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    Friday, August 21, 2020

    World of Warcraft The BfA cinematic just feels so hollow now.

    World of Warcraft The BfA cinematic just feels so hollow now.

    The BfA cinematic just feels so hollow now.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    Art commission I did for Blizzard WOW Chronic Vol.2. Beyond the Dark Portal

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    This is for all the forgotten. The server maintenance Tuesday alts that we played to pass the time. To fill the void of a main on a downed server. That we never had the heart to delete even 14 years later. We salute you.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:17 PM PDT

    The Real Villian of 8.3

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:26 PM PDT

    You mitigate 100% of the damage you don't take

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 01:20 PM PDT

    What is considered "good class design"? Is new legacy of the void "good"?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:13 PM PDT

    I'd like to start with what I think is universally considered "bad" or at least boring class design.

    You have 1 button to press basically. Why is it bad? Well there is no decision to make. It's boring. I'm ofc including in this where you have a button for single target and 1 for aoe, or perhaps 1 for each of cleave, ranged, melee etc. I'm not saying any class is like this, but i thought i's a non-controversial place to start.

    Now let's move on to classes where have multiple buttons to press but still no decision to make basically. Think a class with with cooldown that never clash, and the rotation is basically pressing buttons as soon as they light up with maybe a filler in between. I think this is no better than the above situation. I personally think this shouldn't even be considered gameplay, but would like to hear some opinions otherwise.

    What about we combine the above with a resource bar that you build/spend or spells with multiple charges? Well now you have the option to pool resources/charges. If you have 2 charges for example one is lost to the above mindless rotation, but the other you can decide where to use for bursts of damage (although sometimes it's just used to make the mindless rotation more lenient unfortunately). This is a small improvement to be sure, but if gameplay boils down to deciding when to spend the 1 extra charge/bit of resource, doesn't sound much fun does it?

    Well where do we go from here? How about a resource that can be spent 2 different ways? Well now there are actual decisions. Think brewmaster monk having to decide between whether to stagger more or to purify (yes i realize comparing tanks to dps is weird, but bear with me for a bit). Think about how much better a good player with more game knowledge and better planning can play vs the average competent player. The idea is simple and easy to explain, but is very difficult to master. There is decisions to make and always small ways to improve. Isn't that much better class design?

    Void form's insanity drain is constantly increasing, and while you will have plenty of insanity to spend on DP and whatnot at the beginning, that leisure will slowly be taken away. Maximizing the number of DP you can get out without sacrificing void form duration, or even balancing DP usage and void form duration seems exactly like what meaningful gameplay decision looks like to me. The good player will know exactly how to maximize output while the average will either play too aggressively and drop out of form, or too passively and waste insanity. The idea is simple but the execution is difficult to perfect. Why is that not a good thing?

    Well what about SL beta shadowpriest with LotV? I see a lot of dislike for the talent, some even going as far as to claim it's somehow "antithetical" to shadow priest design, and I just don't understand. Isn't that good class design for the exact reasons explained above?

    edit: For those interested, void form is baseline a 90 sec damage cooldown 15 sec duration buff that increases damage. Taking LotV talent removes the duration limit but instead during void form your resource bar (insanity) drains at ever increasing rates. At the same time, you gain a constantly stacking haste buff that lasts the duration of void form. Void form ends when insanity reaches zero.

    Devouring plague (DP) is a DOT and primary insanity spender normally. It costs 40 insanity and does damage. Casting it during LotV void form is counterproductive to maintaining void form.

    submitted by /u/Random_Noobody
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    [Suggestion] Map Pin on the Minimap too?

    Posted: 21 Aug 2020 02:11 AM PDT

    After Exiles Reach, new Alliance players get a nice tour around Stormwind, learn to ride mounts, and then learn about specializations. This is the newly renovated building with the class trainers.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 07:45 PM PDT

    WW in SL beta #deleteSEF

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:54 PM PDT

    So right now WW monks are currently the only spec without a blue post and it feels awful when nothing is working as intended 3 out of the 4 covenant abilities are bugged. Blizzard ask for feedback but we cant give actual feedback when what is being tested cannot actually be tested as intended. i fully expect all the covenant abilties to get fixed but what i dont expect to get fixed anytime soon is whats been plaguing the class for years now.

    -scaling issues

    -SEF bugs

    -cookie cutter and weak talents

    -WDP not able to be used when at high haste percentages, like during lust for instance.

