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    Friday, May 1, 2020

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:40 PM PDT

    Please post any offers to help, questions, and logs in the appropriate class spot.

    Death Knight | Demon Hunter | Druid | Hunter | Mage | Monk | Paladin | Priest | Rogue | Shaman | Warlock | Warrior

    General DPS Questions

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    May Creators of the Month: Sinnerman and Coffeeandbiscuits!

    Posted: 01 May 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    Welcome to our May Creators of the Month feature!

    We're very excited to have Sinnerman and Coffeeandbiscuits contributing this month, and we hope you'll take a moment to check out what they've submitted! Their work will also be visible on the sidebar and on our Featured Creators wiki page throughout the month.

    Sinnerman - Victaur

    Coffeeandbiscuits - The Druid

    If you'd like to submit your own work for Creator of the Month consideration, please fill out this form, and refer to the wiki page linked above for more details.

    submitted by /u/Vusys
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    Garry Hellscream

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 01:39 PM PDT

    Found Some Very Flattering Pants

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:05 PM PDT

    How PvP ought to be

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:54 AM PDT

    Blizzard - Please baseline Talents that feel mandatory. The majority of players pick them anyway.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    I can't remember which Q&A or interview it was where Ion said they would look at baselining talents that the majority of players in a spec were picking. Things that made sense and/or felt mandatory to make the spec work or make it fun.

    Why isn't this being looked at more in Shadowlands?

    I'm aware some stuff has been made baseline like Wake of Ashes for Ret. But there is still examples like Flame on and Phoenix Flames still being on the same row for Fire Mages.

    Or the example of Havoc DH and their last row - 99% of players choose Demonic. It feels like it should be baseline as it's an integral part of the spec.

    I'm sure there are heaps more examples and I'm aware this site is only an example of data. But take a look - some talent rows offer almost no actual choice.


    EDIT: I should note some clarification - many specs feel like you are fixing design flaws with them in the talent tree. Offering no real choice.

    submitted by /u/Omnislashing
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    More sixfanarts by Feralundead

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Trying to play an alt got me like

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 10:50 PM PDT

    This scene hits the cosmic horror vibe just right.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:50 PM PDT

    A tiny change that would've made me pay for the Eternal Traveler set in a heartbeat

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    I was the dood playing wow classic and talking shit about retail...

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 07:50 AM PDT

    I quit retail during cataclysm and moved on to other mmo's. I then came back for wow classic. When someone ever brought up retail I had this hatred in my heart. Saying things how retail was ruined and how classic is life.

    Well I started classic and quickly realized everyone is min-maxing, everything is already known, the funnest part was the leveling but then quickly realized there is literally nothing to do at 60 besides raid with a guild and fight about loot. I realized the vanilla experience is something we will never be able to cherish again.

    I quit and moved to other mmo's again. Tried everything.i was lost and on the search for the best mmo for me. That was 4 months ago and I've been hooked on wow since. The changes that blizzard implemented since cata are everywhere I look. The leveling is amazing being able to sync quests with friends, fuck I love this game and to think I wasted all that time on classic talking shit.

    Sorry retail, sorry for being a dumbass. :(

    submitted by /u/Superb-Low
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    You can unpack the canopy on your racial Vulpera mount by pressing the backpack on your "Make Camp" campsite

