end comes soon!


    There is no escape. Not in this life, not in the next.

    We can easily establish that he, like N'Zoth, is tied to dreaming and nightmares. This might be a common trait among the Old Gods, and it does little to help us distinguish which whispers are about N'Zoth and which concern Yogg-Saron.

    To see Yogg-Saron's nightmare in full bloom fills me with jealousy... and some pride.

    I am the lucid dream.

    The monster in your nightmares.

    Given that his form is that of a massive beast covered in terrifying mouths with sharp fangs, it immediately draws the mind to feasting and gorging. Like with Teron Gorefiend.

    It's undeniably true that of all the Old Gods, Yogg-Saron has the closest ties to Death. Icecrown Citadel, which sits opposite to Torghast in the Shadowlands, is made from his blood. He created the Emerald Nightmare which stands in defiance to Life itself, and it was his hardened blood (Saronite) Sylvanas threw herself onto when she committed suicide. For all we know, he might even be the one to offer her the nine Val'kyr. She even saw visions of the future when she died, which is strikingly similar to what N'Zoth offers in patch 8.3.

    The Feast of ... N'Zoth?

    The role that N'Zoth will play in all of this is still unclear to me.

    • He could be the last remaining Old God, and the one to feast on our souls and consume all of Azeroth in the end.
    • Perhaps he has merged with or consumed his brothers, thus commanding their powers from now on.
    • Maybe he seeks to resurrect them all.
    • Or perhaps he is building a resistance to Yogg-Saron, who could be the one consuming souls within the Shadowlands. After all, Yogg-Saron is heavily tied to Death and we know Old Gods tend to compete for the right to consume Azeroth, so it wouldn't be too far-fetched if N'Zoth sought to end his brother's plans so that he could instead conquer Azeroth himself.

    Xal'atath once said:

    We may face some of my brethren in this conflict... a prospect that delights me. Their power will be mine! They will pay for what was done to me long ago.

    This does seem to imply that the other Old Gods are still around. But it also suggests they can claim each others' powers as their own.

    The following quotes suggest that only N'Zoth remains alive, and that might imply that he is the one to consume us all, starting with the Maw.

    It is ironic that the weakest of us may be the ultimate victor. C'Thun, Yogg-Saron, Y'Shaarj, and... well. Only one would remain to consume the world, that was always meant to be.

    It appears the prison of N'zoth is not as strong as it once was. What you see is a tiny growth of the behemoth that may yet consume your world.

    Another seed of corruption planted in death. An unquiet spirit will wander in anger and grow in pain. Easy prey for the God of the Deep.

    In any event, N'Zoth either seems to be warning us for what's to come, or threatening us in a foreboding manner.

    The hour is close at hand.

    All that were sleeping... shall be awakened.

    That which was sunken shall rise.

    I alone can save you from what is to come.

    It grows hungrier... bolder. Alas, your eyes are closed.

    When the arrow finds its mark, the last fetter will fall away.

    The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

    Yes... you are indeed the ones I seek. The ones to turn the tide.

    I have dreamed your destiny, mortal.

    Receive my gift and see all truths before you.

    One thing that's for certain of N'Zoth is that even if we seemingly defeat him in Ny'alotha, it might end up working in his favour:

    It was here in ages past that the God of the Deep lost a great battle to the God of Seven Heads. But as was so often the case even defeat ultimately worked in N'zoth's favor.

    This most of all suggests to me that his plan is to test us and find us worthy, then have us kill him and store his essence within Xal'atath. Maybe this is to prevent his spirit from going into the Maw and being consumed. Maybe it offers him a new type of freedom to influence events on Azeroth.

    What of C'thun, Y'shaarj or Xal'atath?

    C'thun is a great mystery throughout all of this. Very few, if any whispers seem to be about him. The closest I've gotten is a quote from Ogmot's journal which mentions the Eye always watching. But that probably refers to the sword of Sargeras. Then there's mentions of increased activity in Silithus as well but not of C'thun specifically.

    Xal'atath's introduction to the lore is interesting, but she seems to be heading off on her own for now.

    Y'shaarj seems like a goner, although if the Old Gods will all return then he may be among them.

    The Shapeshifters

    Something that appears to unite the Old Gods is the ability to take on different forms, including a black, billowing shadow.

