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    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday]

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday]

    [Firepower Friday]

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:02 PM PDT

    I'm reasonably sure it's Friday, or soon will be

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    Found this "Guide Recruiter" NPC in the Shadowlands Beta

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    A truth they never wanted you to see

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Arthas, The Lich King by Phroilan Gardner

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    [Beta] 10 to 50 took 5hrs 33 minutes with the removal of EXP bonus from heirlooms. Warlords Leveling, 30% WM bonus

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 07:34 PM PDT

    The hairstyle we need but don't deserve

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:43 PM PDT

    Vol'jin got a beard. Why don't we? Trolls need beards!

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Logged a toon I hadn't in a while

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:40 PM PDT

    Made my own bookmarks. Sculpted them in 3d then 3d print them.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 01:07 PM PDT

    And people thought the turtle WQ's were annoying...

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:47 PM PDT

    My drawing of the Emerald Queen, Ysera

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:43 PM PDT

    Right, so. It's 2020 and the most customization-friendly expansion of all time is headed our way. Could we maybe look into finally fulfilling the Worgen fantasy by giving them the option to hide weapons and fighting with their claws?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:47 AM PDT

    Today I got all classes to 120! thought I would share

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    Letting out the pain through art

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    Woonz is canon in SL

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    WINDWALKERS still have unused, ignored, weak talents and rehashed abilities given back to us as "new changes", while giving us new abilities that further strengthen the SAME loadout we've had for several expansions.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 08:35 PM PDT

    **EDIT: I should have said new talents/passives instead of new "abilities" in the title. We're getting old abilities we had before for Windwalkers, some new things for Brewmasters, I think one or two new things for Mistweaver. I'm mainly talking about Windwalkers.

    What do I mean by this? Let's count.

    1. Soulbind conduit called Corodinated STrikes that increases SEF's damage. Further reason to never use Serenity.
    3. Nothing mentioned about the bugs surrounding SEF that sometimes just make the ability not work as intended in MANY ways..from not targeting the right people, not scaling right, not using the abilities the player is using, I might be missing one.
    4. Touch of Death just going back to how it used to be instead of TRYING to come up with a better ability. They just flip flop this ability every couple expansions. I think it is better in the One Shot iteration beceause we don't have to base a whole rotation around it, but how many expansions until they just change it back to how it is right now?
    5. Dance of Chi-Ji is interesting, but put into the same bracket as Hit Combo. Depending on the numbers, maybe it's viable, but more than likely Hit Combo is still the go to to achieve that mediocre DPS we're known for every expansion with rare times we're pretty damn good for a single patch.
    6. Hit Combo still exists and keeps being nerfed (I don't remember it being 6% as WOWHEAD states right now, but instead of changing it, they nerfed it a while back)
    7. NO CHANGES TO SERENITY. Whirling Dragon Punch is still THE GO TO. Why? Because if you choose Serenity, you lose Whirling Dragon, AND Storm Earth Fire. You lose two versatile abilities. If you ignore Serenity like Blizzard has for ...I think two expansion since they last even TOUCHED the spell, you get Whirling Dragon, and SEF..two very top tier AOE/Cleave/Single Target abilities
    8. INNER STRENGTH AND SPIRITUAL FOCUS STILL EXIST. I wanted to put EYE of the Tiger on here, but the ability is...medicore and fine, not terrible. Every class has mediocre abilities, but Inner Strength and Spiritual Focus aren't just mediocre, THEY'RE BAD. AND SPIRITUAL FOCUS IS IN OUR LAST ROW OF TALENTS, WHERE THE BIG GAMEPLAY CHANGING ONES (or at least fucking usable) SHOULD BE.
    9. Giving us back SCK mechanics we had before that they took out because AOE was all we were good at, and we were damn good at it. A lot of the MEAT of the WW changes seems to be just buffing SCK to be a part of our main rotation, even for Brewmasters. At the very elast something we use a lot more.
    10. Giving us Emperor's Capacitor back, which is GREAT for Crackling Jade LIghtning, but we've asked for CJL to just be changed to be usable for years. It's a lazy way to give us another ability to use without actually putting in work to change it. I overall like this,b ut...the design choice tells me they're just keep doing this with most classes. Taking out the fun stuff to try out new stuff, then putting the fun stuff back in later on to hype us back up, even though it's nothing really new.
    11. Invoke Xuen is baseline, GREAT. Honestly this is how it always should have been, the ability was ALWAYS garbage as a final row talent, with like...one or two exceptions I think where it was viable for MYTHIC PLUS SHORT-TERM BURSTING...but are the problems fixed with it? Last I heard this ability did not scale well at all, making it overall a weak and unused ability in higher content, i.e. heroic+ raids and high mythic+ keys, you know...the meat of the expansion's end game, and now we'll have the Tower for Shadowlands. It's just a fire and forget ability, but we do have some traits that will tie into it, so...hopefully that makes up for the bad scaling? Overall would have rather they just fix the scaling instead of makin gus dedicate soulbinds and other talents into making the ability actually useful.
    12. Our Legendary powers just being the ones from Legion. This is just a nitpicky one, I'll admit, i would have liked them to try and come up with more unique effects instead of rehashing Legion and Tier Sets, but I understand this overall is a positive either way in terms of class diversity and fantasy.
    13. Venthyr Monk Covenant ability is just a copy of SEF. That's literally it. It's SEF, but worse. I guess it's cool to at one point have like...4-5 monks on the field fasting Fists of Fury. This one I think is me nitpicking.

