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    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    World of Warcraft Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Tanking Tuesday - Your Weekly Tanking Thread

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:00 PM PST

    Welcome to Tanking Tuesday, your weekly thread for everything related to standing in front of mobs and saying "HIT ME" and taking it like a champ. There is class specific advice below, but you can also post general questions that you have pertaining to tanking of any kind.

    Check out pins within the Class Discords (Retail) or the Class Discords (Classic) for good, vetted information.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    UPDATE: Hair gone, chemo 50% done, but WoW helping me through it all the way!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:52 PM PST

    Posting every day until Blizzard fixes Legion content/raid scaling. Day 1.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:31 PM PST

    Why can my 191-geared level 60 not clear something that my old ~120-geared lvl 50 has no issues doing? Why are Legion raids not soloable? People have been doing content in this fashion since Cataclysm. Sort your shit, Blizz.

    submitted by /u/metnavman
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    Amateur wall-art inspired by Ardenweald (by me)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:49 AM PST

    “I wanna learn how to play WoW to surprise my boyfriend.” UPDATE:

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:21 AM PST

    So about a week ago I made a post on here that I wanted to learn how to play WoW to surprise my boyfriend that loves WoW. I got so many responses so thank you so much! Some were really supportive and gave great advice and some were a bit skeptical, and I totally get it.

    But I just wanted to write an update on how it went, idk if any cares but I got a lot of comments so I thought I'd write a new post here instead of replying to everyone.

    Anyway, while he was at work I used his computer to create a new character, I ended up choosing a pandarian and hunter (thanks to advice from my post). I played a bit on the practice area but it was quite difficult. I did get a hang of the controls and about the main purpose of the game, which was my goal to do before I'd let my boyfriend in on my plan. So anyway, he came home and I told him to log on to WoW because I wanted to show him something. He immediately got it and was ecstatic. I've almost never seen him so excited lol. I told him I had practiced a bit but wanted him to teach me the rest. So I continued on the practice area and with his help it was way easier.

    And who would've thought, but I actually really enjoyed the game. I have been playing loads ever since. My boyfriend will sit next to me and help me when I don't understand, but now I have played so much I am beginning to be able to do fine by myself. My boyfriend has sat with me for hours and helped me, and explained and he was super patient, just as I knew. He really enjoys watching me play, even if it means he'll just sit and watch (because we only have one computer).

    So long story short, he loved that I made an effort to learn to play and has been teaching me a lot. He lets me play in my own pace and lets me play the way I think is fun. Right now I am level 34! I played so much last week lol. But I am taking a break now because it became a bit too much and also I want to let my boyfriend play his character. We are planning on buying me a computer for Christmas so that we can play together, so I will start playing more again once I get my own computer.

    submitted by /u/GullanJullan
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    Got that frozen upper body glitch, had to do this.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:55 PM PST

    The flight masters in Revendreth crack me up

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:15 PM PST

    I just wanted to make this post because the flight masters in revendereth crack me up every damn time.

    The way they say "Uhhh.....Well my master did tell me to serve everyone" with a very clear sense of hesitation paired with their voice acting is gold.

    That is all

    submitted by /u/CigaroEmbargo
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    Torghast Layer Unlocks need to be account wide

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:17 PM PST

    I cannot imagine how bad it is going to be when all 8 layers are available and you are going to want to try get 9 torghast runs done in one week. I have 2 characters who arent particularly strong in torghast unless you get some very rare powers, its easy cause they are both tanks, but they take ages. Grinding 4 5 6 (x2) on one character was a chore, doing it again instead of just 6 twice is worse.

    Simple, but massive QoL fix would be to make the layer unlocks account wide

    submitted by /u/Lonebarren
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    Let us purchase "Marks of Honor" with honor points.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 04:12 PM PST

    I am currently almost maxed out on fully upgraded gear, and I won't be able to upgrade further until we wait for renown levels and I just have more honor than I know what to do with right now!! I would love to be able to buy marks of honor with my left over honor points so I can purchase some old 'mogs with those, or at least let us buy old 'mogs with honor points!

    Just an idea! What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/kiRFex
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    12 years ago, someone threw a shoe at George Bush. Someone made a WOW themed GIF. Oldie but goodie!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:12 PM PST

    Has anyone else given up on Maw dailies yet? I think each Ven'ari rank should give a speed boost

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 02:17 PM PST

    at first i thought maw would be kinda cool with no mounts and stuff but i got tired of it pretty fast and the past few days i just dont even go there anymore for dailies. i know sockets are important but the maw is just so boring. im thinkin that maybe if i wasn't running so slow there i would like to go to the Maw to quickly get through all the dailes and get out

    submitted by /u/32mow
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    Don't be afraid to start a PUG.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:36 AM PST

    This expansion is the first expansion that I did higher lvl content. I started doing mythic+ keys, but had a hard time finding groups. So I decided leveling my own key. I got to +7 quickly. I queued to make a group as dps and had one in seconds. I was nervous. I never got this high. I was happy I had a group, but got alot of toxicity from people, I didn't invite. The run went great. I was at +8 now. I changed my title so people knew that I was casual. In less than a minute, I got a group. Nobody was toxic and I got no toxic messages. We made it and i had now a +9 key. Same happend there, but we didnt make it in time. I was happy. I got so far in the first week.

