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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    World of Warcraft Thursday Loot Thread

    World of Warcraft Thursday Loot Thread

    Thursday Loot Thread

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:37 AM PST

    Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Its friday, you just got home from school. Your mom brought you your favorite snacks while you turn on your computer and log on. You find yourself in Lion’s Pride Inn. Your only goal tonight is to finally finish that Hogger quest. You haven’t heard about AP grinds, TF farm or Old Gods. Life is good.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Azeroth is healed!

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:49 AM PST

    Mind Controlled Vulpera...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST

    ...can cast return to camp. It's even funnier if you're the tank and just leave your group behind.

    Had a long MC in a vanilla dungeon, nobody stunned me and I just dipped out of the dungeon fully against my will.

    submitted by /u/Big_Hatt_Matt
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    We need one of these signs in Orgrimmar

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 12:48 PM PST

    Since BfA history is officially over, can I throw this away with the other plot holes now?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:07 PM PST

    All According to plan.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:32 PM PST

    You've all fallen for it, You believe N'zoth is dead. Foolish adventures trusting the black prince, who goes missing in action for a few years and conveniently shows up to help us. Black dragons are notorious for being easily corrupted by the old gods, yet oddly we use a cloak made of black dragon scales to RESIST said corruption? That's pretty convenient isn't it.

    What if in actuality the cloak was used to help corrupt us more easily? Wrathion was telling the truth to Anduin, He attacks in the mind. What is real if you can't trust your perception?

    The truth is, We are all now pawns to N'zoth and completely unaware of it. Death is the enemy of the void. N'zoth isn't concerned with us. His plan is to use us to kill the Mysterious Jailer of the Maw.

    During the Penultimate fight of the final shadowlands raid, Sylvanas escapes our wrath, leaving us with a remind "Fools, your will is no longer your own!"

    We proceeded on to kill the Jailer, but again, just before his defeat, Sylvanas returns to the scene and blasts us all with a spell. Void errupts from us and forms into a shadowy tendril as our vision goes black. Suddenly everything is silent. Nothing but blackness. And then, an eye slowly opens, then a laugh breaks the silence as the darkness is consumed by the eye as it blinks.

    The darkness coalesces into the form of a large tendril eyestalk and a voice echoes in our heads. "Thank you for serving me so well, champion" The Void tendril fires a beam from its eye shooting the jailer in the chest and finishing him off. Sylvanas shouts in panic as the Jailer collapses. The laughter fills your mind once again. "And now the black empire will rise once more"

    Cue cuts to areas around Azeroth flickering into Ny'alotha. A cut to the heart chamber with M.O.T.H.E.R. her usually blue lighting now a dark red, and Magni's diamond body now a black obsidian. Wrathion leans against the Tenebrous Gateway with a smirk on his face. The Gateway opens and a purple void portal forms in its center. Wrathion stands up pulling Xal'atath from his coat. The previously inactive blade's eye is now orange, and void energy radiates from the blade itself. N'zoth speaks once again as wrathion walks into the portal. "My Black Empire rises once more"

    or i'm just in denial. could be either.

    submitted by /u/TheDivinaldes
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    When you need to recruit you gotta post everywhere

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:20 PM PST

    What a difference 4 years makes.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:13 PM PST

    What Dark Inquisitor Xanesh progress feels like

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:55 AM PST

    The Alpaca mount becomes extra-small on Vrykuls...

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:47 AM PST

    Mix two races

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:59 PM PST

    Mix two races

    What happen if you let two different races breed between each other? If you have any other idea and want to join and create awesome and funny arts than let's go!

    Well let's see;

    Mechagnome + Tauren

    \"Moochagon here I come!\"

    Gnome + Troll

    \"Mon da spirit of da machine spoke to me!\" (no W40k here... No heresy!)

    Pandaren + Goblin

    \"Gobanda he fights for money friend!\"

    submitted by /u/The_Vinlander
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    Very creative indeed...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:45 PM PST

    5 months ago I hit my first million, today (after I finally got all the gold from AH) I hit my second million! Sadly I probably won't hit 5 mill in time before shadowlands =D

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 01:19 AM PST

    I bet Baine hates it when people talk about him like he's not even there...

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:01 PM PST

    I aM ̶N̶'̶z̶o̶t̶h̶ DeAtHwInG! The dEsTr0yEr! The End oF aLL tHiNgS!