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 02:49 PM PDT

    Just wanted to share my Sindragosa Cosplay

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:36 AM PDT

    Tyrande by Mayweda

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    In the Whispers of a Frightened World questline, we head into the Maker's Overlook with Magni to commune with Azeroth. It was clearly Yogg-Saron we spoke with.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    • The Maker's Overlook is positioned on the east side of Sholazar Bazin, right next to Icecrown Citadel which is constructed entirely from Yogg-Saron's blood (Saronite). Inside, you travel deep down into the ground. It is unclear if the chamber you enter, the Hall of Communion, is situated in Northrend or somewhere else, because there is a portal leading to it. But if it is still in Northrend, you've basically gone down into Yogg-Saron's domain to speak with Azeroth.
    • The monster which spawns references several past bosses: Yogg-Saron, C'thun, Archimonde, Il'gynoth and Grommash Hellscream. Note how the lines below basically all seem to focus on that theme of dreaming, death, seeing the truth, etc., which has been prevalent throughout the last couple of years but which really didn't come to a conclusion with the defeat of N'Zoth.
      • Look upon the true face of death, and know that your end comes soon!
      • The pain of flesh is fleeting. True torment lasts forever.
      • Soon the heart of your world will beat no more!
      • Your courage will fail.
    • Magni then has his vision about the Wound in Silithus, which came to pass after Argus concluded and Sargeras shoved his sword into Azeroth. Why would Azeroth give him this vision? I get that she'd want to warn us about Sargeras so we could defeat him, but this particular outcome with the wound seemed so random during the ending cinematic of Argus that it's pretty odd for it to be part of a vision. Surely, a vision would either deal with the clear outcome of a victory, or of a defeat. Sargeras gone or Azeroth gone. Not a sort of weird middle ground with no clear outcome. So this vision was probably another Old God prophecy of what needed to come to pass for their plans to proceed, i.e. the emergence of Azerite and the ensuing Fourth War which led to the release of N'Zoth and the harvesting of more souls for the Maw.
    • I bet the name of the place, The Maker's Overlook, is a reference to Yogg-Saron, not the Titans. As Il'gynoth says: "Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator."
    • In the end, "The King of Diamonds has been made a pawn" has to come true somehow. We need to figure out just how Magni has been mislead.
    submitted by /u/gustavperuses
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    King Dazar, fanart by me

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    tfw odin is with you

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    For anyone looking to learn how to tank Mythic+ (there's a huge tank shortage, come join us) - I can't recommend Nerftank's key tanking commentary videos enough, I've learned a ton from him the past couple weeks he has been doing this.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Our raid leads dog joined for a battle cry

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 09:20 PM PDT

    Anyone else not like questing with other people?

    Posted: 30 Apr 2020 05:06 PM PDT

    My boyfriend always wants to quest with me but i like to go off and do my own thing by myself

    submitted by /u/probablywatchingtv
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    8 Reasons why Solo RBG queues would make a great addition to WoW.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:49 AM PDT

    Warning, long post ahead.

    Reasons Solo RBG queues should be apart of WoW.

    1. More appeal to PvP for the average player. Arena has a steep learning curve and that can be very daunting to new players. More pressure is on you in Arena, considering you're either 1/2 or 1/3 of the team. In a BG you are 1/10 of the team. A meaningful learning on ramp is important to maintain a PVP playerbase. Right now its random BGS (which cannot be taken seriously), world pvp (lol) and that's it.

    2. Rated Battlegrounds are extremely inaccessible at the moment. As they are now, Rated battlegrounds are arguably harder to get into then a mythic Nyalotha pug. Any competitive RBG groups outside of "yolo no voice" groups require ratings that are near impossible to get to because you can't find any meaningful groups to begin building your rating with. Its doable, but wayyy to inaccessible.

    3. Battlegrounds are more accessible to all classes. Arena is nothing but FOTM and Mage Rogue combos. If you happen to not be one of those classes this season, you're SOL. I am not saying there isn't perfect combos for higher ranked RBGs out there, but teams of 10 allow for way more accessibility than teams of 2s/3s. When you make a part of the game that is more accessible to more classes, you make a part of the game that is accessible to more players (Mind blown?).

    4. Rated Battlegrounds are just simply 10x more enjoyable and engaging than random battlegrounds. Having people communicate and making call outs, actually wanting to win, FIGHTING ON NODES makes for fun PVP. Random BG's are too filled with people who don't care if they get a 15 minute (piss/snack break) deserter buff if they leave. People just fight in the roads and hunt for kills. Why wouldn't you? There is barely any reward from winning anyways. Having a ranking system/rating you're trying to climb up changes everything

    5. MMO pvp is more "balanced" when more players are involved. I personally feel Blizzard should push 20v20 AV/Ashran esport battles (obviously with some tuning in AV that makes PvP happen and not just a boss race). I believe it attributes more to the "War" and "Sieging Castles" crowd. Hell, I got into WoW because I was tired of watching the Lord of the Rings Trilogy on repeat when I was 12 and wanted to live the fantasy myself. This is what Warfronts could have been... Anyways, this would curb some more appeal from people rather than watching people pillar hump with the same classes over and over again. It is easier to equally balance 40 different rocks on a scale than it is to balance 6. Elite teams will always find that perfect balance, but you should not, not have something in the game based off the top few % of the players.

