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    Thursday, March 12, 2020

    World of Warcraft Thursday Loot Thread

    World of Warcraft Thursday Loot Thread

    Thursday Loot Thread

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 02:37 AM PDT

    Let us know what you got this week! Achievements, meta-achievements, mounts, pets, actual loot drops, gold thresholds, or other things that you can say, "Oooh, I got this" and be excited about. Post them here! Screenshots are encouraged but not necessary.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    My Sally Whitemane Cosplay from Holiday Matsuri! | [self] [nsfw]

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:40 PM PDT

    Prince Farondis just stopped my quest to kill an Alliance player lmao.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:56 PM PDT

    Multi-boxing in Nazjatar is out of control... 3 different multiboxers in the same image

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    My Sylvanas tattoo (finished today!)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 11:29 PM PDT

    So this was our HC Ny'alotha HC Xanesh drop tonight...

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:35 PM PDT

    Next Week - Horrific Vision Rewards always Corrupted

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Also made Frostmourne a little while back

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    How 15+ players in LFR bonded together with sheer determination to fight N'Zoth for the first and win (after 4 hours)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

    Let me tell you a story from last night where i attempted to fight N'Zoth for the first time. We downed the entry boss first try and then entered his room. No explanation, no pause, just a ready check and a pull. 60 seconds later half the raid is mind controlled (MC'ed) and we wipe, not even finishing phase one.

    Right off the bat half of everyone leaves, we lose a tank, but manage to keep 4 healers. Everyone start pointing fingers, yelling, 5-6 people start trying to vaguely describe the encounter that they don't know well. So a question was finally ask, "who has finished this fight?". We get only 7 people to admit to even finishing this fight and only one that claims they have finished it in LFR. More people leave at this point and a few more join.

    At this point we know its going to be rough, and we also know we were most likely going to be hitting max determination stacks. So after about a 10 min wait we got a new tank, we brief him and we pull. We last through first phase still losing most everyone but we make it at least to phase 2. Rinse and repeat for 2 hours.

    2.5 hours in, we have not managed to get the boss below 85%. Tanks are mad, we are losing 7-8 people per try and new people are coming in and dying making it even harder. But then a blessing. We pick up 2 VERY geared dps who know the fight, a fury warrior and a warlock. These guy end up holding the top 2 dps spots and understand the insanity mechanic. So after a brief chat with them clarifying that we had the basic idea right we made a plan. Me (also fury warrior but un-geared and terrible dps) would make the calls. Losing my dps was nothing if i could keep people alive by directing. 2 heavy dps focused down MC'ed players due to fast burst, this drastically helped with the insanity that several members were still having problems with. With this new plan we managed to make it to phase 3 for the first time at about the 3 hour mark.

    The rest of the story goes quick. We only wiped 2-3 more times as we figured out add mechanics and each time more and more people were still alive in phase 3, letting our dps focus more on the boss amd in turn decreasing insanity issue buy killing faster.

    At about 4 hours in we did it. In a shower of notifications, more then 15 of us beat N'Zoth for the first time in a LFR group. All but one player stayed for the cinematic that played (bit weak btw) and for a few minutes after we just chilled, swapped loot and relaxed. I made a few new friends that day. And thats it, i went on my way and decided to take a few days break after that. For some this might not be an achievement, but for me amd 15 of us that fought for 4 hours on a LFR boss that we saw for the first time, it was quite the experience.

    EDIT: for clarity it was the insanity mechanic that caused the most problems, not tanking or pure dps. We had a lot of new(er) players that didn't know standing in goop would damage their insanity or getting pulled into walls. That's why having some high dps players that could prevent a snowball effect when people got MC'ed was so useful.

    EDIT 2: People want an TLDR so TLDR: 15 monkeys smashed on keyboard for 4 hours and beat N'zoth, after wards much praising of the sun was had.

    submitted by /u/Rayona086
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    March 11th Hotfixes - Ny'alotha LFR Changes, Siege of Boralus Fix, Mount Droprate Changes

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:10 PM PDT

    Traditional Dryad art. By Hikami

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    It is really getting impossible to farm herbs in Naz'jatar

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:22 AM PDT

    No matter day or night, there are at least 2 or 3 gangs of multi-boxers flying around in a swarm and picking all the herbs. If you accidentally en up on their tail, you get 'There's no loot' error.