    I don't expect Blizzard to create UNIQUE ABILITIES for every class, I make that very clear on the points I state I"m nitpicking, but for the rest of them, these are issues we've asked to be resolved for literally fucking years. The community as a whole has asked for these problems to be fixed before adding new or old-new stuff back in. The BIGGEST one for me is Serenity. I've wanted to use Serenity since WOD where it became lackluster. I want to use a different final talent, I'm tired and sick of SEF, I don't even like the theme o fit, I don't think it matches Monk hardly at all with ALL the monk lore we've had in the game, SEF doesn't even make sense.

    Now I know Torghast gives Monks a lot of INCREDIBLY unique and fun abilities, and I'm hoping that after Shadowlands, they actually give us some of those as baseline to actually change up how our playstyle is, or to at least use the ideas for Torghast into balancing Windwalkers for the next expansion..or for the middle of Shadowlands if they botch it horribly so they have to put in an entirely new unique mechanic that drastically changes everyone's indirect gameplay like they did with BFA.

    submitted by /u/Psychatix
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    Little did I know a celebrity was in my raid group.

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:17 PM PDT

    Since Shadowlands is bringing a huge variety of customization is it possible that we’ll ever be able to have our hairstyles show with headpieces like Sally Whitemane?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:51 PM PDT

    Hoping for some nightborne love! Plz Blizzard! With other allied races getting some attention, any hope for nightborne!?

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    These advertisements are just the worst... Part II

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 11:17 PM PDT

    What the Covenants discussion misses about casual players

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    So, I've been reading a lot of the discussion about Covenants just like everyone else on this subreddit, and there's a certain argument that just isn't great. Here's a quote from a high level comment in a high level post.

    I dont understand the "0.1% viewpoint AT ALL.

    If you keep covenenant as it is, casuals will just play the game and tryhards will complain A LOT, and justifiably so.

    If you change it, casuals will just play the game as usual and tryhards will be happy.

    Why is it even an argument? People say "majority of people dont care!" GREAT! Then change it if they dont care, that's perfect.

    For a bit of background, I'm an officer in an RP guild. Most of our players are casual players who mainly are interested in RP. That said, we'll run content. We run raid once a week and just last week got AOTC, which is typically the farthest we go.

    So, believe me when I say: Casual players do care about this, they just care in a different way. Every casual player I know is picking a Covenant for RP reasons. We're RPers, we love the lore and we want to think "oh how cool would it be if my main ended up here!"

    When it comes to the gameplay side of things, though, what casual players care about is viability, not optimization. Casual players know their specs and their classes. They know what the best essences are, they know what their best azerite traits are. They work towards those things and try and find those things when they can, but they're not obsessive about it. They are not chasing BiS gear or builds, they're not simming themselves, but they are trying to be the best they can.

    Casual players are focused on being viable for the content that they do rather than optimized.

    What the above argument misses is that decoupling power and RP solves the optimization problem for tryhards, but not for casual players. The underlying solution to the problem is for Blizzard to keep the Covenants viable. If certain Covenants aren't viable, but it's fine because tryhards can just choose the optimized one, that actually hurts casual players because it lets Blizzard off the hook for balancing the game. The covenants need to be balanced so that they're all viable for content, even if there's always going to be an objectively correct choice. It's the same with race or class, really. If you want to optimize by only playing the top spec, you can, but every spec in the game needs to be able to participate in PvP and PvE content.

    TL;DR - Casual players care about viability, not optimization. They want to be able to do content even if they make choices that aren't optimal. The solution is for Blizzard to balance Covenants, not to decouple power from RP.

    submitted by /u/Tonric
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    The Proto Kul-Tiran Trio

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:07 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    "sAleS iN lFG aRen'T tHat bAd"

    Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

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