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:45 AM PST

    Just amazed about all the plot holes and abandoned story of the expansion

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:49 AM PST

    We just "finished" another expansion of WoW, I have to say this is by far the worst one. I love WoW never had a bad experience about the game once in my 15 years of playing until this expansion. No part of me has been really urged back to the game like in the past. We started with this nifty cool idea that sylvanas was an equal to Anduin mentality with the announcement of bfa, which was quickly squashed. They than say she is a morally gray character, doing evil things, so we wait for the alliance to have equivalent "morally gray" acts which never come. And they keep saying she isn't a garrosh (we already know by this point, "uh yeah she kinda is") but we follow it. They than take us on some weird as journey to nazjatar (which should have been its own expansion) with the unknown idea that she led us there to kill us all. Now we get another patch that again should of been it's own expansion and we just seemingly kill a lore character that has been developed for basically 15 years in one patch. All this isn't even mentioning the fact we are trying to heal a dying my planet, that we never really have a good finish for how we healed the so called titan azeroth. None of it makes sense. We were lead to believe the blood of Azeroth was going to be something that no one should be harnessing but we don't really clear that up. Now if we top this off with the fact the next expansion really isn't that enticing considering most people are tired of sylvanas and not a whole lot was announced about this next expansion other than some weird dungeon thing and picking a group of dead people to hang out with. Needless to say I am going to need to really need to consider wasting another 1-2 years on a game that quits on a story and constantly changes it throughout an expansion

    To summarize my complaint it is simply I wish they would of stuck with one main plot and did it well instead of rush the plot because it wasn't popular.

    Just to clarify I am not meaning any hatred towards the game or anyone, this is strictly my opinion you feel how you please about it.

    submitted by /u/death_by_light
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    Totally safe to entrust the heart of azeroth into my hands. Not like I'm under any sort of influence, no no

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 03:03 PM PST

    Who would win?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:50 AM PST

    The N'Zoth cinematic could have been dramatically improved with six words

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 08:42 AM PST

    "The long circle is now complete."

    For all the cryptic things the old gods say, adding one more line would have at least given us something to mull over. Give us incomplete closure. Give us pause that maybe in killing N'Zoth, we actually contributed to a larger plan. Make us question our actions.

    Which is exactly what old gods are supposed to do.

    All of that with one voiceover line.

    But no.

    submitted by /u/Tyrsenus
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    Isn't it ironic N'Zoths plans were ruined twice in the same way?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I mean, this dude schemes and manipulates for eons to set up for world domination but both his plans, first using Deathwing and now Aszhara, were thwarted by some random gold trinket that suddenly had the ability to blast his hopes and dreams to bits.

    submitted by /u/mattiejj
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    Springfur Alpaca now grants credit in raids.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:12 PM PST

    Used /script print(GetQuestObjectiveInfo(58881, 0, false))

    Shows up 1/7 for me now rather then 0/7.

    Was tested after I saw the post here: WoWhead Warcraft hot fixes - Jan 22

    submitted by /u/Coffee_n_Cup
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    [Suggestion] Dear Blizzard, If your expansion is going badly please do not ruin years of lore setup and awesome characters so it could end well, learn to lose gracefully and make use of the characters the way they should be used

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:46 AM PST

    I slept over the Nzoth ending cinematic and couldn't stop thinking.

    When they released Argus as a patch I thought the planet of the Burning legion was an xpac on its own, but ended up being alright.

    Now BFA started sucking so badly, and to make people happy while they work on a another xpac, they throw one of the best characters they had left. N'Zoth is suppsoed to be the weakest of the old gods however all this manipulation and secrets made me believe he had become the strongest of them all, and I really thought Shadowladns was about we fighting the old gods and stuff, THAT ON ITSELF, THE FIGHT VS THE VOID is the best storyline still on-going. Everything Sargeras did is to stop the void, everything this world's lore has to offer revolves around that lore, and you destroyed that lore, with a random ass patch and an awful cutscene. You had no respect for your own characters, how do you expect us to have?

    Lore is the only thing that made me kept playing casually this expansion, I loved the raids, I love Aszhara, the ghuun storyline, however the lack of respect for Nzoth and everything you have been setting up since Cata, will make me unsub for the time being.

    submitted by /u/zethnon
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