    -touch of karma and fortifying brew as offensives

    -2H still do not work for WW as intended since alpha

    youll see the 3 other WWs who are posting say the same thing as i am. because its an actual problem that WW has had for awhile now, and im not trying to say WW has had it bad for the longest or has had it the worst. but its about damn time we get our problems fixed as well. the biggest thing that would fix a lot of the spec issues is removing SEF. many will agree class fantasy can step aside if the spell has been buggy since its first rendition and so on. Blizzard seemly cannot fix the issues with SEF and its about time for it to go. Removing SEF would require some talents and the new conduits to be changed/removed, like spiritual focus and coordinating strikes. with the removal of SEF we could either get a new cooldown or serenity baseline. Serenity itself needs a hefty buff to be viable where its currently at, which segues into my next point talents.

    currently talents are either too strong or too weak. WDP isnt broken its that serenity and spiritual focus are too weak to be used currently, serenity was only brought up in legion because of the 6p during ToS which made serenity shine, without it we defaulted back to WDP. HC is also too strong and the other talents in that row are weak as well. HC is unituitive and is just a copy of our mastery. the only thing it adds to the overall gameplay is a punishment that is too strong. losing out on 6% of your damage does not feel good when we already do little damage as it is. we just need some talent tuning not an entire overhaul. the first row of talents feels really good and it actually depends on the encounter and so forth and brings the most meaning, however they bring little to no impact on the overall gameplay of the spec.

    the next thing that im going to bring up is blizzard does not like that we are using karma as an offensive cooldown, theyve even called it degenerate. however they exacerbate the problem when they readd fortifying brew into it and make the offensive capabilities of it stronger, karma should not reflect back damage and should just be an absorb. currently in the beta, post nerf, its still doing a nice chunk of our damage.

    Currently a lot of things are bugged in the beta for WW but again, those are bound to get fixed hopefully sooner rather than later, but it doesnt feel good to play things that arent working as intended and then go seemingly ignored by blizzard. we got name changes to our legendaries though. so i guess thats cool. but Monks and WWs especially are falling off the edge when it comes to being played. and it doesnt help that blizzard just puts them on the back burner and ignores them.

    EDIT: thanks for the awards guys, it means a lot, hopefullly this post will gain some more traction and someone at blizzard will see it. that would be nice. but again thanks for the support i love seeing all of us WWs come together

    submitted by /u/Mattarium
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    It is just me?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:55 AM PDT

    Diminishing Returns in Secondary Stat Ratings in Shadowlands

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    I like how to OG Wrath Website is still up

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 03:49 PM PDT

    If we can't have Gladiator Stance back in SL. Can we compromise and get an Arms legendary that allows a shield to be equipped on the offhand, that gives (now baseline) Shield Slam X Rage when used.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    We should get rested xp in rooms like this

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:22 AM PDT

    We need a better server interface so we can see what servers are connected to each other.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    It is quite a mess right now since you can not see any hints whether a realm is connected to other realms or not.

    I think a good solution would be to put all connected servers in a row and put a green line next to them connecting all connected servers. With this we easily see what servers are connected at first glance..

    What do you guys think about that little change?

    submitted by /u/freefrag1412
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    [Fan Concept] 8.3 Nylotha Warrior Set by ''Sercan Özyurt - Lordozy''

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:25 AM PDT

    A possible dev and player-friendly solution to Covenants

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 04:05 PM PDT

    How are players that play every spec of multi-role classes, like a paladin, going to juggle/choose BiS Covenant abilities between each spec, when they matter so much to our class in Shadowlands?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    I play prot, holy, ret in casual raiding, and ret in above average rated PvP. Without the ability to swap between covenant abilities, that leaves three of my builds in the dirt for optimal play. And it's not "just" optimal play, but literally, integral damage/tanking/healing abilities that are *required* for my spec to be remotely competitive.

    Am I missing something here? Am I really going to choose just one covenant ability for one specific spec and my other specs be bound to a subpar ability?

    I'd sooner choose the best PVP ability, and leave my PvE specs to rot, because we've so far heard almost nothing on covenant pvp balance--indicating that they're going to be incredibly integral to rated pvp--and I'm not going to let someone have the upper hand in a match just because they have a stronger gimmick button than I do.

    submitted by /u/Rwhejek
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    Can we get HIDE WEAPON option for all worgens, i mean... we have CLAWS for something!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 12:33 PM PDT

    The new 2 handed obliterate animation is awesome! Although frost strike treats the 2 hander like a 1 hander.

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    I made a new tattoo inspired class icon for Druids!

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 06:36 AM PDT

    I made my first Addon to view all Legendary information in-game. I got tired of going back to wowhead over and over. Would anyone find this useful?

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 08:13 AM PDT

    It is getting ridiculous

    Posted: 20 Aug 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    I just tried 3 m+ in a row. 2 11s and a 10. No one died in ANY of them. But people left after the tank pulled a trash pack that was not in the normal pull rotation. People actually said "THAT IS NOT THE RIGHT PULL" and immediately left. 2 hours of waiting to get into a m+, 3 total tries, 3 fails with NO DEATHS and half the party leaving

    submitted by /u/Rysilk
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