    I decided to do castle Nathria normal. I created my own group. Called something along the lines of "no salt, learn as we go". Again i had a group in no time. I was a raidleader and in had never don a full normal raid before. We had everyone at discord and it was so much fun. We wipe and we laugh. We kept improving and defeated 3 bosses. People messaged me it was the most fun in raiding they had. Long story short, I made more groups and raidleaded myself through castle nathria with like minded people.

    TLDR: Taking a proactive aproach to find a group with the same mindset, can improve your experience.

    submitted by /u/mosterdo
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    More Upcoming Class Tuning for December 15th.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 05:33 PM PST

    When using Barkskin while in PH form, you're changing into green fox and when it's about to expire, you're slowly shifting through blue to normal form

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:36 PM PST

    Player since 2005, Account Banned for false positive, and positively terrified.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 09:23 AM PST


    No reason given which seems to be their policy, just this message and a fair game time credit:

    Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the recent closure of your World of Warcraft account. We aim to keep World of Warcraft a fair and safe gaming space which is why we act so strongly against exploitation/cheating. While we're unable to discuss specific methods we use to identify exploitative behavior (this would provide cheat developers with information they need to circumvent being caught) we are always willing to take a second look at something to ensure accuracy.

    After completing an additional review of your characters and their activities in-game, we have decided to overturn the decision to close this account.

    It'll be a long, long time before I ever farm again. That was scary, the horror stories just sent my mind racing. I have enough saved up to buy mats on the AH for a long time.


    I first played WoW in late 2005, stopped shortly after BC was released in 2007 as I needed to focus more on my life. Came back in January of 2019 and have been playing consistently since. In a nice guild, we even got CE in the last tier. Was looking forward to raiding in Castle Nathria as a priest healer again.

    I got banned for "cheating", which I did not do. I got the exact same boilerplate as this person. My top guess is I got swept up in a mass ban related to farming herbs and mining, which I have level locked a 50 tank druid with ilvl ~110 for the purposes of, but here are all the facts.

    Last night, I did three torg's at layer 6...two on my fledgeling blood DK and one on my Priest. Had a really bad seed and decided to wait until today to do the other 6 (rip 50 soul ash), instead doing something relatively mindless: Farm herbs mainly and ores (just because they're there) until I was too tired to sit up.

    As usual, I was listening to stuff in the background because farming is super boring, but I needed supplies for tonight's (Monday) raid. If an actual human followed my path, they would have noticed my erratic pattern, because I don't know where nodes are nor do I have an add-on that tells me where they are. I use Wild Charge a lot because it reminds me of my main's Rocket Jump. I came across a bunch of possible multi-boxers who kinda looked the same and were all in shredders, but aside from farming one mining vein that they all were on, I didn't follow them because I didn't want to be associated with them. I took a break in a cave because I don't have an Eric Cartman setup. :P

    After reaching my goal of 200 herbs in Ardenweald, I went on to Revendreth. It sucked, all I could find were mining veins and not-Widowbloom herbs for a good 10-15 minutes. I found a cluster of Widowbloom and then struggled to find more. I even died by using one of the jumpy mushrooms and then using Wild Charge to see if I could fly super fast...you can't, and I fell to my death. I think at 45 herbs, I got fed up, bought the rest to 200 on the AH, sent them to my main, and logged out to sleep.

    You can probably guess that no bots were involved. About 3 hours of farming with many breaks (including limbs) and about as inefficient as one can get. Heck I even used bear form's AOE disorient to grab mining nodes before using the AOE speed ability and a shift to travel form to get away quickly. What bot does that?

    That's the last of what I remember before waking up to a presumably automated ban. Some other facts about this case:

    • I don't use a VPN.
    • I haven't entered my password in any form in several months. If it got swept up by a keylogger, they waited a long time to act.
    • My guildmates told me when my characters last logged in, and they all match up with my own activity. My mules aren't in the guild, but they have nothing of value.

    Also, alternative theories of what might have triggered the ban:

    • This was months ago so unlikely, but I've had many run-ins with groups of balance druids farming a specific spot. The far west Vol'dun Azerite WQ spot was a frequent one. I piggybacked on them a number of times to quickly finish the WQ, and once to get a recipe that drops from any Zuld/KT mobs.
    • In the Kyrian questline where you inhabit a farmer with a shovel and a shotgun, I decided to explore and since the programmers didn't actually put in boundaries at the lake (at least not outside of vehicle), I explored until I 319'd and had to let the instance close on its own before logging back in. Also, the magistrate doesn't like being shot by Horde players. It's kind of a broken questline, but I could see it raising automated flags.

