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    Friday, January 24, 2020

    World of Warcraft Changes to how r/wow will cover the World First Race

    World of Warcraft Changes to how r/wow will cover the World First Race

    Changes to how r/wow will cover the World First Race

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:55 AM PST

    Hello, /r/wow

    With the World First Race beginning on Tuesday, we're switching up how we cover the World First Race. Since Uldir, we've had one stickied Megathread and redirected all threads related to the race into that thread.

    After the Eternal Palace race, we reviewed the feedback received about the Megathread and prior feedback from other races that was posted in r/wow and r/wowmeta. People were upset that the Megathread was the only place they could discuss the race and that it was no better than twitch chat. People were posting garbage left and right and it really soured their whole experience.

    Unfortunately, they were right. The comments section on the thread was garbage, especially towards the end of the race, and without another place to discuss the race people just didn't bother. As a result, we were failing the community. We're sorry for that.

    Going into the future, we will continue to have the sticky topic. It will continue to have stream links to guilds or individual streamers and it will continue to be updated showing the best pull percentage. That way people who want to drop in for a minute can quickly see where everyone's at.

    However threads will no longer be consolidated into the Megathread. This means when a boss dies and someone makes a thread announcing that fact, it will not be removed. We will continue to remove reposts, so there aren't 5 threads announcing the same thing. We'll be adding a temporary "World First Race" flair that submitters can pick. That way if you have absolutely no interest in the race, you can filter it out.

    Similarly, the Wrap-up Megathread after all the bosses are dead never really worked, so we're discontinuing it.

    We believe that these changes will allow the race to be discussed in a way that is more inviting to people who want to follow along and discuss the event as it unfolds live.

    There is one downside that will be frequently encountered as a result of this change. We sort the sticky by new to keep new information at the top of the thread. It also has the benefit of preventing downvoted comments being thrown way to the bottom.

    People are very passionate about the guilds they like and don't like and despite votes being hidden here for 30minutes it's not uncommon to see a comment that's 5 minutes old at -15 in the Megathread. Regular posts are not sorted by new, so some may find the user created threads to be very unfriendly. Unfortunately, there is no perfect solution for this.

    submitted by /u/Ex_iledd
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    Nefarian sculpted by me in polymer clay, took around ~60 hours for whole work

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Tyrande Whisperwind makeup transformation!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:46 PM PST

    Blizzard removed (another) connecting lore questline that had been just made available in 8.2.5

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:57 PM PST

    I hadn't been done with the Nazjatar content when 8.3 came out, which I finished a couple days ago. Setting my eyes on the new content that just came out, I was rather intrigued by Wrathion's sudden re-appearance in the cinematic, as he had only been lightly hinted at in previous and the current expansion.

    Well, turns out that players who are trying to catch up with the BfA storyline once again have to deal with a connecting lore questline being entirely removed just as recently as it has been added to the game. To those who thought Wrathion just appeared in Stormwind Keep in 8.3 after being hidden for years, he did not!

    8.2.5 patch added a questline called "On the Trail of the Black Prince", which narrated the events of the rising presence of N'Zoth, as well as Magni's discovery of Wrathion's actions to stop the influence of the old god, culminating in Magni setting out to look for the black dragon which prompted the 8.3 cinematic.

    As someone who really enjoys understanding the current lore of the game, I feel absolutely robbed of these very important connecting narratives. I previously made a thread on Blizzard removing a questline that consisted of evacuating MOTHER from Uldir and taking her to the Heartforge, which was also only up for a single patch.

    submitted by /u/mysterious_quartz
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    Waited 2 hours, ended up bonding with a Void Elf talking in Thalassian to cure the boredom. GTZ <3

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    Where the fuck is Khadgar

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:55 PM PST

    So I guess Khadgar is still too mad at us to help? Despite the fact that a literal Old God is trying to corrupt Azeroth, he's still like "nah since y'all wanna be petty, ya'll can deal with it". Wouldn't he have at least wanted to see Nazjatar cause ya know, lost Elven Magic and shit.

