• Breaking News

    Saturday, February 1, 2020

    World of Warcraft February Creators of the Month: Alex Iveroth and Grimsparkle!

    World of Warcraft February Creators of the Month: Alex Iveroth and Grimsparkle!

    February Creators of the Month: Alex Iveroth and Grimsparkle!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 03:23 AM PST

    Welcome to our February Creators of the Month feature!

    We're very excited to have Alex Iveroth and Grimsparkle contributing this month, and we hope you'll take a moment to check out what they've submitted! Their work will also be visible on the sidebar and on our Featured Artists wiki page throughout the month.

    Alex Iveroth - Midsummer Flower Festival

    Grimsparkle - Wonder Works

    If you'd like to submit your own work for Artist of the Month consideration, please fill out this form, and refer to the wiki page linked above for more details.

    The regularly scheduled guild recruitment thread can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/ex3scy/official_guild_recruitment_thread/

    submitted by /u/Vusys
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    Every DK Ability Could be a Track on a Lo-Fi Doom Metal Album (PROOF)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Every DK Ability Could be a Track on a Lo-Fi Doom Metal Album (PROOF)

    Band: Sludge Belcher

    Album: Will of the Necropolis

    1. Sudden Doom
    2. Dark Transformation
    3. Chains of Ice
    4. All Will Serve
    5. Rapid Decomposition
    6. Epidemic
    7. Unholy Frenzy
    8. Mark of Blood
    9. Raise Dead
    10. Dark Succor


    Band: Asphyxiate

    Album: Heart Strike

    1. Blood Boil
    2. Death & Decay
    3. Death's Caress
    4. Crimson Scourge
    5. Howling Blast
    6. Obliterate
    7. Killing Machine
    8. Remorseless Winter
    9. Army of the Dead
    10. Death Coil
    11. Festering Strike
    12. Outbreak


    Band: Shadow Infusion

    Album: Dark Arbiter

    1. Bursting Sores
    2. Soulgorge
    3. Pestilent Pustles
    4. Blood Tap
    5. Castigator
    6. Red Thirst
    7. Permafrost
    8. Corpse Shield
    9. Necrosis
    10. Blood Mirror


    Band: Defile

    Album: Soul Reaper

    1. Purgatory
    2. Lingering Apparition
    3. Marc of the Damned
    4. Debilitating Infestation
    5. Tombstone
    6. Clawing Shadows
    7. Ebon Fever
    8. Murderous Efficiency
    9. Blooddrinker


    submitted by /u/DrDweezil
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    Very subtle

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:27 PM PST

    Sylvanas, The Banshee Queen by Fangqiu Lose

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:05 AM PST

    why are we still here? just to suffer?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:59 AM PST

    Malessa Dawnrose, by Me

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:55 AM PST

    Leveling becomes more interesting with every patch.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:31 PM PST

    The Light's Plan [Art by: dlikt]

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 11:32 PM PST

    "A Classic Journey - Alliance - Part VIII: The Deadmines II" by Valdihr

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:01 AM PST

    I kinda wished we went back to be smaller pawns in a bigger picture instead of everything involving around us

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:53 PM PST

    So this might be an unpopular opinion but here goes

    We still have to do minor questlines and such which makes no sense. We just defeated a god why would I ever kill 10 dumb alliance soldiers? The things we do don't feel impactful. It doesnt change the world because its too much work for Blizz to change the game around YOU. And thats fine, I get it but they should have stuck with us being ''soldiers'' part of something bigger. Then every quest would make some what sense that someone is ordering you around. After Pandaria it really started to be ''everyone should be a hero'' and that makes every story and every quest kind of triviel. To me WOW is always the journey on your way to be a hero and that also makes sense why every other player is around. But we already acomplished being the worlds greatest heroes. Why would we fight faction wars and not retire or become faction leaders? Things doesn't make sense when its set up like that. Like take for an example in classic wow. Some players would defeat Arugal which is a somewhat big figure but it would also make sense that most of the world weren't aware of it happening because it isn't a global thread. While in Legion the sky litterally cracked and the world was doomed and we saved it by killing gods. Yet nothing really impacts the world or how it involve around us. Then they should have placed statues of us or made kings but that would kinda ruin our journey no? Because it shouldn't be about us. It should be about the world. If that makes sense.

    - Which is why I was kinda dissapointed with how BFA turned out. When they first announced BFA and talked about going back to the roots I was kinda hyped seeing that we weren't going to be the worlds biggest heroes anymore and would play a smaller part in a bigger picture. Back to humans vs orcs kinda. In that regard guess I was wrong. It was just a teaser for us to save the world for a even bigger thread than the gods who created the world lol.

    submitted by /u/hardcoremilf
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    Official Response Email to Damaged Limited-Edition World of Warcraft Charity Server Blades

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 04:29 PM PST

    Just got this email in regards to the widespread server blade damage. In case you were wondering, yes ours came damaged, too.


