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    Sunday, November 24, 2019

    World of Warcraft Still scratching my head over this one

    World of Warcraft Still scratching my head over this one

    Still scratching my head over this one

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:11 AM PST

    Made a LEGO model based on Durotar, a small orc settlement, bristleboars, harpies, wolf mount etc. Hope you like it :)

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:30 PM PST

    Finally finished my Word of Warcrai puzzle that I got at blizzcon! Only 7 missing pieces and 3 extras

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 10:07 PM PST

    My Dragon Queen Cosplay from BlizzCon, artist SixthLeafClover

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    This entire Arthas must be purged

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:31 AM PST

    Tbh, I'm glad that Blizz is focusing on customization options next expac

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    It's about time.

    It has been wildly suggested for years, because when you do look at the big picture. We do kinda look the same race wise. Sure we might have wrinkles and and different hair, but that's it. We also have different skin color but it's so slight.

    Now we can make our characters pop

    Especially excited for Tauren and blood elves because they need all the help that they can get.

    submitted by /u/VampiricGoddess
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    Vulpera DK commission [artist: milkwyvern]

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:50 PM PST

    Poor dude seems lost!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:12 PM PST

    My husband 3D printed an Infernal and I painted it.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 04:44 PM PST

    Have been tweaking this UI for years now!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 02:01 AM PST

    TBT To when this was the laucher we started every single day

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    How people use farm AV 9 years ago.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:22 PM PST

    What’s a popular WoW reference, meme, or inside joke that’s been dead for years?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 05:48 PM PST

    Like "in the mountains..." (I don't understand how that even gained popularity)

    submitted by /u/Bombkirby
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    Flying mounts are for plebeians, the true heroes of the horde fly with their honour!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 12:56 PM PST

    I think my totem is upset at me

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 02:06 PM PST

    Classic made me appreciate retail more

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:07 PM PST

    There is just so much stuff to do in retail. Transmog run, mounts, rep, dailies, bgs and much much more.

    I haven't played retail since early this year, but now I'm quite enjoying it again :)

    submitted by /u/euroguy
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    Dire Orcs and Trolls

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:16 PM PST

    Dire Orcs and Trolls

    Dire Orcs and Trolls are the only races in the game (that I've seen at least) who have the ability to be Dire meaning they can be huge and incredibly strong but how do they do this you might ask? well that's where blood magic comes in. Blood Magic is known to be a crude type of magic since it obviously requires blood, this is how the Dire Orcs were made and some Dire Trolls but let me start with Dire Orcs first.

    Dire Orcs were mostly if not all from the Bleeding Hollow and Pale clans, Bleeding Hollow coming from Hellfire Peninsula formerly known as Tanaan Jungle and Pale coming from almost all over Draenor but mostly gather in the catacombs under Nagrand. Their Dire Orcs were kind of their secret weapon in battles between clans since the Dire Orcs were stronger and more fierce than the average Orc. They made Dire Orcs through blood rituals where apparently they put an Orc on an alter with blood orbs surrounding the alter and they would take this blood from their warriors but why didn't the other clans do this? that I don't know but it's most likely that the Bleeding Hollow and Pale kept it to themselves so their forces wouldn't be overrun by enemy Dire Orcs. You might have noticed that there aren't any Dire Orcs in the Horde by now and I honestly don't have an answer to that question other than a few theories, my theory on this is that maybe Thrall outlawed it since he saw it as a savage practice and thought Orcs are better than that, or possibly the old Horde outlawed it for similar reasons, or maybe even it's not possible with the Blood Curse on the Orcs that made them green and something happened to their blood cells not making it possible anymore. We know how the Bleeding Hollow made their Dire Orcs but we don't know how the Pale made their Dire Orcs, the Pale did have a strong connection to the Void so maybe it had something to do with that or maybe they figured out about the Bleeding Hollow clan's rituals and started to do them themselves. Below are some pictures of regular Orcs of the same clan compared to their Dire counterparts.