    Wasn't he supposed to go to Karazhan to research how to fix this wound in Silithus? Also, wasn't he supposed to be protecting the Tidestone and now Azshara has it. What did he do? Just fucking put it on the AH?

    submitted by /u/RumbleDumblee
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    While everyone complains about BFA, we all gotta admit that the arts is just amazing! (Skybox before Fury of N'Zoth)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:15 PM PST

    Look at my tiny warglaives

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 12:12 AM PST

    All eyes shall be opened.

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 11:21 PM PST

    For the first time in WoW history, I disliked a cutscene

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:09 PM PST

    I've been playing WoW for a long time.

    I believe I have seen almost every cutscene out there, both the in-game ones and cinematics. Most are explendid, some are ok. But until this point there was none that I watched and thought "that's it?" than N'Zoth dying.

    It feels like an experimental college animation. Like a computer graphics project that a professor asked about collision, where all they do is bring buildings down. It feels like they are trying to simulate physics in the cutscene and not storytelling. There is absolutely no storytelling there. Just random buildings going to the ground and some eyes vanishing.

    Also, in every other expansion ending cutscene in WoW, there was a feeling of impact upon ourselves and upon the world. Heck, even Cataclysm did that well.

    In Burning Crusade, we kill Illidan, the Betrayer, and also Killjaeden and Kael'Thas, freeing Draenor of their power and influence.

    In WOTLK we see both the end of a terrible evil and the rise of a new LK.

    In Cata we kill Deathwing and the world is restored (at least part of it). Also we find out Thrall is going to be a father, which gives his character more depth.

    In Pandaria, we defeat Garrosh, after both Horde and Alliance joining to defeat him, we also see a new Warchief rising.

    In WoD, we defeat Archimonde again and there is a hint that the Legion is back full power.

    In Legion, we defeat Argus and we imprison SARGERAS himself, not before he inflicts a terrible wound in Azeroth, which would change it forever.

    And, now...Some buildings fall, some eyes pop and that's it. We don't see at all how that impacts us or Azeroth. It feels like an isolated, unimportant happening.

    And yea, after that, we talk to Magni and Azeroth is happy, yay! Magni tells you that you are Azeroth's champion (wow, Im guessing the title CHAMPION OF AZEROTH since day 1 of BFA didn't evidence that?), I wouldn't be surprised if they materialized Azeroth and had her kissing you in the cheek.

    I am so sad that it comes to this. TBH I couldn't finish this xpac because it's so boring and the storytelling isn't compelling at all that I couldn't keep playing.

    I mean, one of the things Blizzard never failed to deliver was in cutscenes, but I think things are going so bad and rushed that it happened.

    I do hope they wake up for Shadowlands, because the this xpac and its ending were a huge sh**show.

    submitted by /u/lernem
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    Doing m+ in Heroic week be like

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    Was in the middle of questing on Argus on a Horde character when I was suddenly teleported to Elwynn Forest...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 04:45 PM PST

    Now that Teldrassil has successfully been swept under the rug...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:35 AM PST

    Now that Blizzard managed to completely ignore important plot points of BfA such as Teldrassil just so we can channel a beam onto N'Zoth, I hope that they learned that these types of storylines simply don't work out the way they think they would.

    Teldrassil happened, the Night Elves were almost wiped out, their land was given to the Horde (Ashenvale even permanently) but then they killed 1 of Sylvanas recreatable Val'lyr (yes, they confirmed that Sylvanas can create more Val'kyr) without anything else and suddenly they were completely fine with the Horde again after they literally commited genocide in a war of extermination they started.Killing 1 recreatable Val'kyr is apparently considered getting their revenge. I don't think it needs to be discussed any further that this doesn't make ANY sense.

