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    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    World of Warcraft [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    [Firepower Friday] Weekly DPS Thread

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Hello from the beach

    submitted by /u/Babylonius
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    Lost my tanking brother of 2 years to COVID today

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:27 PM PDT

    Hello r/wow, first time posting here

    However, feeling really down after, what the title says, losing my tanking brother to COVID today. Been tanking with my friend since the beginning of BFA, and I honestly feel lost without my best friend. We just killed Mythic N'zoth on Tuesday and it almost feels like it was the last thing keeping him alive over these last 4 weeks since he's been battling the disease. He was all good for the last 3 weeks and just today his GF came online and said that he died early this morning. Which has honestly broken me, I think tanking is honestly the single role in WoW where it's almost like a marriage. Every week you get together for 2-3 nights a week for 3-4hrs and just tank together. Communication between the 2 of you has to be perfect otherwise the raid wipes because of a missed simple mechanic. Which ends up creating a bond between the players that not too many truly understand. This is because you both end up syncing your minds together and thinking almost as one between taunting, hitting cool downs, and moving the boss to where it needs to go. Sorry for the sorrowful rant, but I am already missing my brother.

    I wanted to make this post discussing the bond between tanks and what is lost when they separate either from changing guilds, quitting, or just dying. I feel that in any circumstance the tank that is left behind feels left out and lost.

    submitted by /u/Ringkiller
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    I just don't see it?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    Remember that one time we had a story choice available to us based on our own ideals?

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 01:32 AM PDT

    As a Horde player, Shadowlands lore will be a complete failure if I don't get to strangle Nathanos to death with my bare hands.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:04 PM PDT

    Yes, I know he's technically already dead, whatever. I have had to sit through countless quests with this undead fuckboi snidely backseat gaming me to death and then smugly acting like he's been of any use at all after I do all the heavy lifting.

    If my character does not get to choke the remaining unlife out of his useless reanimated corpse and send his soul into the nether then I can only surmise that Blizzard doesn't have the slightest clue how to bring any meaningful closure to a character's story.

    No this is not a shitpost. If I do not get to personally eradicate Nathanos's existence entirely there will be no meaning to the Shadowlands lore at all, and no matter what masterful story they manage to pull out of their ass it will be for nothing.

    Do NOT fuck this up Blizzard, I swear to god.

    submitted by /u/Timburrrrsss
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    I commissioned a fanart of Sargeras and Azeroth to commemorate The End of Legion. By Lyanis Arts.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    [Meta] State of the sub. We can’t post xmog, memes, or talk about high level gameplay. Different subs were made for each one. Lore posts and feedback are never interacted with or discussed. All we are left with is sexualized art and cat pics.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    What is going on? I remember this sub being more more related to the game at once point. Been subbed here for years. Now all I see is art. Art is fine but if that's all I see when I come here there is no point to visit anymore.

    Edit: I'm not saying the mods suck. Do not attack the mods. Just trying to improve the sub. I have 200k karma and it has been mainly from this sub. I only say that to state how active I am here and how long I have been active for. I am just a guy who likes WoW and it's the only the that I like coming to reddit for anymore. This is purely criticism for constructive reasons.

    submitted by /u/lnclincoln
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    4 hours 11 minutes for Current Shadowlands 10-50 leveling speed with consumables/enchants (No heirloom EXP %, WM 30% bonus)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 06:11 PM PDT

    I cant believe people are complaining about the 9 item weekly choice

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Went into wowhead. Read about the system. Fu**ing brilliant, I love it and I have a reason to do every content, while not feeling forced to actually do shit I dont want to. Go down to the comments to check if people feel the same.

    Lo and behold, there's still people complaining about it. Seriously, what the hell? I really feel like some people in this community simply cannot be satisfied. Ever.

    Rant over.

    submitted by /u/Gadrem
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    WoW Desperately Needs Ducks As Pets

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:00 PM PDT

    Every type of bird is in the game!- But no ducks! How could those poor feathery things not exist with such a wide variety of animals!

    I demand ducks!

    submitted by /u/NonrecreationalAttic
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    You may be ready to run in simple circles around Oribos, but I present to you: ADVANCED LÖÖP

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    WOW or wedding

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 08:08 PM PDT

    Death Knight class hall crest. 3D printed and hand painted with three color LED eyes

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I’m embroidering a World of Warcraft pillowcase. I wanted to share my drake (based off the vitreous stone drake)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    When people don't shut up about sports

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    New TurnSpeed cvar in beta

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 02:27 PM PDT

    [Fan Concept] Old-God Themed Paladin Tear Set by ''Sercan Özyurt - Lordozy''

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    I painted this 1/16 printed figure of movie-Durotan in game-ish colours. Used Nagrand colours for the base. What do you think?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 04:35 AM PDT

    Got my gf into wow, she chose the assumed "girlfriend" class race combo of male Undead rogue. :)

    Posted: 31 Jul 2020 03:33 AM PDT

    Found Sylvanas' 34d chess coach

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Why are guards useless lately? I remember when guards at-least a few of them could thwart one person

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    It took me nearly 4 years to make this video and I don't regret it one bit. The music of WoW means a lot to me and I'm so glad to finally be able to share all of this unused and unreleased music with everyone! :D

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Why is Chaos Damage not Chaos Damage consistently?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:28 PM PDT

    What is Chaos Damage?

    Essentially chaos damage is all seven types of damage. Fire, frost, arcane, nature, shadow, holy and physical.

    What classes use chaos damage?

    Chaos damage is something special to warlocks and demon hunters.

    And what is special about chaos damage?

    The spell checks your buffs and the debuffs/resistences of your enemy to decide what type of damage it becomes to overcome possible resistances and always deal the most damage in that situation. This is why Chaos Bolts always hurt.

    Now let us compare spells/abilities that advertise chaos damage

    Example: Eye Beam vs. Chaos Strike

    In the tooltip of both spells it is said to deal x chaos damage. This is true for Chaos Strike. But unfortunately Eye Beam is not chaos damage at all. Remember when I said chaos damage is all types of damage? Eye Beam lacks the holy and physical component of chaos damage. This is prismatic damage and not chaos damage.

    Why do I come with that just now?

    In Shadowlands there will be a weapon enchant that temporarily buffs a type of damage based on the last damage type used. The chaos damage from Chaos Strike could become holy damage and the enchant could buff holy damage as well. This means nothing but Chaos Strike(and Fel Rush) would benefit from that enchantment at all.

    Final thoughts

    I am writing this because I think for the sake of consistency tooltips should be labled correctly. Chaos damage should be chaos damage as much as fire damage should be fire damage. On that matter you should also include physical stun and magical stun to the tooltips for stun effects because you can dodge physical stuns with evasion/dodge and immune magic stuns with things like anti magic shell or cloak of shadows.

    submitted by /u/freefrag1412
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