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    Tuesday, December 31, 2019

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 01:37 AM PST

    Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

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    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Me and the boys using formats from when Teldrassil was still a leveling zone

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:44 AM PST

    Going to assume it wasn’t supposed to arrive like this...?

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:47 AM PST

    Frostmourne and Shadowmourne hung up in my Metal recording studio appropriately named "The Ice Chamber"

    Posted: 31 Dec 2019 12:50 AM PST

    Happy Holidays from Sylvanas! - Art by maewix

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Just got my server blade, couldn't be more disappointing

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:47 PM PST

    Epic screenshot I made of my frost dk using the incredible Narcissus addon!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:16 PM PST

    remember me when this blows up

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    For some reason my dog howls to the shrine of seven stars music

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:28 PM PST

    Worgen Hunter Fan Art by MiraSand

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:18 PM PST

    Friendly reminder : We still didn't find Jenafur.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:56 AM PST

    Jenafur is a battle pet added in patch 8.2.5 it is also the newest secret from Wow evil masterminds.

    Since then a bit of clue, a lot of research but still NOTHING, no cat, no third clue. We are stuck!

    Maybe some of you are the most smart, intelligent, mastermind, whatever... And so we need you. Resolve this secret. Find Jenafur and be written in stone in the wowhead guide

    Pretty sure this post will be buried down or downvoted. But if only a few of you join us in the search maybe it will be enough.

    I'm not as half as smart as people at the secret discord. Please help them! Join the hunt.

    Edit: Tweet from one of the crazy guy who made the secret possible. He says it's obtainable.

    Edit 2 : here where we are (from pinned message from the secret discord) :

    • The secret is working as intended, is solvable and does not require a group (confirmed for the current step).
    • The first step was to talk to Amara. The second step was the CCL's house. The third step is Kara.

    Edit 3 : Join the secret discord !


    They hunt for rare spawn (like timeless drake) and do a lot of other things

    submitted by /u/Vavou
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    Bees!! Oc

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:00 PM PST

    I just did my first mythic dungeon last night. Here are a few things I wish a casual like myself was told earlier in the expansion

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:50 AM PST

    As someone who's played long enough to see many guilds die and lose all of his friends who once played wow, over the years I became very reluctant to do mythics because of the PUG-ing aspect and the horror stories you read on reddit and elsewhere. After stalling at 410 ilvl and failing to get an lfr upgrade a few lockouts in a row, I decided to finally plunge into mythic dungeons because my desire to get over the 410 hump from dungeon finder trumped my reluctance to get into a PUG. That mythic dungeon ended up being the most fun I've had doing dungeons all expansion, and I want to share some reasons I avoided it at first and why all of my reasons for hesitation ended up being rather unfounded:

    • PUGs are mostly just nice people looking to run content

    The biggest reason I avoided joining a pug is because I log into WoW to relax and escape. Joining a PUG supposedly full of brats and try-hards is far from my idea of relaxing or escaping. It's also been since Mists that I had any social experience in this game (on my own accord, over the years I've just had less and less desire to interact with strangers) so I just got out of the habit of socializing with other players.

    The reality? Those horror stories you read on reddit and elsewhere about nightmare PUG groups are just extremes. A majority of the groups I joined were just a bunch of friendly people looking for a challenge. Trash humans are the exception, not the rule, so don't avoid PUGs just because you think it's nothing but unpleasant people.

    • Joining a PUG for Mythic was actually faster than queuing in for LFR (as DPS).

    Truth be told: another big reason I avoided Mythic was because I assumed the process for preparing was long. I didn't want to log in, spend an hour getting a group together (multiplicative with the fear of joining a group full of turds), to then spend another hour trudging through a mythic dungeon that may not even succeed.

    The reality: my mythic groups were formed in 15 minutes or less, then their ability to join a PUG alone demonstrated a higher intelligence level than an LFR player, so the dungeon was cleared relatively fast. But in truth the time spent in the dungeon didn't matter because it was fun. I didn't have to worry about half the raid being AFK for a fight or all of the other things that make LFR take forever, because it's just you and four other people who read the dungeon journal, and if you wipe, it's just getting the five of you back in order.

    So after all these years of thinking Mythics were this long arduous process, I formed a PUG and cleared the dungeon in the time it would normally take for my queue as DPS to pop. And I had much more fun and satisfaction in the process and the outcome.

    • Low level mythics aren't horribly challenging, they're just on par with what heroics used to be back in Mists.

    Yes, all of those affixes seem a little scary, but most of them don't kick in until higher keystone levels. I was intimidated by all the affixes, thinking that I would have to learn them all at once or get yelled at and kicked, but that wasn't the case. In the entry level mythics it's pretty easy to just get a grasp on the mechanics, and you don't have to worry about dealing with 3-4 affixes at once. Completing even a Mythic0 wasn't horribly challenging, but it was challenging enough for me to feel a level of satisfaction clearing content I haven't felt in a long while. I don't know what keystone level these dungeons start to break into hardcore territory, but believe me: it isn't the early keystones. Don't avoid mythics just because you think they're hardcore levels of difficulty as you see in the 10+ keys. This next one is the most important one for me:

    • Mythic Dungeons cure apathy for players like me who don't raid or have a functioning guild

    Turns out, all of my apathy with this expac and Legion was a result of me not challenging myself *because* of the last two points. It's not that I didn't want to do a mythic dungeon, it's just that I didn't want to go through the process of getting into one and finishing it because of my own misconceptions. I stopped caring about gold, professions, gear, and ultimately, my character, just because I was out of ways of challenging myself without interacting with other people.