    This morning on the full zone loop of 280 nodes i've ended up with only 35 Zin'anthid.

    submitted by /u/ashmelev
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    My priest Brys, commissioned and done by @Mhuyo

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:30 PM PDT

    Blizzard Activision taps Google's Daniel Alegre to be new President and COO

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    What if Burning Crusade was a “Modern” Expansion?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    What would WoW 2.0 look like, if it was built as a "modern" wow expansion, similar to Legion, BFA, and Shadowlands? This silly "What if" post reimagines the past – as the present. While some of my ideas might be poking fun at modern wow, this is by no means a rant against it.

    It is 2020. World of Warcraft is a hugely successful game that revitalized the MMO scene after a decade and a half of games failing to entice consumers. Blizzard Entertainment is about to release the first expansion to the game, titled "The Burning Crusade".
    The only races/classes that exist at the beginning are those that existed during WoW 1.0.

    Welcome to Outland!

    As the Dark Portal opens, adventurers enter a 2-hour cinematic-set-piece scenario in which they defend Nethergarde Keep / Stonard from the invasion of the Fel Horde and the demons. The Dark Portal finally calms down, when Khadgar appears on the other side. One of the lost Sons of Lothar, Khadgar calls both the Alliance and the Horde to cross the Dark Portal and free Outland from the grasp of the Legion and its servants.

    New Zones at Launch: Hellfire Peninsula, Shadowmoon Valley, Nagrand, Terokkar Forest, Blade's Edge Mountains, Zangarmarsh.

    New Class Options at Launch: The Sunwalker Tauren bring the ways of the Paladin to the Horde, while the Wildhammer Shaman join the Alliance.

    Leveling Paths: When you cross into Outland, you have two paths to choose from while leveling.

    Path of the Assault: You decide to take an active role in hunting the Burning Legion across Outland. The Horde begins their quest in Hellfire Peninsula, where the orcs of Azeroth, led by Thrall, confront their dark past and fight against their demonic-infused brethren. The Alliance begins their quest in Shadowmoon Valley, where they meet the remnants of the Sons of Lothar and push back the Legion all the way to the Black Temple. Alliance and Horde can travel to the other side's zone for a short quest experience (similar to how BFA leveling zones work) that is focused around the faction war. Even if we have a common enemy in the Legion, distrust is still high, and neither side wants the other to gain too much knowledge of demonic secrets, legion siege weaponry, or access to Outland's nether powers.

    Path of the Protector: You decide to preserve what is left of Outland, help its native people and build a bulwark against the Legion. The Alliance meets the enigmatic Draenei in Terokkar Forest and defeats the Arakkoa and the Shadow Council as they encroach upon Auchindoun. The Horde travels to Nagrand, under the leadership of Thrall, and meets the Mag'har, a clan of orcs who refused to drink the Demon Blood. Both Horde and Alliance travel to the other zone for a few cooperative-peacekeeping quests. The Mag'har and the Draenei eventually band together to preserve Outland.

    • At the level cap, characters may play through a shorter version of the other "Path" to unlock all the factions and world quests. Players may still play the whole version of the other path for Loremaster, gear, and addictional Demonic Power.

    • Also at the level cap, both sides unlock Blade's Edge Mountains and Zangarmarsh. At Blade's Edge, both Alliance and Horde chase down the Gronn and the remnant of the Black Dragonflight. At Zangarmarsh, the factions enter in a three-way war between themselves and the Naga for control of the diminishing waters of Outland.

    New Expansion Feature: Demon Hunting

    As players level and complete endgame content, they unlock "Demonic Power" that allows them to tap into the Legion's arsenal. Players first unlock quality of life abilities, such as spectral sight and double jump. As they collect demonic power by completing world quests, dungeons, and other tasks, they eventually unlock powerful bonuses. Some of those are rotational abilities, like Eye Beam, while others are powerful cooldowns, like Metamorphosis. All players regardless of race and class get to participate in this endgame leveling system. Demonic Power takes the place of endgame talents and tier set bonuses. While an infinite grind, there is a catch up mechanism for players that fall behind.

    New Expansion feature: Shattrath City

    Assaulted by the Legion, the Fel Horde and Kael'thas' Blood Elves, the Naaru of Shattrath City call out to all champions of Outland to protect and rebuild the city. Collect "City Resources", and use them to upgrade and expand the city in a server-wide war effort. Individual players may choose to contribute to different projects in the city. As the Legion assaults Shattrath in weekly events, some of the players' progress is destroyed and the city must be rebuilt. Earn the trust of followers like Khadgar's servant and Garona Halforcen and send them to missions across Outland. Players earn the status of "Champion of Outland" when they complete the main storyline.