    They used Teldrassil to hype people up for BfA and then they failed to address or include it as a plot point at all. They just chose to ignore it and hoped that people would forget it, except that this happened on Azeroth and it's not as easy to forget when it was YOUR favorite race that was nearly wiped out and lost everything to the Horde. This was supposed to give the Horde players a feeling of power, but as far as I could tell, most Horde players did not get that feeling from killing and torturing innocents.

    Now I atleast hope that the writers have realized that they are not capable to make sense out of such tragic events in the story of WoW, because now they have 1 faction that's irredeemably evil and the other faction is incredibly stupid, yet somehow they are claiming that the faction war was concluded in BfA even though if anything, it was reignited since it was already mostly concluded in MoP.

    I realize they wanted to recreate the Bombing of Theramore with the Burning of Teldrassil, but what they failed to realize is that Theramore was simply a town with Buildings while Teldrassil was targeted genocide against civilians, they even called it "genocide" in their own books, yet treated it the same way as Theramore and hoped nobody would remember about it.

    I just hope they have learned their lesson and decide not to just take away EVERYTHING from a playable race again like they did with the Night Elves in BfA because that's where they can't make sense out of their own story anymore, it all became very wonky after that.

    submitted by /u/rod9910
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    [Guide] How to easily obtain your Ivory Cloud Serpent (got it on my first try!)

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 03:00 AM PST

    Which character model update is your favourite and who do you feel needs one next?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:18 AM PST

    EU has had Server issues almost every day since Patch 8.3 launch, people are losing limited content / progression because of it, this is unacceptable

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:10 PM PST

    Blizzard is not acknowledging that there servers have been, for lack of a better word, shit lately. Sure they post about doing maintenance, but an actual apology towards people who have lost e.g. Mini-Visions, Horrific Visions, M+ keys and people who wanted to log in in the evening to do dailys but could not because of server issues, should have been made by now.

    We are paying for this game, when a F2P game like League of Legends would have issues on this caliber, there would be an apology asap and actual communication as to what problems there are. They would also reimburse not only their paying customers for the time wasted.

    If there are minor server issues in League, they reimburse players who have payed for limited content.

    Yet we get nothing.

    submitted by /u/Panir0
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    Blizzard released this corrupted gear without testing it in PVP

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:29 AM PST

    It's impossible to arena at this point when a proc is doing enough DPS to solely kill someone through even defensives without even factoring in class DPS.

    If they literally just played one test match they would of saw that Twisted Appendage is absolutely bonkers broken. Like it's almost comical, it's proccing for more DPS than an actual character can do....

    submitted by /u/Murked_M
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    So Blizzard gave me a sanity bar that only goes down when doing Tortollan world quests...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:46 AM PST

    To Swedish people playing wow

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:17 PM PST

    If you have the bank Swedbank and having issues paying for wow sub/wow stuff.

    After many calls they confirmed that they find Blizzard among other companies "not trustworthy" enough so that they no longer accept purchases to them. A soloution to this would be to start using paypal which worked for me. Its more effort and its a really stupid choice made by the bank . But just incase you were wondering why you kept getting declined to purchase stuff.

    submitted by /u/grogghan
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    Any want some mech nuggets

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:55 AM PST

    (EU) The servers are absolutely fucked

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 02:02 PM PST

    People unable to take action, on raid day people couldn't log in and attacking mobs was completely buggy, people missed rolls too. Our guild has has to call off raid night because of it. Absolutely shit on Blizzard's part.

    submitted by /u/SpaghettiNYeetballs
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    Arthas enters Ny'alotha after a decade of mysterious whispers and mumblings of its eldritch magnificence

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:48 AM PST

    What does the Vulpera say?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 07:42 AM PST

    Is corruption proof they dont test anything anymore?

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 02:13 AM PST

    So like, is the corruption system proof that blizzard no longer tests anything balance wise? Sure they're doing changes NOW but some of the imbalances in the corruption system are so massive that the only way they couldn't have known is if they didnt test it. The Stars should not have made it to live period with how it is, and the differences in power between the various effects are just, laughably massive.

    submitted by /u/Ikusame
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