    This...sucks. I don't know how else to summarize it but it sucks. Reading up on all the horror stories about an automated Warden banning people and telling them that appeals are futile. I invested a lot of time into my character, and I have all this free time because, frankly, I'm in a fragile place in the real world. The aftershocks of the pandemic shattered my real life and WoW is one of my few escapes. I would not do anything to jeopardize it...my guildies can attest to that when there are permanent stakes, I don't take risks. Using wild charge while 150 yards in the air, oh well, I'll run back to my corpse. I wouldn't use cheat programs just as I waited until the last moment to use horrific vessels back in 8.3 because I was afraid of permanently falling behind.

    I sent a support ticket but I don't even know if I'll get a fair shake. I'm just...scared.

    submitted by /u/sarysa
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    I have betrayed my covenant for great power, but I feel like I lost part of myself along the way

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 07:41 PM PST

    I made my Demon hunter join the Night Fae, I saw other demon hunters in my time as a Marksman using "THE HUNT" and felt a sense of joy. Our winged brothers yeeting forward in a ball of glorious blue fire made me don my wings again and join them. I instantly chose Night Fae and fell in love. My fae friends Moonberry and Dreamweaver. Our loving and beautful queen who continued to grow on me. I did a play with my fae kin, a Fel imbued demon elf doing a play! They accepted me!

    I loved them, I loved the city, I loved Ardenweald, I loved the Night fae!

    But as the whispers on the wind continued to taunt me "Lul Havoc trash tier lmao gargage class last place in dps" I turned to Vengeance. The power, the control... I felt so strong, I kept up with all the damage dealers while doing tanking and healing. I destroyed all 6 floor of Torghast on both sides without even knowing my buttons! My lust for more power grew and those whispers began to whisper new words .. " Elysian Decree".

    I taunted me for days, and today I fell into temptation. In my lust for power I betrayed the Night Fae for the Kyrian. My first Elysian decree exploded a group of helpless deer, reduced to atoms.

    To my Night Fae brothers, I love you, I will always love you. Youre my favorite faction and You will always be. Dont hate me , because I dont hate you.

    submitted by /u/SayomiTsukiko
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    Torghast layers 2, 4 and 5 getting harder

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:28 PM PST

    By far the closest call I've ever had in a Mythic+.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 06:44 PM PST

    This is the first expansion in a loooooooong time where, 3 weeks into it, I don't have anywhere near BiS and have to really work for gear. And I love it.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:35 AM PST

    I am one of the "Vanilla - to - first half of WOTLK is the Glory Days of WoW" people. The main reason for this is those expansions gave you something to do for more than the first couple weeks of the expansion (i.e., you had to actually try to get BiS, and it took a long time). You had to grind rep gear to heroic dungeons to raids...and it took a long time. For once, now, there is actually a GEAR PROGRESSION SYSTEM rather than "here is some fucking gear by the truckloads".

    All these people complaining about the time and effort it takes in SL to get good gear would inevitably be the same people that complain that they don't have anything to do once fully geared in the first few weeks.

    Basically, ENJOY PLAYING THE GAME. This is the first expansion since WOTLK that, here we are entering week 4, and the majority of the player base has nowhere near BiS. There is literally so much to do in this expansion and so many ways to go about your business...it is really refreshing.

    That is all.

    submitted by /u/DryProperty
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    You too can have your own pet druid with the Charm of Eternal Winter (Castle Nathria on use neck+ wm/duel = 5 min hunter pet druid with no way to cancel)

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:41 AM PST

    Torghast made harder for healer and tank specs, also 1 shot powers nerfed

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:59 PM PST

    Torghast, Tower of the Damned

    • [With regional restarts] Enemy health increased for healer specializations and enemy physical damage increased for tank specializations. These changes are targeted towards solo players and have a reduced effect while in a group.
    • [With regional restarts] Enemy health and damage increased on floors 2, 4, and 5.
    • [With regional restarts] Dark Ascended Corrus, Warden Skoldus, and Cellblock Sentinel received minor ability adjustments and health tuning to bring them more in line with other bosses.

    - Runecloth Wrappings damage increased when casting Arcane Blast, Fireball, and Frostbolt while Invisible reduced to 500% (was 2000%). Obtainable 3 times (was 10).
    - Scratched Knife increases the damage of the first Shattering Throw on each floor by 4000% (was 10000%). No longer works against bosses.


    submitted by /u/Kastix
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    I might be overreacting , but I think this guy wants to break the wings of a Larion

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 01:53 PM PST

    I'm not that used to winning BGs as Alliance. I'm even less used to this. 2020 is weird, man.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 08:39 AM PST

    Decided to pug a group outside of my guild today, after 70 deaths, 40 minutes over the death timer.. the final boss bugs out, we google a method, finally kill it, after 1 and a half hours, I'm actually not even mad that was the most fun I've had in awhile

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Mythic Dungeon International 2021 New Rule - No Class Stacking

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 11:07 AM PST

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