    A night of running Mythics with strangers on my server absolutely revitalized my desire to actually progress and challenge myself as a WoW player for the first time since Mists. Progressing up the keystones forced me to actually put effort into getting the food I needed, so I was leveling cooking and fishing again, it pushed me to progress my essences which had been sitting at minimum levels, by getting tidalcores I suddenly wanted to do JC again, I was running around collecting azerite for that third essence slot... it just made the whole game make sense again! Suddenly I *wanted* to do the content that was in front of me the whole time, but didn't have value to me because my current ilvl allowed me to do open world content easily enough without progressing.

    In the end, Mythic dungeons got me back into socializing, back into professions, back into progression, and back into caring about the game. The only reason I'm posting this diary entry is because I know I'm not the only person who was in this position, and if I can help anyone get back into the swing of things by getting them to just say "fuck it" and join a mythic dungeon to see how much fun they are then I would be happy.

    Mythics really are made for casual players believe it or not, and I hope more people like me take the dive into the game because just a few mythics reminded me why I love WoW. So if you're like me and logging in just to do the bare minimum before running in circles around Boralus, just open up that group finder!

    submitted by /u/The_American_Skald
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    I let my cousin create new char (Nightborne). When I came back, she somehow ended up in Val'sharah.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 02:52 PM PST

    Blood Elf Commission By Starlightshope For My Hunter

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:26 PM PST

    Blood Elf Commission By Starlightshope For My Hunter

    These were done by the wonderful Cami@Starlightshope of Twitter. She did two wonderful commissions for me over this past year. The first is a picture of my huntress and my lover/companion of many years, together and happy. We spent so many years and countless hours together after meeting in WoW. Unfortunately, our long distance relationship fell apart recently. So I asked Cami for a piece that showed my and my huntress' loss. I love how she detailed it to show her holding his helm. It's been a rough several months for me, and I miss my love and companion more than anything. But that's life I guess. Thank you again to Cami for these wonderful pieces! Please go check her out if you're looking to commission your characters!


    The pictures on the right are from earlier this year. The picture on the left is the newest picture. Loss of my companion.

    Thank you again Cami! https://twitter.com/Starlightshope

    submitted by /u/AvaSophiaPhia
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    What a Difference an Expansion Makes

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:55 AM PST

    I think I'm all set

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    Suramar Darkfallen

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:13 PM PST

    I'm a newbie who never played WoW and just reached level 60. Need some tips!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:52 PM PST

    Hello guys!

    I wanted to start playing something new and decided to go to MMORPG... then I chose WoW and I'm having a blast! This game is very fun and the story feels great. I'm a pandaren-arms-warrior, playing as horde and got level 60 after a few weeks playing. So far, I have these questions:

    • I didn't do a single dungeon for now. Should I start playing them? I feel like they need a party or something, and since I play mostly alone I haven't focused on them.
    • I got a new item on my inventory, it gives two options, "To outland" or "To Nothrend", can you guys help me choose? I searched a bit about it but I'm worried about making a choice that will stop my progress on Kalimdor. Also, most of what I found on google are tips on finishing their quests/builds...
    • I haven't joined a clan yet but I'm always being invited to random ones while grinding, never accept because it felt weird that they were inviting someone as random as me. Should I search for a clan?
    • The items that I'm using are mostly from quests, normally when I get something better I just sell them to the merchants. Should I try to auction them? Also, should I start using my gold on auction? I think that this wouldn't be very good since I really don't have much gold to spent.
    • Last question (for now), what enhancement should I focus? Since I'm a Warrior - Arms, I thought that critical strike is very good but someone said to me that haste is better. As most of my items don't really give much % for both of them, I can't tell the difference...

    Thanks in advance /r/wow and happy hollydays!

    submitted by /u/guicoelho
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    I use my crafting machines to make a top today. If the boyfriend thinks he's stealing it, he's got another thing coming. I am in loooove.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:05 PM PST

    In love with the game. Having a hard time with the players

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:14 PM PST

    I am a new player. I love tanking. I joined a guild and started doing mythic plus with them one night. Ever since then I have been grinding mythic plus slowly but surely every night after work. I can tank pretty well at around 6+ now and I am very proud of how far I have come. I am having so much fun with this game...

    But every interaction with people in my guild has been awful. The raid leader ditched us on mythic plus night to go join some pug mythic raid. Other officers literally laugh at me for wanting to "try and tank at ilvl410" even when it's stuff I've tanked before. Everyone is so horrible to play with/ be in a guild with. I have been grinding, watching the tank videos, doing my best and all my guild has to offer is some neck beards upset that I am not a pro after 3 weeks of mythic plus. Also the raid officers reason why we don't raid is that the guild of 300 people isn't geared enough.

    Anyway if you have a guild that is chill, has a love for the game, doesn't expect a new player to be a pro after 3 weeks, does mythics and raids often please let me know. I will pay to switch servers. I am so sick of my guild

    submitted by /u/Clocksmith8
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    while reading The WoW Diary, I noticed a serious change and wanted to bring it to the public eye.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:32 PM PST

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