    6. The system is already there. Its present in Overwatch. The queue system is present in game. How many other things have to be turned on to get this system rolling? Not a whole lot.

    1. PvP, if done right, is perfect repeatable content for droughts and/or downtime. Other games, such as Call of Duty and Fortnite, strive off of repeatable enjoyable PvP. There are patches here and there for those games, but in essence its nothing but repeatable pvp over and over again. It's time Blizzard stop half assing PVP development and give it some more attention. I believe they have it backwards; give it less attention because not as many players participate in it. Why not give it more attention so more players participate in it meaningfully outside of random bgs and skirmishes? I'm not saying they dont give it any attention, but there's no denying it only gets a very small fraction compared to PVE content. Opening up solo queues will show Blizzard many players want to meaningfully PvP, its just too inaccessible and funneled into arena at the moment. I believe many player's true endgame is to get the best gear so they can smash other players faces with it.

    8. Who does it hurt if you add it? Make all the awards cosmetic. It will still beat jumping into stale random bgs.

    Now, to counter the arguements against solo queue RBG'S...

    "But premades will just smash and win all of the games."

    GOOD! You should be encouraged to group up and coordinate for better results. It's an MMO, social cooperation and strategization should be encouraged. And here's the thing, that premade group will move up the ranks until they hit a wall and face others of equal skill. But right now, that's all RBGS are and its nearly a dead part of the game. Just because there's a fear of premades smashing, doesnt mean you should throw the baby out with the bath water. Look at Overwatch; premades are encouraged but are arguably not needed until the top ~5%. If you are not potato and truly want to climb the ranks, you will. It will take longer than being apart of a premade, but it's still a route you could take that isn't present in game now. And if it is really such a HUGE concern, make solo queuing only? Maybe make the max group queue 5? There's ways around this, but its definitely not a big enough issue to substantiate solo queue RBGs from not existing.

    "Can't get an invite? Just form your own group."

    Requesting solo queue RBGs is a request of greater accessibility to the game. Can I form my own group? Yes, but doing that now in today's WoW is wayyy more tedious and time consuming than other content. Being able to pop into a queue for competitive pvp that isn't Arena isn't too much to ask. Also, if "form your own group" is your response, you haven't tried with RBGs. If you happen to find 10 people that are dedicated and loyal to sticking with you after a loss, than you are rather lucky.

    Anyways, I am writing this post in hopes it gets some steam to the community to push for this. I am tired of waiting on this. There were whispers of solo RBG queues being added back in BFA, and in Legion before that, but here we are. Shadowlands is looking great! But I will be immensely disappointed if they do not add this system in it.

    Edit: Sorry about the formatting, I do not know what Reddit did when I posted this.

    submitted by /u/Ashtar17
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    Rain should last longer and be more wide area in WoW. Turned ambience sound fully up and totally enjoyed it.

    Posted: 01 May 2020 04:46 AM PDT

    Pugging M+, how do you not lose your mind when your group dies 40+ times before the first boss?

    Posted: 01 May 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    In your opinion, is there ever a circumstance when you find it's acceptable to leave the group because you know you aren't going to time the key? I've had a lot of negative experiences from playing with strangers, so many that I don't want to pug keys or even play with other people. More so, I've had a lot of really bad people join my keys who had no idea what they were doing on wow. Before anyone calls me out, I don't flame anyone in chat because it's only a game, most people are still learning. However, I think it's extremely rude to waste someone else's time by messing up a fight for the 4th time because you're ignoring the people in chat who are trying to tell you the mechanics.

    Just last week I had a Resto Shaman run from the AoE light beam at the end of UR. He died every pull within 30 seconds, we wiped 3 times before he responded to what we were trying to tell him in chat. Fourth pull comes around, he instantly dies again because he ran through the mold with the light beam.

    In another dungeon, we found out half way through that our healer didn't speak English or know the mechanics. I had to google translate all of the mechanics to him just so we could clear a +8. At the end of the dungeon he called us all shitters before hearthing out. This is after he died on the last boss, leaving only myself and the tank alive to finish the fight.

    I've also come across many DPS players who find a way to go an entire key without interrupting a cast. They let the tank and another player interrupt everything then offer nothing when a cast goes off. I know this because I watch my fight logs and have a weakaura that tracks interrupts, it's annoying to experience.

    Why are people so rude on this game?

    submitted by /u/trout-mix
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