• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 8, 2020

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    World of Warcraft Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Skirmish Sunday - your weekly PvP thread!

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 01:37 AM PST

    All PvP comments, questions, and discussion are welcome!

    Be sure to check out r/worldofpvp and other PvP Discords. If you want to watch PvP Streamers, check out this great list - or RBG Streamers.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    I reforged the original Burning Crusade Kalimdor loading screen

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:00 PM PST

    A visual representation of how it feels doing dailies

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:42 PM PST

    Gul'dan - Charcoal

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 12:53 AM PST

    If it's a repost, just purge it

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 03:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 05:05 AM PST

    TFW Daylight savings begins

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:30 PM PST

    A normal day in Goldshire [Silvermoon EU]

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:11 AM PST

    Ogres, arguably the most devolved life-form

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:31 PM PST

    Ogres, arguably the most devolved life-form

    We all know how stupid Ogres are, and for my explanation I'll be using the term "devolved" mostly referring to intellect.

    Ogre lineage can actually be traced back to the massive Giant, taller than a mountain called Grond. Grond was native to Draenor and was created by the Titan Aggramar when he saw the threat of the Evergrowth. The following story is very long and I recommend reading all of it but I'll mostly be summarizing. Grond kills an unnamed Sporemound which are basically the brains of the Evergrowth and the other 3 start attacking him. He makes the weakest Sporemound fall easily, the second is significantly harder to defeat and the third finally kills Grond.

    The Death of Grond.

    This wasn't the end of Grond though, because from his body sprang the life-forms known to us as the Colossals, who eventually killed the third Sporemound suicidally by exploding themselves on top of it. The Colossals had large fragments being torn off of them in their fights against the Evergrowth and these fragments came to be known as the Magnaron

    Drov The Ruiner, One of the most powerful Magnaron on Draenor.

    The Magnaron didn't exactly share the Colossals hatred toward the Evergrowth and pretty much did their own thing and even devolved into the Gronn, Ogron, Ogres and Orcs. Magnaron and Ogron eventually became extinct in the Main Universe. Ogres eventually formed the Gorian Empire and were actually considered an intelligent species for a while until the pressure of the Orc clans (mostly Warsong) and other races got to be too much for them and they only had outposts in the zones of Frostfire Ridge, Nagrand and finally Talador in the later days of the Gorian Empire. The Ogres actually had a separate unnamed continent to the southwest of the continent of Draenor (Draenor is used as the name of the continent and the planet)

    Red arrow is where the Ogre continent is

    Towards the later days of the Gorian Empire and the early days of the Horde the Ogres were at their weakest when they were offered to join the Horde, some declined and some gladly joined but the most infamous Ogre to join the Horde was Cho'gall, Chieftain of the Twilights Hammer. Cho'gall joined the Horde under Gul'dan as an apprentice but later betrayed the Horde to learn the secrets of the Void and later sided with Deathwing and the Old gods but was killed in the Cataclysm expansion. The Ogres who sided with the Horde were led to Azeroth while the ones who stayed behind were either killed in the explosion that formed Draenor into Outland or kept trying to survive on their own in a strange world somewhat similar to Draenor that they now called Outland. The Ogres were a big asset to the Horde because of the powerful brute force and even some of the magic they used.

    Some Ogres decided to leave the Horde and form new clans in some places of the world but it seems that they started to slowly lose their past intellect, their language got sloppy and their best trait was to survive, they barely even had tactics in their fights now and adventurers defeated Ogres at every turn whether it was on Outland or Azeroth. Some Ogres actually have good understanding of language and tactics but there are very few of those. What happened to them? Why did their intellect become so terrible that they could barely even survive? An example of this is the Ogre named Mok'Morokk in the Dustwallow Marsh. He gives you a few quests and tells you that Rexxar made him chieftain of his clan but now that he doesn't need to fight as much he seems to be much more of a coward than the warrior Rexxar saw him as. He gives you some quests about finding some things in the village he lost because he was too scared to get them back himself and when the Black Dragons attacked his village he just moved north into the marsh instead of fighting them head on and you even battle him once but he runs away to never return once he sees he's almost lost the battle.