    • N'Zoth appears as a shadow in the Eternal Palace. He also appears as a fish to Queen Azshara. Quite possibly, he has also transformed into a goat and a kraken.
    • Yogg-Saron appeared as Sara, a Vrykul woman.
    • Presumably, Mueh'zala is an Old God or Void Lord simply taking on a particular form.
    • One or more of the Old Gods have appeared as a shadowy figure besides N'Zoth. A creature from the Shadowlands once visited Odyn and gave him the ability to look inside the realm of the dead in exchange for one of his eyes.

    Anduin and Sylvanas

    These two remain a bit of an enigma for the time being. There are some clues which seem to suggest she's harvesting souls for whomever is about to gorge himself on the Maw, while Anduin might be a sort of puppet to either the Shadow or something else.

    First of all, Anduin and the Alliance are literally backed up by Alleria and the Void Elves. Their Shadow magic proved essential in winning the war against the Horde. Second, Sylvanas and the Horde are surrounded by Death. The Forsaken, Nathanos, the Val'kyr, the resurrected elves at Teldrassil, and so on. This might all be coincidental, but it's noteworthy.

    Then there's the fact that Sylvanas is able to transform into a shadowy figure, just like N'Zoth and possibly other Old Gods. This seems to strengthen her connection to the Shadow rather than Dead, and lends further credence to the theory that she gets her powers to gather souls for the Maw.

    Ever since she got her nine Val'kyr to protect her, people have been coming after her. In Silverpine she was slain, costing her three Val'kyr. Then she lost one to Alliance forces, and another to Tyrande Whisperwind. Three remain which is enough for a final resurrection, presumably. Could Anduin be sent to finish her off?

    Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story. Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep. Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady. She guides dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies. Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat! Ogmot laugh too!

    The fall of night reveals her true face. She will bring only ruin.

    At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.

    She is a violation, she serves the true enemy. Kill her now, kill her now, kill her now. Remove her from this world and take from her what you need. Now, now, now!

    Anduin, meanwhile, seems to be one in a long line of 'puppets' chosen by N'Zoth to represent him.

    The boy-king serves at the master's table. Three lies will he offer you.

    Three lies. Da first one been told. Bound by dat throne? No. Free. Free! Da next gonna come soon. Maybe dey see dis one.

    The Alliance believes that by striking down Rastakhan and decimating the Zandalari fleet, they have broken us. That the Horde will soon crumble. Fools. The boy-king has lied to himself and his people. He hasn't the faintest inkling of what he's truly up against.

    The Void Lord Cometh

    I long for the day our masters can truly pass into this realm. You have only seen fragments, shadows; the faintest of echoes. Ask the Ethereals what one of these manifestations are capable of.

    Here is one who has caught the merest glimpse of your grim reality. It warped his mind forever.

    So much is up in the air right now. We don't know the true nature of Elune, what Tyrande's full motives are, whether Sylvanas will 'usher' something in upon her third death or not, and what all the talk of dreaming and wakening really means.

    The only thing I'm confident about is the fact that the Shadowlands is an expansion about Shadows, i.e. the Void.

    submitted by /u/gustavperuses
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    That 1 quest that everyone picks up, but no one completes.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:06 PM PST

    What would you want one faction to have that the other faction doesn't?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 12:15 AM PST

    I'd like the Horde to have more likeable protagonist characters (Saurfang's story was not as interesting as Jaina's), and more smaller stories focusing on local problems, rather than big epics. As for the Alliance, it could benefit from having darker characters (something like pre-Legion Sylvanas: a token evil teammate), more inner conflicts, and overall model diversity (mounts that aren't horses).

    submitted by /u/TheImperios
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    What was the strongest/most overpowered piece of gear/trink or weapon of all time? (During any time in WoW)

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 01:10 AM PST

    Can be from any point in time. Im not asking which were the strongest for each expansion, Im asking what item dominated a single expansion more than any other item dominated other expansions.


    • Exploits
    • Legion legendaries/artifacts
    submitted by /u/imShaun
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    every day after work i try to get in to just get the mount as heal/dd in queue =(

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 05:13 PM PST

    I found this picture while looking through my old photos and it made me giggle.

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 08:22 AM PST

    Just 6 wowhead tabs autoloading a video in every page...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 09:55 PM PST

    What am I missing for the achievement Wide World of Quests?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2019 02:25 AM PST

    The text says to do them in Kul Tiras or Zandalar. I've done two world quests in Drustvar today, but only one was counted. They both counted towards the Emissary quest.

    Are not all world quests considered world quests?

    submitted by /u/243639467034674745
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    Who's going to break it to him?

    Posted: 08 Dec 2019 06:49 PM PST

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