    New Dungeons: Each leveling zone comes with one dungeon at the end of their zone questing experience:

    • Hellfire Citadel: confront the 3 bosses of the Burning Legion in the zone: Kargath Bladefist, Pathaleon the Calculator, and Magtheridon.
    • Black Temple Grounds: free Akama from his servitude to Illidan Stormrage. Fight against Illidan, who eventually retreats into the Black Temple, mocking your group's unprearedness.
    • Auchindoun: Stop the abuse of Draenei souls by putting an end to Fallen Exarch Maladaar and delve deeper to stop the summoning of Murmur.
    • Oshugun Grounds: Curb the ethereal invasion of Nagrand and reconnect Mag'har and Draenei alike to the monument of Oshu'gun. Cleanse the fallen Naaru back to its original, radiant state.
    • Gruul's Lair: Chase down the leadership of the Ogres and Gronn of Outland and free Blade's Edge.

    Raid Dungeon at Launch: Serpentshrine Cavern.

    Stop the Naga from taking over Zangarmarsh for the Legion. The dungeon culminates in an epic battle against not only Lady Vashj but also NPCs from the other faction who are not about to let you control Zangarmarsh. Ally with the NPCs for an easy progression kill or turn against them for a Feat of Strength.

    Mythic Plus Seasonal Affix: "Enemies of Outland". Dungeons are brimming with additional creatures (gronn, arakkoa, ethereals, fel orcs) that try to stop the Alliance and the Horde from controlling Outland. Some dungeon bosses are replaced by one of the enemy creature bosses (alternates each week).

    Patch 2.1: The Skies of Outland

    Two legion commanders still remain: Illidan Stormrage is locked up in the Black Temple, while Kael'thas Sunstrider is flying around the enigmatic Tempest Keep that appears over the city of Shattrath. The Shat'ari Skyguard faction allows players to learn how to fly, assuming that they have first completed all 2.0 quest, exploration, and reputation content first. With their newfound flying abilities, the Champions of Outland assault the Black Temple from above, and fight off the Legion-aligned Blood Elves that pour from Tempest Keep.

    New Factions: The Aldor and the Scryers. A group of zealous Draenei and a group of Blood Elf deserters join A'dal in Shattrath City, unlocking more quests centered around the rebuilding of Shattrath.

    New Mythic Dungeon: Karazhan. Delve into the tower of Medivh and unlock secrets of the Burning Legion.

    New Raid Dungeon: The Black Temple

    Weakened by the Skyguard's assault, Illidan's stronghold is under siege. Assist Akama as he challenges Illidan for his people's freedom and the liberation of Outland. Malfurion and Tyrande make a short appearance, but Night Elf lore does not meaningfully progress.

    Mythic Plus Seasonal Affix: "Demonic". New demon servants appear in trash packs around the dungeons. Bosses copy the "Demon hunting" abilities that the dungeon delving players have equipped.

    Patch 2.2: Fury of the Sunwell

    New Endgame Zone: Netherstorm. Explore the small and disconnected arcane-tainted islands of Netherstorm, and slowly drain Tempest Keep of its powers.

    New Raid Dungeon: Tempest Keep

    Board the Tempest Keep and chase Kael'thas Sunstrider. After a successfully defeating Kael'thas inside TK, he declares his defeat as merely a setback, and teleports the Keep above the Sunwell. The Champions of Outland unload from Tempest Keep and progress through the second part of the raid, where they clear the demonic infestation of the Sunwell and face Kil'jaeden.

    Mythic Plus Seasonal Affix: "Technomagic". Bits and pieces of Tempest Keep have scattered around the dungeons of Outland. Those powerful technoarcanic artifacts complicate dungeon fights by adding effects such as gravity lapses, twisting time, and summoning ethereal weapons.

    Patch 2.3: Ebon's Might.

    In a seeming deviation form the original theme of the Expansion (Which was the attack on Outland and the war against the Legion), this patch returns the heroes to Azeroth.

    New Endgame Zones:

    Azuremist Isle: Follow the Alliance as they discover a branch of Draenei that evacuated from Tempest Keep and landed into Azeroth. Free the islands from the runaway arcane energies. While both factions assist in this effort, the valiant Draenei choose to ally themselves with the Alliance that upholds the same values and belief in the Light as they do.

    Quel'thalas: As Kael'thas finally lies dead and the Sunwell is purified, the Blood Elves of Quel'thalas regroup and start healinging their land. While both factions assist in this rebuilding effort, the Blood Elves choose to align themselves with the Horde, as they can now understand the Orcs better. Both races have been corrupted by the Legion and fell to its fel promises, but now that they are free, they choose to walk together.

