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    Tuesday, January 19, 2021

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:00 PM PST

    Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

    Check out pins within the Class Discords (Retail) or the Class Discords (Classic) for good, vetted information.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    When you switch covenants after completing the campaign

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 02:27 PM PST

    When your Christmas present finally arrives from friends.. it didn't disappoint!

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 06:52 PM PST

    Suggestion to change the Massive Crush spell for Valentines

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:55 PM PST

    You might be cool, but you'll never be Chaddius cool

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:23 AM PST

    This is the inescapable hell I must endure to rival

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:31 PM PST

    It's been 2 months and the runecarver still hasn't just shuffled back to get more comfortable and it drives me crazy every time.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:21 AM PST

    Cosplay Alexstrasza [self]

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:01 AM PST

    Tank thoughts

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:21 AM PST

    Quick render I did of an outlaw rogue...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:50 PM PST

    Worth Getting Slimed.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 07:42 PM PST

    I finally figured out what the Castle Nathria plate chestpiece reminds me of

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Female blood elf boots are just ridiculous

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 05:26 PM PST

    Not sure if done before but, after all the keys, my opinion...

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 02:43 AM PST

    Numerical comparison of Kyrian/Night Fae/Venthyr Mission tables (Confirming what we all already know)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 08:20 PM PST

    I'm just someone who legitimately likes the mission table systems so I wanted to do an amateur numerical analysis of the companions that I have after getting 3 data points for each companion. My necrolord character is still leveling. Math isn't my strong suit so I didn't calculate the power of damage reductions for the tables, but they would be very strong as most of us have seen. Trappers/Draven who reduce damage by 20% could be said to increase the overall teams power by 25% in long fights and is included at the end to compare teams.

    General observations: HP and auto attack damage show no fractional growth and almost always is proportional to base stats. Abilities can have fractional growth and are completely, utterly unbalanced.

    Assumptions: Abilities that hit 4 targets hit an average of 2 (ranged, melee, cone), abilities that hit 2 targets hit an average of 1.5 (line, adjacent). This is the average from my Kyrians running the set level soul ash mission.

    I count damage and healing together as total output. HP*average damage gives a good judge of power level, in reality since we always go first higher damage and longer cooldowns have a slight advantage, teams of all high dps/low hp might not be the best, at the same DPR single target damage is better to eliminate opponents, etc.

    The tables count stat growth since base stats are proportional. Damage is listed as auto+ability 1 averaged for cooldown+ability 2 averaged for cooldown. HPxDPR=Power



    Name HP Total Output Power Level
    Halberdier 15 4+1.1 76.5
    Phalanx 30 2 60
    Pelagos 25 4.6+1.5+1.1 180
    Kleia 40 4+1.7+2 308
    Kythekios 35 2.2+.6 98
    Pelodis 35 3+1 140
    Telethakas 12 5+.25 63
    Sika 20 4+4 160
    Teliah 25 4+2.3 157.5
    Clora 40 3+1 160
    Molako 15 4+1.5 82.5

    Kleia uses mace in hand average twice a turn (still works if Mikanikos reduces damage to 0, works vs. specials)

    Sika adds ~25 damage instances over 3 turns. He adds damage to every target on AoE abilities but he goes after everyone else round 1 so by the time their abilities come back up they aren't hitting many targets

    Halberdier troop should have 40 base damage but they have 20, their ability has a 32 higher base than expected not accounted for above for a net -.2 DPR at level 60.

    Halberdiers and Pelods/Nemea are melee but their ability targets ranged making target elimination more difficult

    Telethakas' ability to increase max hp doesn't seem to work and I already assumed his healing is 100% effective

    Phalanx reduces 10% damage for 1 round to 3/5 slots every 3 rounds for a total damage reduction of 2% (not accounted for)

    Mikanikos doesn't use his single target until turn 3 and his AoE until turn 4 making them less effective than they appear


    Night fae

    Name HP Total Output Power Level
    Grovetender 20 5+1.6 132
    Trapper 30 3 90
    Dreamweaver 17 6+3 153
    Niya 20 4+.7 94
    Blisswing 15 5.3 120
    Chalkyth 35 4+1.44 225
    Kota 40 3+1.6 184
    Shalor 20 4+2.5 130
    Tezan 25 5+3.5 212.5

    Dreamweaver increases the entire teams damage by an average of 40%, not included, and seems to go last so she doesn't end up buffing most companions specials. On a team of Tezan, Chalkyth, Niya, Meatball, Dreamweaver on average would have a power of 315 (counting her -5% damage from her heal on Niya and 40% of everyone elses damage). The buff is insane.

    Similarly, Niya buffs adjacents by 15% and with the same team would have a power of 174. (Niya and Dreamweaver's buffs stack additively)

    Trappers do a very small Aoe damage which isn't accounted for but seems to be about a 10% damage buff. Post nerf on the companion app mine are still reducing damage by 20% for 6 out of 7 rounds for 17% party damage reduction.

    Blisswing's ability just doesn't seem to work or do anything at all- for this I assumed her ability worked and reduced the listed damage once each round. If it reduced AoE abilities it could be much better

    I didnt do Yirala, she sucks that bad. Same stats as trappers (30+3), bad ability damage and less DR (single target 8%?)



    Name HP Total Output Power Level
    Draven 40 2+.2 88
    Theotar 20 5+1.6 132
    Nadjia 25 5+1.5+.2 167.5
    Nightblade 24 2+.375 59.5
    Soulcaster 12 5+2.5 90
    Rahel 25 5+1.1 152.5
    Ayeleth 20 6+1.5 150
    Kaletar 20 4+2.4 128
    Stonehead 40 2+.5 100
    Dug gravewell 35 2+.9 (dmg)+2 171.5
    Stonehuck 20 6+4.25 205
    Simone 20 4+2.5 130

    Draven and Dug I need to continue watching their damage growth, it is so small it could be off.