    The Ogres are arguably the most devolved species in the Warcraft universe that we know of.

    submitted by /u/JscJake
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    Well I guess it's my time to go

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:15 AM PDT

    I got beckoned by Azshara right as she died so now I'm perma naga.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 06:09 PM PST

    My Retail and Classic Characters (julien_black on Fiverr)

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 10:37 PM PST

    So who tried to kill Chromie?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 01:47 AM PST

    Was this ever revealed? I remember reading somewhere it would be in BFA

    submitted by /u/unicrun
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    8.3 Memory Leaks - Help Us!

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 02:05 PM PST

    Hey Guys,

    Since 8.3 dropped a group of players across multiple pieces of hardware are experiencing a pretty massive memory leak.
    Switching to Direct 11 legacy is a work around but not for everyone.



    Basically im here asking for your support in raising awareness on this issue.

    As you can see on both these threads, we feel basically ignored and left out the in the cold.

    I am hoping by raising some awareness we can actually get some damn answers.
    I realize this isn't tech support or blizzard officially, but anything outside these threads gets locked and we get zero response from blizzard, so here i am, Turning to people power.

    Thanks legends.

    submitted by /u/Itsmethechiz
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    There is a Blood Elf "Boss" NPC in Badlands who is only included in a few quests. Did Blizzard forget about this character?

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 11:23 AM PST

    Old School Ogre Sketch

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 01:14 AM PST

    A sculpture I made, inspired by a dwarf in heritage armor.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Upper Body Stability ��

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Interesting Meta

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 01:38 PM PST

    A Story of Romance...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 07:21 PM PST

    1,240 Horde Players Killed Mythic N'zoth... Alliance only 400

    Posted: 08 Mar 2020 04:13 AM PDT

    • Horde 62 Guilds
    • Alliance 20 Guilds


    What can blizzard do to make alliance great again?

    submitted by /u/cub4nito
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    I miss this Horde...

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 09:04 AM PST

    "Honor, no matter how dire the battle... never forsake it." - Varok Saurfang

    "Destruction is easy... But creating something that lasts-that was the challenge." - Cairne Bloodhoof

    "Ya wouldn't understand. What's de Horde ta ya? Diseased? Alien? Betrayers? Demon-blooded? Beasts? I know what ya say 'bout us.I'll tell ya what de Horde is. De Horde dat me an' Thrall built. It be a family. When de whole world try ta put us down, de family come an' pick us back up." - Vol'jin of the Darkspear

    "All members of the Horde are equal in my eyes. We have all suffered many burdens, and if it were not for wisdom and honor, then we would be no better than the Scourge or my people while our blood was tainted by the demon Mannoroth.

    It is your duty to aid the Horde and to defend our way of life. But it is also your duty to know when quarter and compassion should be given to friend and foe alike.

    Understand this well. This is the new Horde, not some demon-spawned army who lack freewill." - Thrall Doomhammer

    Thrall, Cairne, Vol'jin, and Saurfang were the heart and soul of the Horde. They turned the Horde into something more than just barbaric, bloodthirsty monsters, they turned the Horde from conquerers to defenders of Azeroth. Now 3 of the 4 are dead, Thrall hasnt been the same since, and the Horde being tainted by two Warchiefs. Is this whats to become of the Horde? Doomed to repeat the same mistakes made by the Old Horde, doomed to forever be destroyers.

    Edit: I think Eitrigg kinda counts here too.

    submitted by /u/Rage17Blaze
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    This plank in Vol'dun lets you surf down the dunes.

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Daylight Saving and Daily Reset

    Posted: 07 Mar 2020 03:52 PM PST

    For all NA users, a reminder that because of daylight savings tonight, the daily and weekly resets will now be an hour later than usual.

    The internal clock that handles when things reset does not observe DST, but each individual realm does.
    Daily quest reset tomorrow, and so on, for NA is now at 8am PDT (9am Mountain, 10am Central, 11am Eastern, Noon Atlantic)

    submitted by /u/idejtauren
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