    New Raid Dungeon: Acherus, the Ebon Hold

    While the Horde and Alliance were focused on the liberation of Outland, the Lich King sends a second necropolis to assault Azeroth. Acherus moves between Quel'thalas and Azuremist every week. When Darion Mograine is defeated, thefactions resolve to chase the Lich King in Northrend, which leads to the next expansion pack.

    Mythic Plus Seasonal Affix: "Necromantic". A squad of Acherus death knights bolsters the forces inside dungeons.

    New Endgame player power feature: Reforged Atiesh.

    Khadgar has returned from Outland and claims Atiesh. Players assist him in building up its power, and gain a "Shade of Khadgar" as a permanent companion in their adventure. The shade can cast different spells as players equip it with different powers. Players that held the Naxxramas version of Atiesh learn that they had a fake all along. Players may also customize their "shade" with varying forms and outfits, as well as unlock Khadgar's best puns through rare drops.

    Patch 3.0: Wrath of the Lich King

    Once the pre-expansion patch hits, Khadgar will recall all of his Shades back into himself, as well as finally cleansing players of their Demon Hunting powers. The Lich King launches a full-out assault on Azeroth, and the players prepare to storm Northrend in the pre-expansion event.

    Player Versus Player in Outland

    War Mode and World PvP: Players may complete War Mode objectives in the other faction's main zones. Fight for control of the towers of Hellfire and Terokkar.

    New Battlegrounds:

    Coilfang Pumps: The Alliance and the Horde battle in this intense resource-collection battleground to control the access of clean water.

    Eye of The Storm: Added with the Sunwell Patch: Control the barren islands of Netherstorm and capture the flag.

    New Arenas:

    Lower City Slums: Despite the Naaru's lofty goals for the city, mercenary gladiators fight without faction allegiance in the slums of the Lower City. Kill your opponents while avoiding interference from the onlooking crowds.

    Circle of Blood, Ring of Trials: They play out as in "Real" BC.

    Original BC content that does not make the cut: Caverns of Time (will be added in Wrath as an endgame power progression system similar to Horrific Visions), Zul'aman (will be a launch dungeon during Cataclysm), Ogrila (in this version of BC the only ogres are the savage ones, we'll revisit Ogrila in WoD). Most of the dungeons have been combined in one dungeon per zone. The Shattered Sun Offensive becomes part of the Quel'thalas restoration questline. Netherwing drakes are store mounts. The Ruins of Lordaeron arena will be added in WotLK after the Wrathgate patch.

    submitted by /u/ticuxdvc
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    Family resemblance

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 02:47 PM PDT

    Druid Fastest Form Macro Help

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 09:57 AM PDT

    Sorry for the low quality pic, but the goblin children are absolutely terrifying.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    What’s your favorite Lesser-Known Questline?

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 06:08 PM PDT

    The top spot for me is the Invasion of Booty Bay in lower stranglethorn (Post-Cataclysm).

    Every phase is amazing

    1.) Kill Pirates

    2.) Investigate Said Pirates

    3.) Join Pirates

    4.) Discover Plans —> Sabotage Ships

    5.) The Battle for Booty Bay

    Music is great, the ending feels super epic, and most people avoid it cause I think everyone hates stranglethorn

    submitted by /u/Delaroc23
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    Grand Magistrix Elisande fight offers very cool photo-filter. You just have to catch the right moment.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 07:47 AM PDT

    Well that should be enough Essences to run another Vision.... Oh

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    I made a Weakaura to put a little Mortal Combat in your Mortal Strike

    Posted: 11 Mar 2020 04:43 PM PDT

    Has the game seemed glitchy to anyone else in the past week?

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    In the past week I've noticed very long queue times (3+ hours for a random BG), players suspended in mid air, demon hunters being able to get into random BGs where all the other players are between 10-19, and a persistent bug where I'm always in combat no matter what I do.

    Has anyone else noticed anything like this? What's going on at Blizzard?

    submitted by /u/Repulsive-Divide
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    I'm happy they're not abandoning 8.3

    Posted: 12 Mar 2020 12:32 AM PDT

    1. Tons of great changes to Vessels and how fast you acquire them, still, I'd like to run Visions as much as I want but it's a very welcomed change.
    2. Nerfs to corruptions, I'd expect way more incoming and/or buffs. Would've been cool if they made corruptions more situational, as it is right now, you either have TD and the Ra-den weapons for melee or you're -30% DPS.
    3. Corruption guaranteed from Visions.

    Now, if we could increase the corruption drop rate such that I can have multiple builds for multiple things, that'd be great. It's been over a month and still haven't gotten a single decent corruption.

    Oh, my, I nearly forgot: STILL NO ACCOUNT WIDE ESSENCES THO,

    submitted by /u/jerax42
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