    Bleeding Hollow Savage on the left and Bleeding Hollow Berserker on the right

    Pale Gloomstalker on the left and Dire Pale Orc on the right

    Now onto the Dire Trolls. The lore isn't very precise about how Dire Trolls were made besides blood rituals made with Hakkar The Soulflayer's magic that may have been similar to the Bleeding Hollow rituals. You may not see many Dire Trolls around any other place besides Zandalar right now and I can't tell you why they have a lot more Dire Trolls than the other tribes of Trolls but it might be because they are the biggest tribe and have the biggest amount although I don't know how their Dire Trolls were made. Dire Trolls in the Zandalari tribe at least are seen as incredibly strong and are not shunned because of their size in fact it's actually the opposite, the Zandalari like having the Dire Trolls around since it helps their military. It says that some Trolls are born Dire but it doesn't say that at least one parent has to be Dire or not or if it just happens randomly through random genetic mutation (an example of this is that all humans originally all had brown eyes and any other type of eye color is a genetic mutation) Dire Troll children are also about the size of adult Dire Trolls possibly smaller but still huge in stature. It says in lore that Dire Trolls have short lives but it never says the average lifespan of a Dire Troll compared to a regular Troll. Below are some pictures of regular Trolls compared to Dire ones including the Zandalari Trolls compared to the Dire Trolls and also a picture of a Dire Troll child in case you wanted to see how big they are.

    Witch Doctor Umbu on the left compared to a Dire Troll

    Bucktooth Busta with Zandalari children on his back, yes, the Dire Troll is a child

    submitted by /u/JscJake
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    Yessir Commander Bunbun

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 11:20 AM PST

    What's higher: me or this vein?

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:31 PM PST

    Sans Undertale

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 08:13 PM PST

    If you have any alts 90-120, now is the time to finish them!

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 09:32 AM PST

    You might be waiting for Shadowlands and the level squish to finish your half-leveled alts, but really, it's hard to imagine 90-120 getting much easier than it is right now. Much of this has been covered before, but I feel like it's worth mentioning again with several holidays coming up.

    • first of all, there's the +15% XP buff from the anniversary package.
    • you can buy the +10% XP draught for 5 BFA medals, which are BOA, work at any level and persist through death.
    • next week, there's an additional +10% XP from Pilgrim's Bounty, followed by the Darkmoon Faire, and a full day where they overlap on Sun, Dec 1 -- you can be racking up +45% with all four of the above buffs at once.
    • Of course, use all the heirlooms you can get, which can add up to +55% XP.

    As for the three leveling bands:

    90-104 (Draenor): If you just fly around collecting Draenor treasures and do a few bonus objectives, you can hit 100 in 2 hours. Don't waste time chasing treasure in caves or doing events, just buy two +20% XP pots from your garrison vendor and grab treasures out in the open world and the levels will melt away. You can jump to Legion starting at 98, but I usually keep going to 101-102 because the treasures are so easy to farm.

    98-111 (Legion): Do one or two Legion invasions every day when they come up and you'll pick up over a level every day for about 15 minutes of work. Do this every day for a week, and you'll be 111 and almost fully rested.

    111-120 (BFA): it's been said several times already, but the anniversary "Korrak's Revenge" BG -- "Olde Alterac Valley" -- is a crazy XP generating machine. You get a steady stream of XP just for participating; I took a Horde in at 111, went 4-1, and hit 120 during the fifth match. These were all 20-minute matches and I finished the whole thing in two hours, which is as fast as 110-120 is going to get. (If you get 10-20 minute queue times, use that time to work on the three footholds that unlock the zones on the other continent -- each foothold gives about a half-bar of XP in their own right, so they're worth doing while waiting.)

    Some people will undoubtedly suggest "just do AV for everything LOL". If that's what you want to do, go for it. You may feel some AV burnout after a while, especially since it's kind of a novelty PvP and many matches are disorganized with people screaming and whining at each other, so I've been saving AV for 110-120. (Also, with Draenor treasures and Legion invasions, there's less chance of losing the Pilgrims Bounty/DMF buffs via death.)

    I know it's expected that leveling will be easier in Shadowlands, but with some downtime before 8.3 and all these special buffs and events, this seems like a great time to finish up some of your old alts. Hope this is helpful to some!

    submitted by /u/Slugggo
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    Illidan Stormrage: betrayer? I don't think so.

    Posted: 23 Nov 2019 01:03 PM PST

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