    We're writing to you because you purchased one of the limited-edition World of Warcraft Charity Server Blades made available through the Blizzard Gear Store in September 2019—and over the past few weeks, it's come to our attention that some of them may have been damaged in transit.

    If you received one of these damaged blades, we'd like to offer our sincere apologies; we know you were looking forward to receiving this piece of World of Warcraft history, and we regret any disappointment we may have caused when your item arrived in an unacceptable condition.

    To help set things right, we'd like to present a couple of different options. Please take a moment to review them, and—if you haven't already submitted a request with Blizzard Gear Store customer support—reach out to us by March 31, 2020 to let us know which option you'd prefer:

    · If the actual server blade hardware was damaged, you're eligible to receive a complete replacement free of charge*. We will send you a return shipping label so you can send the complete damaged item back to us. Your replacement will be sent once we receive the damaged blade and the replacement is available.

    · If the plexiglass cover or stand was damaged, we will send a new cover or stand free of charge. In this case, you do not need to send anything back to us.

    · If you would instead prefer to receive a refund for your damaged item, we will send you a return shipping label so you can send the complete damaged item back to us for a refund.

    If you'd like to move forward with a replacement or refund, and you have NOT already placed a request through the Blizzard Gear Store, please follow the instructions below by March 31, 2020.

    1. Log in to the Order History section of the Blizzard Gear Store: https://gear.blizzard.com/us/sales/order/history/

    · Please be sure to use only this direct link; our Gear Store changed recently and any other links will point you to the new storefront where your order won't appear

    1. Locate your order for the Charity Server Blade and click View Order.

    · Your order number is [REDACTED]

    1. Click Return in the top right.

    2. Fill out the dropdown boxes appropriately, and then use the Add Comments section to tell us:

    · Whether there is damage to the plastic cover, the server blade itself, or both components

    · Please be as clear and thorough in your initial request as possible, as this will help get you the right materials.

    1. Click Submit Return.

    2. Your return will be visible from the My Returns page.

    Please note that due to the custom nature of the plexiglass covers and the time needed to remanufacture them, it may take up to approximately 15 weeks for shipment.

    *With the limited-edition nature of the server blades, replacement quantities are limited, so please reach out to us as soon as possible if you received damaged server hardware. We'll replace on a first-come, first-served basis or otherwise provide refunds. As there are two very similar types of blades, the replacement may be a slightly different size and configuration from the one you originally received.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you again for your support and understanding.


    The World of Warcraft Team

    Glad to see them remedying the situation.

    submitted by /u/gizmosguide
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    Just finished my entry for the Blizzard Student Art Contest, “The Abandoned Garden”.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 12:45 AM PST

    How it Feels ot Land a Crit as Warrior

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:01 PM PST

    [wall] Reign of Chaos

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:58 AM PST

    sexual tension between Ra-den and MOTHER!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:54 AM PST

    The Wrathion trinkets slow fall is currently the most annoying mechanic I can think of.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:20 PM PST

    I'm honestly so sick of this trinket, jumping while in combat? here's some slow fall, hit by any kind of knockback? Here's some wings so you can fly further away with it. Trying to jump to a specific place, overshoot it by a mile while also wasting globals in the air.

    Before anyone comments you can remove it with neural silencers, you can't. You can remove the levitation effect that moves your camera a tiny bit upwards when it procs, but the slow fall still persists.

    I just wanna be able to jump without yeeting myself into death, okay?

    submitted by /u/ZavuX
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    My third unholy gnome god, Gn'Shaarj

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:37 AM PST

    Not the first time I've heard this in game or irl

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 05:41 AM PST

    For druids out there, you can fly inside this area in vale

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:57 PM PST

    Corruption items makes me think no one developing the game plays the game.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:21 AM PST

    honestly I don't really know if blizzard even knows what they are doing at this point. I don't know how they say with a straight face that titanforge was too strong and then replaced it with more RNG with even stronger effects. Titan forging was strong but not nearly as strong as someone randomly getting infinite stars on item instant boosting your DPS Up 5 to 6k and if you don't get one well tough luck I guess. Feels like the legendary system all over again.

    submitted by /u/moosebeers
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    Faction imbalance is not a problem at all!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 01:03 AM PST

    Im having this problem in the game that when I start to walk the game starts lagging and if I continue walking/jumping the game disconnects me, I have 2 days like this and I tried everything, change dns, update addons, disable them, like everything. Anyone knows how can I fix this?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 06:58 PM PST

    Night elf Art by generalbloodrain @ Deviantart.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:57 PM PST

    My GM makes images for our raid events and I think they are great so I thought I'd share.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:32 PM PST

    Title says it all. Despite real life creeping up or 100 wipes on progression, the GM of my guild uses his free to time to come up with posters for all of our events. I think they are neat so I thought I'd share! Link.

    submitted by /u/hugosalvatore
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    I realised that I always have the best time in WoW when we're given an immersive zone which is relatable (similar to reality but cranked up to 110%) and offers world content. For example, I'd take a Fishing or Herbalism daily hub over these endless invasions any day of the week.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2020 02:00 AM PST

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