    Draven reduces party damage by 20% and Theotar causes ranged to take 33% more damage (2/5 turns?) not accounted for above.

    Kaletar heals everyone 4 times over 5 rounds

    Rahel can hit the same target twice if it is the last target



    Name HP Total Output Power Level
    Meatball 40 3+4.3 292
    Croman 25 5+1.5 162.5

    Meatball taking extra damage isn't accounted for (at 1/lvl extra damage at 1 hit a round he has a power of 252)


    Commentary: Venthyr and Kyrian are seen as being underpowered, and I just wanted to have a frame of reference for how much worse they are.
    Some comparisons: Telethakas heals 1/lvl every 4 rounds, Grovetenders have better HP (12 vs 20) and heal 5/lvl every 3. Telethakas could have no cooldown and still be garbage.

    Teliah compares favorably to other single target damage companions (Simone/Shalor who are identical) but compared to a "strong" companion like Tezan her heal could be increased 7 times to compare to tezan hitting two targets.

    Venthyr nightblades are just terrible

    In addition to having much better abilities, Night Fae also have generally higher core stats


    Numerically most powerful teams: Kyrian: 1102.5 (Kleia, Pelagos, Meatball, Croman, Sika)

    Kyrian w/ Mikanikos over 8 rounds @ Mikanikos net DR 25%: 1390 (Kleia, Pelagos, Meatball, Croman, Mikanikos)

    Night fae: 1218.5 (Tezan, Chalkyth, Niya, Meatball, Dreamweaver)

    Venthyr: 1155 (counting Draven's 20% DR) (Draven, Meatball, Nadjia, Stonehuck, Dug)

    Night Fae w/ current trappers (17% DR net, not counting trapper AoE): 1530 (Dreamweaver, 4x trapper)

    Night Fae w/ trappers at net 10% DR each: 1105 (w/Dreamweaver)



    Companions are not at all balanced against each other within covenants or against their analogues in other covenants.

    The companions who look like trash are trash.

    Even if trappers reduce damage every other round they are still as tanky as Kyrian tank troops, do 50%+ more damage, and reduce damage by 5 times as much, and are stronger than Kyrian's strongest team without Mikanikos.

    The addition of Mikanikos shows the importance of one missing/overpowered piece. Post Mikanikos the Venthyr seem weakest.

    Venthyr and Kyrian troops need mega buffs

    Everyone, even night fae, have some seriously bad companions

    submitted by /u/cmor28
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    Couldn't agree more...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:29 AM PST

    Zaki the Yaki with a mushroom as a Hattie

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:35 AM PST

    When you want that 10 m+ reward but it's tyrannical week...

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 09:16 AM PST

    This is my favorite part of mount farming, when no matter the faction or server, everyone is having a good time goofing around.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 01:00 PM PST

    The 10k Covenant Portal to Oribos does not work both ways

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 01:03 AM PST

    It only takes you from your sanctum to Oribos, there is no portal to go back from Oribos.

    Figured some of you might be interested and not invest the 10k anima.

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined /s

    submitted by /u/Arotak
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    Please let us skip the posts "please let us skip the maw intro" that appear everyday.

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:20 PM PST

    complaining about complaining, a tale as old as time

    submitted by /u/Visual_Concentrate40
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    New healer -- getting blamed in low level dungeons and struggling with certain boss fights and severe mana issues (Mistweaver Monk)

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 11:02 PM PST

    I'm level 21 and I just finished a run of Shadowfang Keep where we wiped on Lord Walden and had one person die in the second fight. Everyone in the party was taking crazy damage and I was running out of mana with the boss at around 40% each time. After we beat him, people in my party were saying things like "healer, you know you can cast vivify and enveloping mist while channeling soothing mist right?"

    I told them I know that and was doing it constantly throughout the fight except when casting Essence Font. The problem was that everyone in the party was taking so much damage at once that I had to swap my Soothing Mist between targets and spam Vivify constantly, using Essence Font off cooldown because the whole party was almost always at 50-70% hp. Even after I would heal someone up completely, they would just drop back down within seconds. This caused my mana to run out quickly and I couldn't keep up with the demand for heals anymore, causing the wipe and one death in the second fight.

    When I told them that I was healing all I could and was just running out of mana, I got told that it was because I was overhealing. It felt like every heal I cast was neccessary to me, but I could be wrong. My charts show that my biggest overheals came from Enveloping Mist, which is over time healing. I may have been casting it too often, but I was only reapplying it to the target just before casting Vivify to heal them up. I would stop casting Vivify at around 90% - 95% HP and let Enveloping Mist do the rest while I switched targets. Soothing Mist is my second highest and I believe mostly from the first few seconds of the fight when the tank still had full hp and I preemptively cast it to be ready to use my heals.

    I'm just not sure what I did wrong. I cant see how I could have conserved mana and cast less heals without the team dying either, but casting heals also caused us to die because of mana starvation. I just want to know if there is something I can do differently during an AoE heavy fight like that. I played a resto shaman for a few dungeons before I switched to monk and didn't have mana issues at all.

    Healing done: 14.5k

    Overhealing: 1.2k

    Enveloping Mist - 885

    Soothing Mist - 142

    Gust of Mists - 129

    Essence Font - 56

    Vivify - 29

    submitted by /u/Thavinil
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    Savix's Ret Paladin by Lowly-Owly

    Posted: 19 Jan 2021 03:18 AM PST

    The Nagrand sky is so beautiful ! Has to be my favorite zone

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 04:01 PM PST

    Please dont fix this blizz

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 03:23 AM PST

    Latest Twisting Corridors run turned my Earth Elemental into a Raid Boss

    Posted: 18 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

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